General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to offlane now

How to offlane now in General Discussion
Machado98 #xatubaking

    What can I do to have at least decent offlane?

    Going solo is impossible if the enemy has half a brain

    Duals are good but my bracket doesn't know it yet

    Nowadays getting past lvl 1 already feels like an easy off


      What? How are you at 3k?


        just pull at 47/17
        dont even care if enemy has 3 stuns or something


          How about you play on position 4 and just go duo with someone else? Sky, Bane, Warlock, Io something that's strong.

          Also there are heroes that can still do well solo.

          For example, Lich or Enigma can eat range creeps and make the lane push to them.

          Also you can try shaker or clockwork because you can stop creeps with your skills and get safe exp near your tower.

          Mb just learn offline Lich and try to block pulls with wards. Easy MMR. However, it's kinda gay tbh.

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          SASA POPOVIC

            Offlane is literally the same as it was before they made first creep wave imune, if you are so into stealing creeps pull second wave, if they trilane you boohoo welcome to the offlane.


              Just pick BB/Centaur/Clockwerk/Doom/Beast/Undying/Underlord
              and prepare for conquering the offlane. Get exp, hug the tower if zone-out, sweep the side jungle. Rinse and repeat.

              Why are you at Legend? When you don't know how to get a decent offlane, that lane is never meant to be won. *Facepalm*

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              Machado98 #xatubaking

                Funny thing, the only people that flamed me are under my rank

                The ones that actually said something useful are way above, what a surprise.

                Decent offlane doesn't mean winning, it means not being lvl 1 at 5min

                SASA POPOVIC

                  Do you know how creep aggro works? Are you afraid to trade hits with enemy support? Would you die to fuck up their creep equilibrium and enjoy farming double wave under your tower?

                  If you dont know shit about these things, offlane is not for you.


                    I'm guessing you guys still do 3-1-1 so strong simple offlaners are usually good.
                    Centaur, Axe, Underlord, Prophet, Void, and even Windrunner are all solid picks.

                    If you guys are doing 2-1-2 these are the staple cancer combos I keep getting in my fucking games.
                    anything + wisp (cancer)
                    weaver/windrunner/doom/axe/beast + wisp (double cancer)
                    sk + lesh (braindead cancer)
                    axe + sky (in every one of my games mega cancer)

                    I'd also throw in anything + techies but not many people play techies even though he's really good in this meta righ tnow.


                      Don't be afraid of dying. Sometimes dying and being committed by the enemy is much better than getting zoned out entirely. Just be creative with the lane equilibrium (pulling or blocking) and try to make it in your favour.

                      So basically try to experiment as much as you can, its one of the fun aspects playing in the offlane.
                      If you make a mistake, make sure you learned something from it.

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                        If you're still level 1 at minute 5 then you a retard, what a surprise lmao

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          go a strong 2x offlane, pull waves or just play kamikaze, if u die but enemy wastes regen and pushes their wave to you its a win for you, especially if its a trilane

                          being 0/4 and level 5 is much better than being 0/0 and level 1

                          Disturbed Jawker

                            literally do anything in your power to tilt the enemy carry completely so that they lose focus and lose more CS, which leads to more tilt

                            useful ways are:
                            tipping them at any missed CS or deny
                            dual lane with complete cancer combinations
                            any spell that fucks with their last hitting


                              get level while not feeding enemy's carry. offlane is not for the faint of heart

                              Optimus Drip

                                I mean, I techies offlane solo or duo, and I can just suicide onto the creep wave and get exp, pushing my creeps into their tower which messes with the lane equilibrium enough so you get a few more waves.


                                  i would just make iron talon then go to the jungle

                                  oh wait...


                                    Funny how all the archons and crusaders are flaming OP on offlaning when they know shit about it. If a trilane is played properly, a decent solo offlane will be lucky to get levels. You are not supposed to kill and farm to win the offlane. You are supposed to tie up their supports, make them commit on you, and trying not to die. Tie up their supports so your mid is secure. Period. Anything more is a bonus.