General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat makes 6k different from 5.5k+ players

What makes 6k different from 5.5k+ players in General Discussion

    I want to hear some opinions about the topic, how does 5k pales in comparison to 6k.

    Lruce Bee

      Just remember the difference gets smaller and smaller as you go up.


        About .5k


          Not a huge difference. Varies from player to player of course. Things that helped me climb mmr:

          Play less heroes. Know the heroes you do play like the back of your hand.

          If you are dominating don't be afraid to take over team shotcalling/communications (don't be a dick about it, generally people will respect your calls if you are owning), conversely if you aren't having a good game be humble and listen to the people carrying your ass.

          Don't be lazy, make sure you are thinking when you play instead of playing in autopilot. Dota is a very easy game to play without actively thinking about your decisions, sometimes you will just have to play intuitively but wherever you have downtime try and think about what you are actually doing and what you are trying to do in the next few minutes. Even just chatting to your team 'what's the plan lads', can help everyone think about the wider state of the game instead of just myopically farming jungle/pushing lanes/randomly walking at enemy heroes.

          If you are making mechanical mistakes you probably shouldn't be playing the hero in solo ranked, save that shit for unranked until you are at least playing the basics of the hero properly.


            The 6k games i do get in are annoying asf, because the supports are not braindead. (offlaner)


              the level of virginity.

              flourishing new leaf

                5k players are real players while trash 6k players are just players good at stomping low 4k players. As long as the ranked matchmaking system remains trash fucking garbage we will have a diffused look at the ranking.

                me, government hooker

                  do u make this thread every week or what


                    *every day


                      @three line whip
                      Thanks you for the advise, i have around 8 versatility recently so I guess i will try to limit my hero pool into 2 heroes for each role

                      Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                        Or you could pick versatile heroes.

                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                          Livin' Real Good

                            6k players have a slightly bigger ego, and 500 more mmr

                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                I think you need to get a life