General Discussion

General DiscussionSo what's up with Han Yolo

So what's up with Han Yolo in General Discussion

    Is he a smurf, a troll or is he genuinely very dumb and bad?!
    I dunno he's just been pissing me off a little, also because I can't really figure out if he's joking or not.


      a smurf probably, troll? 90 ish percent sure he's trolling and well every comedian could not please everyone on this earth so yea


        han yolo is a dotapedia he knows everything exept winning thats all


          hanyolo hangs out with the coolest dudes and wears the freshest clothes


            Pretty sure it's Jacked

            Lruce Bee

              I dunno he's just been pissing me off a little

              you went into the lion's den, got burned, and now you're wondering wha'ts up. i'll tell you what's up. youre a shitty player. shitty players get pissed off by random crusaders, because they know they're bad. how the fuck is it a joke when i speak the truth? you want to know why you're pissed? because the truth ain't a joke and you know it.

              your thread is pointless.

              Lruce Bee

                3000 fucking matches and normal skill. lmao


                  It is definitely jacked
                  It perfectly fits his MO
                  He has history of doing it too

                  Lruce Bee

                    how is it definitely jacked. lul. who the fuck is that kid anyway


                      There’s the real hanyolo who had 3k matches with undying and who commited suicide after the tombstone on death thread when he tried to convince everyone he can play better than vp some1 who was playing undying during a pro game.
                      And then there’s this Hanyolo my babe jacked


                        It was han solo and he had 2000 undying games
                        Regarding topic It's definitely jacked he has a history and he hasn't touched his main in like months

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          hanyolo is the goat dont mess with him he knows everything


                            hey the man himself turned up and did what i expected him to!

                            Mlada i Luda

                              it use to be a very dumb guy in this forum called jacked. he pretended to be a troll and a smartass, until MAFIOSO arrived into this forum and obliterated his defensive shell of a " troll" and revealed his true identity of a retarded person.

                              he walked away in shame and dissapeared for a while from this forum, recovering itself mentally to camme back as a different person, called hantard , his style did not change at all tho, but his brain continued getting worse and worse everyday , a rly sad story that aint getting better never ever.


                                Phantom riki is still the most dedicated troll this forum has seen. F.


                                  isnt this also something u said?

                                  yeah where did yo uget this lul. how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol.


                                    Hanyolo is actually an A.I created by valve to obliterate cancers in 1k mmr bracket, it posts stuff like how good is battlefury sven to show the 1ks about how bad they are

                                    Hide The Pain - Herald

                                      When God said: "let there be light"
                                      HanYolo replied: "Say Please"

                                      HanYolo once killed 2 stones with 1 bird


                                        HEXACO. It's a trait-based, empirically verified personality assessment.


                                        He's probability low in H/E/A and (possibly) high in X. In other words, he has an anti social personality. Is he a full-blown sociopath? Probably not, but he's certainly much closer to one than is the average forum poster.

                                        he's very glib and that's usually the most salient and readily identifiable trait of a sociopath.



                                          He's still wreaking vengeance with his new account lul


                                          Lruce Bee

                                            I don't know what you mean by trait based empirically verified personality assessment. You probably don't even know what it means. Stop pulling shit out your ass.

                                            Your assessment of personality disorders from a highly contentious "assessment" of personality from a personality questionnaire, is also a complete farce.

                                            I just love to give people who talk shit a hard time. Understandable why the 2 of you hate me. I know I've been hard on y'all.


                                              HEXACO. It's a trait-based, empirically verified personality assessment.
                                              He's probability low in H/E/A and (possibly) high in X. In other words, he has an anti social personality. Is he a full-blown sociopath? Probably not, but he's certainly much closer to one than is the average forum poster.
                                              he's very glib and that's usually the most salient and readily identifiable trait of a sociopath.

                                              I just love how this guy tries to show himself as a smart human being by posting human analogy based on someone’s forums credibility.
                                              From someone who actually works with sociopaths in real life, i can tell you this, stop trying to look smart by copying shit off the internet cause you’re dumb as hell


                                                oh wow this is still going on?


                                                  Has anyone thought this grandpa thad guy is the original HanSolo's new identity/smurf?

                                                  I mean, hes herald 5 and sounds like a deluded retard who thinks he knows his "stuff".

                                                  Maybe he just gave up on trying to teach people dota so he branched out to psychology which is understandable considering that its easier to convince people you're an expert in something they barely know anything about.

                                                  Also he played undying in his last game and didn't buy perserverance -> scepter? Wtf man

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    original hansolo told us to buy battlefury on every hero, juts a week or 2 before pros started buying it on pl and tb :thinking:


                                                      ^Thats not the original HanSolo


                                                        i know man, i was here when this one was born


                                                          but dude. that guy did what the pros do, and he was what? herald(0)? does that mean pro players are secretly heralds?


                                                            I'll gift a battle pass to whoever can find the original HanSolo's account. The 2000 games of Undying HanSolo. That account was funny as fuck


                                                              HanYolo is Jacked. /thread here please
                                                              and no, i don't hate Han. I find it amusing how he triggers so many people


                                                                big brain


                                                                  He just exploding himself in syria my brother, may he rest in peace


                                                                    I can’t link you to the original account because he deleted or inactivated it when i threatened to kill him in the thread sorry


                                                                      Rare image from his games


                                                                        Jacked Didnt play In SEA. hanyolo is some1 else.


                                                                          Jacked :
                                                                          Only played om SE Asia
                                                                          Only played on SE Asia


                                                                            Sry my bad


                                                                              Understandable why the 2 of you hate me.

                                                                              This is blatant narcissism. Yeah, you're just not important enough for anyone here to hate. You're confusing hatred with disgust and contempt.

                                                                              I just love how this guy tries to show himself as a smart human being by posting human analogy based on someone’s forums credibility ....
                                                                              From someone who actually works with sociopaths in real life,

                                                                              Your first sentence is pure incoherent gibberish. Seriously. It's looks like a non English speaker tried to put something technical into google translate. In no possible context is the phrase "posting human analogy" even meaningful.

                                                                              As for "from someone who actually works with sociopaths in real life", guess what, everyone has plenty of contact with anti social personality. Your phrasing indicates you regard anti social/normal as a dichotomy. In fact, it isn't. The majority of people occasionally engage in anti social behavior, seriously. Anti social personality is distributed normally, like height. I'm guessing you don't know, or at least understand, what a normal distribution is in a population and the math behind it.

                                                                              Google "bell curve". The difference between a "normal" and a "sociopath" is one of degrees, not of kind. My experience is that most "mental health professionals" lack the mathematical ability to full understand how basic distributions work. The desire to help people is unrelated to the ability to understand the scientific method, and such people may have a lot of the former but have little of the latter.

                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                Strictly speaking, analogies have only one form - A is to B as C is to D. I'm guessing you don't even know what an actual analogy is.


                                                                                  Idk, one of those "herald = divine you could cut my iq with a knife" fellas. Kinda drives me up the wall, but provides good comedic relief when I get back from school so I'm not complaining.

                                                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                                                    Again trying to sound smart but you're just wrong. You can have varying amounts of different traits that correlate with anti social personalities. So I Guess you would be right if you said callousness as a trait is normally distributed. But you're saying that an anti social personality is normally distributed. Which is a completely fucking incorrect piece of pseudo intellectual garbage.

                                                                                    I studied psychology so fuck you


                                                                                      this forum still keeps entertaining me although i deleted dota from my life


                                                                                        God bless you melt.
                                                                                        What i actually meant is that i work in an asylum with actual sociopaths like the kind you wish to never meet in your life, and that you are a 14 years old kid trying to look smart by copy pasting shit from the internet


                                                                                          i am serious! if there was no dotabuff forums, some days at work would pass much slower...

                                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                                            Oh and btw we all know now why dawn has dawn syndrome. From working too much in an asyylum hahaa


                                                                                              Nice thread.


                                                                                                This guy truly raises the IQ of this forum post to 200 man

                                                                                                Lruce Bee

                                                                                                  What the hell does that even mean. Stay in the trash can sir.

                                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                    I studied psychology so fuck you

                                                                                                    Most academic psychology is intellectual fraud. Why? Psychology is full of people who want to fix the world rather than explain it. The vast majority of what you studied is misleading and fraudulent. Think about all the priming, implicit bias and stereotype threat theories that started popping up beginning in the early 80s. All of it was pure fraud. All of it. Why? Because the "researchers" weren't actually interested in how the world works, they wanted to improve the world.

                                                                                                    People who want to improve the world tend to not be very interested in how it actually works - is/ought distinction.

                                                                                                    What i actually meant is that i work in an asylum with actual sociopaths

                                                                                                    Unless you are highly skilled in applying the scientific method this is irrelevant. Most "mental health professionals" are completely incompetent in the scientific method.

                                                                                                    Idk, one of those "herald = divine you could cut my iq with a knife" fellas.

                                                                                                    Dota rank probably has zero correlation with whether or not someone understand the scientific method.

                                                                                                    that you are a 14 years old kid trying to look smart by copy pasting shit from the internet

                                                                                                    Given the typos, structure of the arguments and continuity of written voice it should be pretty obvious I'm not copying anything from the internet. Copy/pasting is very obvious as you get extremely strange shifts in voice due to the fact that people have very distinct writing styles.

                                                                                                    The thing is you don't really believe I'm a 14 year old copying stuff from the internet. This is you just lying.


                                                                                                      typos, structure of the arguments and continuity of written voice

                                                                                                      consider this phrase. some people advocate putting a comma after the word "arguments". this is called "the Harvard comma" and is a distinct minority of writers. now, how many 14 year olds are going to copy/paste info about obscure comma usage? also, note the sudden shift to starting sentences with no capitals. still think i'm copy/pasting?

                                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다