General Discussion

General DiscussionBest hero to spam?

Best hero to spam? in General Discussion

    Since I've been spamming SF and Ember Spirit from Crusader 1 alllll the way to Archon 0.What's the best hero to spam in archon bracket?Or do you think I should continue spamming ember?


      you can play od with the wr you have; but i don't think you were the one playing it


        tbh, I only played 3 out of the 27 games.The 24 games was before the rank medal calibration.

        boni top fan

          Visage to divine 5




              it is very depending on enemy pick. Try to pick like 2-3 htroes and spam only them. Clinkz (mid,safe) Ursa (safe,hard) lc (jangle,hard,safe) ... so you can always take free position in youre team.


                whatever you enjoy playing and can stand playing for several games in a row
                if you like sf and ember a lot just go with them

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  Arc Warden/Meepo/Visage. Learn any of those (or even all 3) & u won't regret.


                    SF is good ember will fall off in the higher brackets because he is a weak laner


                      i first picked omni in 7games and i won all of them in 3k well i guess it can work in 2k as well


                        Ember is so hit or miss
                        He just can't hit buildings or lane it's his biggest weakness


                          lifestealer is pretty strong rn,just try to last hit and deny all the creeps in your lane and youll snowball pretty hard,in archon bracket,i dont think that they pick proper offlaners there,so i think its a pretty easy lane for a ls


                            I wish ember was good