General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero shall i play

What hero shall i play in General Discussion

    hey there

    a simple question - my hero pool is pretty narrow (lion, riki, pudge). so what would you recommend me to play?

    i like these heroes because you can get or setup kills pretty easy in all stanges of the game.

    thanks for some advise

    The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy

      Dude, theres a section on this website about new meta heroes.You can probably utilize that to find viable heroes you can add on your pool.Since you have a high skill it wont be that difficult for you.

      Palmen aus Plastik

        definitely learn disruptor. If you are an intelligent player, you will get kills/assists every few minutes. Godlike hero, doesnt even need many items. Can farm fast with thunder strike. Dominate lanes with the same.

        Lruce Bee

          your main heroes are all so bad

          Can't Buy Culture

            holy fuck. 1200 games on lion?!!?!?

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Chaos Knight
              Vengeful Spirit
              You should get used to playing carry


                Drow. You are in similar bracket so there is a chance we will meet. And drow is useful for me.


                  carry and mid feels like to much pressure but i may try it. specially with the matching at the moment where there are more ancient then legend players in the game and the flame starts right away when a "lower medal" player takes a "important" role.

                  I like it when i can look/walk arround n see where i can have the most impact (sometimes the impact is 0 but whatever) in game without having to make the game.


                    cm pos 4
                    cm pos 4
                    cm pos 4
                    cm pos 4
                    cm feed and win game!??
                    i'm gonna try...