General Discussion

General DiscussionOld mmr VS new mmr

Old mmr VS new mmr in General Discussion

    Old Solo Leg 2 w/ 3296 mmr
    New solo Leg 1 w/ 3496 mmr

    +200 mmr, went 7-3 W/L

    Medals seem to be finding their place still as a lot of people are getting higher legend medals with lower mmr in a few cases.

    Story Time

      looks like they removed the medals with 0 ranks and consistently shifted the ranks accordingly, so on everage people lost 3-4 ranks while keeping the same mmr. Correct me if i am wrong.

      PS I am sure later they will deflate the mmr requirements for higher ranks closer to the end of the season


        Old Archon 4
        Win 9/10 calibration
        New Crusader 3

        Story Time

          calibrated my smurf finally - 6/4 wins/loses, and +100 mmr exactly. What was interesting is that in 2 games there were guys claiming that they calibrate their friends while being higher mmr and demanded carry roles. Is it the new fashion to calibrate your low mmr friends for them=?


            Old Ancient 1
            Calibration 7/3
            New Legend 5


              Story time , if that’s true , it’s time to reap mmr from those over inflated jack asses

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              Putin is Techies

                So generally what this means smufs can climb back faster. There for there is less point of having one unless you want 2 equally ranked accounts. Haha right.


                  Hmm weird before they adjusted the calibration system I calibrated at 4.2k and then they moved it down to 3.7k from which I have climbed to 4.2k the normal way . Maybe the orig calibration was more accurate

                  casual gamer

                    im going to calibrate divine 4 and jump off a bridge

                    NA has half the slots of every other region.. high skill area

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      if you win at least 5 matches you're probably not going to drop.
                      7-3 is about 300 mmr

                      casual gamer

                        cool. 3-0


                          If you get 6k you should go carry me to 7k with your treant

                          casual gamer

                            i won with an actual safelane ogre magi pretty sure im a golden god

                              이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                              casual gamer

                                back to not playing this dumpster fire of a game

                                i have 5 reports to use

                                  I still don’t understand why I don’t have a rank after calibrating immortal

                                  casual gamer

                                    stairs GOD 400 ahead of me pogchamp


                                      You have to play one more game after calibrating to get your rank.

                                      Wow jdf5.8k god!


                                        actually rank 1.2k is 6.2k mmr


                                          We're talking about KKona mmr, not EU.

                                          6.2k is like rank 600-500 in NA