General Discussion

General Discussion4k to 5k TIPS

4k to 5k TIPS in General Discussion
Solo Leveling

    I am exactly 4k MMR.

    Ready to start the Grind to 5k.

    I would appreciate any inidivudal tips for me on my Journey.

    Check out my Profile & Stats and tell me what you think I need to focus on to get to 5k.

    Please keep this insightful and positive :D


      give up now, you're in hell

      boni top fan

        Spam visage, 4ks cant deal with visage

        boni top fan

          Lone druid too but needs domi and radiance

          Solo Leveling

            How do you build your Visage

            Items, Skill Build, Talent Tree (His lvl 20 and 25 are EZ but what about 10 and 15)

            boni top fan

              Basilius into blight stone then wand then rush domi, this hero is best player as mid, after domi go medallion and boots.

              as for the talents, you get the cast range talent when against cancers like sniper, tinker and zeus, but i usually get damage cuz i want to carry(4ks cant carry well).

              If ur ahead get the double soul assumption, if your behind get 40% xp gain, if against a hero like pl, get xp gain.


                Pick visage = insta report


                  Teamwork is best to rise your MMR. No teamwork its a disaster game!.

                  FOCUS 1000000000%

                    Pick riki , take that blink range talent tell your team mates you need to control courier blink into some squishy ass support then ulti Ez kill , and blink out into courier and other heros will pop dust and be confused Af to where you blinked out lmao works 100%

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      In 3k we do the same strat but someone make the courier invulnerable so i can't blink out lel


                        spec wrote some stuff in here for visage,maybe you should follow him

                        the only thing that i can reccomend is just watching good player replays imo,there's no more improvement faster than that


                          i was 4.8k before badges and now im literally 1 star above this dude.

                          did i calibrate that poorly


                            if you're still 4.8k just play one game,you'll get up to ancient 5 or div 0 i think


                              He is Ancient 2 now. You can climb easily if you are 4.8k.

                              boni top fan

                                Tbh, i first watched kuroky play visage, he didnt get aghs just like midone