General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport Bloodsuka?

Support Bloodsuka? in General Discussion
Story Time

    As a pos4 in a trilane scenario. He can heal the main carry in lane, he can chase weak enemy, he can silence, he can stuck and provide vision for heros below 25%...

    PS I know that noobs will write smth like - he has no stun, i disregard such comments


      Sure you can do this. But it's kinda not really effective. BS has no burst dmg and no escape plus he is melee --> he will be focused first on trilane.

      He can go jungle if your carry + sup are facing solo offlane. But as you know jungle is kinda dead in this meta so why even bother. Just pick Sky for position 4 and be a happy boy.


        How does he get sustain without last hitting creeps? And where does he get all these magical levels that means he has bloodrage, thirst and bloodrite in a trilane?

        I think i'd prefer him jungling rather than supporting and that is saying something.

        Potato Marshal

          No disables or even slow and only one nuke that requires some degree of setup. You can't even trade hits that well as a support unless you want to constantly steal last hits to heal yourself. The only thing he really offers much in a tri-lane scenario is a damage amp towards the offlaner for yourself and your lane partners.

          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

            he amplify the damage the carry is taking. making him waste more regen

            has unreliable nuke which can zone for half a second only

            doesn't have too much kill potential

            after that he is a walking creep with vision on low hp heroes

            well I guess that it isn't much different than a carry BS

            Story Time

              i am tired of traditional line-ups...

              PS BS can heal himself from denying as well, so do not think he must only last hit

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                denying as a melee support

                it isnt that easy you know

                Story Time

                  ^it is in tri-lane, after you kill enemy offlaner and have 30 sec to recover


                    Does the AOE heal from rage work with creeps or just heroes?

                    pretty sure you will tilt your carry if you are in the middle ofhis creep lane denying and sapping xp :)

                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      if you kill the offlane what are you ding in lane supping exp and pushing it? go rotate

                      Story Time

                        ^are you sure you know what you are talking about?

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          what do you mean?

                          Story Time


                            PLEASE Someone find me a good VHS match with bs as a support, i apparently cannot find anything... wtf :D

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              maybe that's because support BS isn't something you'd find every game?

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                Note: I got to choose AA this match, I don't remember what I got for STR but it was not a supp hero.
                                Funny thing is, I didn't see how I could win with AA, and I was having this weird confidence that roaming Blood would work way better too.


                                  It’s not really the patch for weird supports is it? Qop max dagger might still be fun.

                                  Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                    PA sup anybody?


                                      Pa support is pretty much the worst support in the game. Can’t think of any worse tbh :-) . 3 abilities that scale off items and the fourth countered by magic damage...

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        Lvl 1 Thirst lets you hit harder as you trade hits, and if things don't feel right, you can disengage with the extra ms.
                                        His Bloodrage is also insanely good to boost your cores farming speed in mid game.

                                        It's probably better than Pudge, Riki and KotL now?


                                          Actually I could see it working with a Zeus support if you had hp and crowd control elsewhere on the team. Blood-raged zeus and blyatcyka mops up with thirst.


                                            just pick warlock/dazzle/oracle


                                              Bs is unfortunately slow before anyone is low at lvl 1
                                              He doesn't have any way to set up other abilities or ganks due to lack of disable till 6
                                              Maybe if u stack pull and clear jungle for fast lvls?
                                              It's not the absolute worst but it really has glaring problems

                                              And no, do not flame PA support, it's far more viable than this. I can show u games if u rlly want


                                                Yes please. I cannot imagine how pa could be a support - always interested in being proved wrong.


                                                  Meteor hammer rupture atos combo are really scary for bs support my brother. You can afk jungle for 10minutes, buy some ward, finish hammer, hunt some shit, and they will not see that coming

                                                  Dont forget brother, meteor hammer stun can stop them from escaping with tp


                                                    pa support has dagger, its a good slow on a short cd, and u can gank very well with it
                                                    its lvl 1 range was nerfed a while ago actually because pros were legit running pos 4 roaming pa cuz u cud dagger from like 1000 range
                                                    now its shorter but still not that bad if u hide in trees
                                                    u go smth like oov into blightstone, phase, medallion
                                                    u use dagger and oov to go for kills and harass
                                                    and u scale into a pseudo core pretty nicely by mid to late game

                                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                      yes it was seeing some plays, after the buff to dagger so it would apply modifiers

                                                      quickly dade away after the range nerf


                                                        I think any hero is viable in trilane scenario. All you need is good coordination, even jugg supp is viable against melee offlaner
                                                        Also jugg > bs

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          Is this thread a joke? Hard to tell.

                                                          Anyway yeah if you want to run him as a support then go ahead and build support items.


                                                          *only works playing as a smurf against new players.

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                            ^ hard to tell if all of your posts are a joke or not, too

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              ^ Should be clear which ones of mine are shitposts and which ones are not.


                                                                I once played support bs in jungle. I stacked ancients for my ta and occasionally bloodraged him to sustain lane. Was so easy to clear massive ancient stack early. Doesnt really work anymore coz of the dual offlane meta.

                                                                Story Time

                                                                  And What about BS support and IO carry? IO heals off the creeps and the BS casts rage on IO and denies creeps?