General Discussion

General DiscussionWell what do you think about new Riki?

Well what do you think about new Riki? in General Discussion

    FU Icefrog GG
    My pubs are unplayable


      Ice amphian: OMG people are complaining about the new riki, lets increase tricks of the fade attack interval by 0.1 seconds


        Like it's the first time in 3 years I'm so triggered I had to rant on forums. in 2,5k+ trash tier you just can't counter him. with 2 items (diffusal + aghs or diff + basher) he will solo kill 7 slot spectre (i'm not kidding i saw it happen)
        Detection does nothing. You can ward the entire fking map and dust the whole map all over, he doesn't care, he ults, blinks away, in 20 seconds he blinks in and gets 1-2 kills with his ult.
        and let's not forget the smoke screen which is a super strong utility spell
        The only way to counter riki that worked so far is to have a good deathball 20 minutes long game pick. otherwise 7/8 times of of 10 i've seen riki, this pos wins

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          in before "pick him to learn his weakness" - i picked him 3 times since the ult change, i won all 3 super ez mode


            I even report some 6ks for picking this hero that doesnt require brain or skills, thats how much i hate this hero rn as a support player.

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              Stop whining abt ur heroes here there is a thread for that


                yeah? I couldn't find it. But i'm seeing numerous topics "X hero is OP"

                HAHA the poodle

                  Im a filthy riki spammer. 15-4 record since 7.13. And because of that I learned how to counter riki. Like seriously, detect and disables are literally your best friends. But I do understand where you're coming. Playing at archon tier with randoms is literally sooooooo frustrating. That's why I only stack with my ancient and legend friends. And even when I'm in their tier, and am up against a riki, I just effin buy dust and sentries. If by the end of the game, your team lost and you didn't buy at least 40 sentries, then you only have yourself to blame.

                  i sneezed on the beat

                    The nerf is a complete joke, the nerf barely even affects him and he seems to be nearly as strong as before in my matches atleast.


                      55% winrate on invis hero is literally disgusting


                        Bounty hunter had a very high win rate and pick rate before he got nerfed