General Discussion

General Discussionbest supps for 7.15

best supps for 7.15 in General Discussion

    We know with the recent update the support life will be a little different. Game will be hard for supps, no bounty for every 5mins hurts supports economy really bad, stacking will take time and be cleared pre mid game and it will depend on your cores. The tower wont have value if denied. So which supps you think will shine on 7.15?

    team fuck sucks

      Supports that don't need farm to be effective.

      Lion and Disruptor are good ones.

      Salt Miner

        ^ Disuptor can be good early game, but really wants aghs mid/late game. Rhasta/Lion/AA. When I think of sups that are item dependent, the only two that come to mind are Omni/Rubick, and maybe CM to a small extent. Most others can function with boots, bracer, and a lance if need be.

        I don't think gold will hurt that much though. We will have to see.


          Warlock cm


            IO is too short😂😂


              Sk, orge, venge


                When I think of sups that are item dependent, the only two that come to mind are Omni/Rubick, and maybe CM to a small extent. Most others can function with boots, bracer, and a lance if need be.

                great insight! You guys should definitely try bracer dragon lance next time you're playing pos 5

                Potato PC

                  The answer always IO.


                    Warlock needs his Agh. And Shaman, Lion and Sand King need their Dagger. The heroes that I find almost completely item independent are Lich, Ogre Magi, Venge and Witch Doctor. Maybe Disruptor as well, but his skills are so good in the late game that it's a good idea to keep him alive and farmed.


                      bane io rhasta

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      Potato Marshal

                        Since when did Warlock NEED aghs? It's a luxury item, always has been.


                          go venge magicwand boot aquila pt

                          Pointy Shoes

                            Shadow deamon. Stacks are now 25% of total gold and he is the the king of stacking.


                              I spam oracle now (got level 12) - amazing hero.