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General DiscussionNeed some meepo help

Need some meepo help in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    I need help from a better meepo player - I used to consistently win with this hero but lately just losing.

    I watch a lot of high mmr meepo players and try to replicate their farming patterns. I’m clearly doing something wrong

    I booked a coaching session with a well known dotabuff forum member but he hasn’t contacted me. Not cookie

    Bill Cutting

      One problem I struggle with is when my team is losing their lanes hard and a t1 is taken early - my space for farming seems cut off and I play super scared which slows everything down


        Stop spamming meepo it's like spamming brood and saying why i won't win every fucking game

        Mother's Milk

          Cookie-sama is the best person here that you could ask advise from? He reached 6k in just 400-500 games

          Or you can add zdonfrank and ask him how to play meepo

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            I play meepo a lot but still, I have a 45.28% winrate (lol) despite having a 600 gpm and 800 xpm on those games.

            Meepo can farm way too fast, leveled way too fast, and still somehow lose a game. Coz actually, meepo is easy to kill. And since he leveled up so fast, if you manage to kill him, he respawn way too long.

            Still, meepo is very fun to play thats why I'm still picking him despite having a negative winrate. Try looking for a coach in if you have some money to spare.


              If youre the person who booked a lesson with me u did something wrong on dotacoach cuz this was the email i received:

              anyway you should get your money refunded cause i havent coached anyone in like 2 years and im not really interested in doing so. I also havent been playing meepo for a while and have been unable to win the few times i tried. I thougth the hero was actually dead but i recently met a guy in solo queue who picked it even before seeing 2 of the opponents picks(hes now rank 150, 7k mmr on eu ONLY playing meepo which is really crazy tbh). heres his stream so u can watch what he does and try to copy it: , ive been watching a bit but i dont think ive figured everything out yet.

              Bill Cutting

                Hey ywn, yes that’s me! Sorry, didn’t realize you aren’t coaching anymore

                Thanks for the link I will definitely have a look.


                  In the current state, Meepo only feels playable if you're sure that you outskill your opponents. If you're on equal skill level, it just seems nigh-on impossible.

                  Bill Cutting

                    Busy watching this guys stream - he’s insanely good at meepo
