General Discussion

General DiscussionHow good Gyro aghs is

How good Gyro aghs is in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Pub players don't build it. But tournament gyro always build it.

    Its strong on late game, coz you can still fire eventhough disabled. Pair with a satanic, your invincible.

    But for a 4200 gold, is it a core item for him? For that gold, you can almost buy Skaadi, Assault, or even a Daedalus.


      i havent seen gyro building anything else past 2 weeks in my games


        Seen gyro have this and Bkb in my last game enemy died without him even rightclicking basically.


          Yes aghs is core
          U pretty much go drums bkb aghs or aghs bkb every game


            Meet one in my game, he does lower damage tho than generic build


              Who gets drums on gyro anymore

              Story Time

                ^every one gets drums, they are super good

                Lruce Bee

                  This is one item im struggling to see why it's good. Just build butterfly rapier same fucking thing noobs


                    U can build butterfly rapier after aghs
                    It's not a replacement
                    It's a complement
                    It's basically one of the highest potential attack speed items for gyro

                    Lruce Bee

                      what do you mean its not a replacement. dota is all about item timings. you go one 4k gold item over another, the game is potentially very different. early rapiers are the best actually.


                        Early rapier on a squishy hero
                        Honestly if u went aghs bkb morbid mask rapier at least ur tanky with aghs stats, if u go butterfly with that u just end up too squishy
                        Aghs is both a great dps item and pretty decent at making u bulky considering gyros low hp.
                        Sure there is opportunity cost, but imo ur looking at the wrong items that aghs is replacing. Aghs is replacing sny from the old build, not bkb or butterfly. Just look at old build, u basically go aghs in place of sny since the cost nerf to sny. You still buy butterfly and bkb and lategame rapiers and satanic and whatever else.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I was going to say what are you talking about but then I reviewed the esl birmingham matches and you're right, aghs on gyro like 11 out of 15 games and most of them wins too. There was a little lull in dota where people said it was shit again like 3-4 months ago and would flame me for building it. But I guess it's back now.

                          I don't really like playing gyro in pubs though because of blade mail. People pick pudge every freakin game and always blade mail him, axe and bristle are picked a lot too. Gyro is all aoe he can't turn off really and he doesn't do enough single target to heal through blade mail very well unless you rush a satanic. So one blade mail activate right as you drop ult and activate flak really kills your damage.

                          i have 5 reports to use

                            Y'all are noobs, I've been advocating for gyro aghs Rush since forever


                              But u just build satanic anyway with the aghs build, now u just prioritize it before butterfly and buy the morbid mask before bkb