General Discussion

General DiscussionReplays.

Replays. in General Discussion

    How to Analyze Replays ? How to imrpove by watching replays ?


      Just pay attention when people rotate, itemization, player perspective shit like that




          or you could be more precise:
          Pause the game, predict what your player is going to do for next 30 second. If your decision matches what that top player actually did, you did well. If not, ask yourself (or a high medal player), Why did he do that?

          For Example Let's say I'm watching a PL :

          It's minute 3, Offlaner gets close to creeps, I pause and decide Whether I would sacrifice a few CS to chase him and keep him completely shut out of lane, or just to deny him everything thanks to higher attack damage and get my own CS.

          It's minute 7 ish, I pause, Try to predict whether he will push lane (activate aquila and kill creeps ASAP) and then go to clear hard camp, or try to maintain creep equilibrium and not let Offlaner get anything.

          It's minute 9 ish, multiple heroes spotted rotating to your side and you're Expecting Enemies to gank you, Pause and predict whether to stay under tower until they're gone, or TP to other lanes and if TPing to other lanes, which lane exactly?

          Minute 14, newly purchased Dif blade available, PL is farming creeps nicely but suddenly There's some chasing somewhere close to a tower or shrine. do you TP in to help or keep farming.

          You will notice many weird things that will require another expert to explain them to you. for example, After an early death to a difficult enemy offlane line up (LC+IO, BB+KOTL), you see your player walking all the way to the offlane or even to jungle on the other side while noobs like me just TP to not miss any creep waves. reasoning for that is if the Enemy does TP to rotate and face you in lane again, now you have a TP available to go back to your lane, while enemy's is on cooldown.

          or you see AM farming enemy jungle, and doesn't make sense for you, but after some explanation you realize that Enemy Jungle is safer because there are Allies ganking someone there (AM still not participating in fight though, just staying close to them because It's safer)

          Do this for 30 Games and you should be able to win through anything no matter how much others feed (unless tilted,distracted,tired, etc).
          my PL progress:

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            no time to write an essay LUL


              Oh this essay is nothing compared to the number of Replays I had to watch....