General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are some carries to spam

What are some carries to spam in General Discussion
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    (Suggestions)Carries to spam from 4.5k to 5k and above


      Terrorblade seems the king now.


        Jugg is almost always fine.


          it doesnt matter as long as u dont play the ones that are weak now
          these are pretty trash right now imo: am jugg pa sven slark


            Since when jugg is a bad pick ?

            Its not as high win rate as spec, but still a solid pick if you have a hotkey set for healing ward and you can micro it.

            Jugg is notoriously bad vs weaver and WK meta but it doesnt make him bad. Considering the nerfs, juggs win rate should go up a bit.

            Looking at meta win rates Drow seems to be the pick but is it ?

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            Story Time

              jug is bursted in no time :D i love playing against him, he is only a nuisance


                as ;; said in one of the threads today:

                Jugg is a good carry, but you have to be very good with it.

                Same goes for Gyrocopter.


                  Any hero is good if you are good with it.

                  In other news, water is wet.


                    ^This does not invalidate Lex’s comment that Jugg is still a viable spam of a carry at a high mmr.
                    I think he is viable at any mmr; just like Ryu is at any SF game.



                      Please, tell me about your experience at high mmr.

                      Jugg is actually kind of underwhelming right now as he tends to be outperformed almost every aspect by at least a couple of alternative choices.

                      It also totally invalidates his comment because his comment was stupid. Literally any hero is good if you are very good with it.


                        If you look at his design it is nicely balanced.
                        DDamage? Check.
                        Sustain? Check.
                        Magic immunity? Check.
                        You can’t ask more from a design point of view.

                        OP’s question is which carry is spamable and there is no reason why Jugg can’t be spammed.

                        As to skill ceiling/individual skill it is up to yourself. If you are not good enough no meta carry can help you.



                          You can’t spam jug cos it’s trash.

                          Story Time

                            there are almost no spammable carries this meta, u can spam only supports


                              If you look at his design it is nicely balanced.
                              DDamage? Check.
                              Sustain? Check.
                              Magic immunity? Check.
                              You can’t ask more from a design point of view.

                              OP’s question is which carry is spamable and there is no reason why Jugg can’t be spammed.

                              As to skill ceiling/individual skill it is up to yourself. If you are not good enough no meta carry can help you.


                              So we should spam Omniknight as carry at high mmr too?

                              He checks all those boxes.

                              Someone who knows what they're talking about


                                Jugg is weak to burst dmg and bkb piercing spells but apart from that he can be spammed - and that was the question.

                                Spamming heros like Drow despite high overall win rate is more situational. We are not talking about some high mmr games as well.

                                He is weak to burst dmg and is weak vs weaver and Wk meta. But since weaver is nerfed and Wk was changed a bit. Jugg's win rate should go up a bit.

                                Jugg is a hero that is more rewarding the more you play it since it requires to make next level plays with it - including ward micro arodund the trees, omnislash blinking, omnislash blink escapes. Thats why its good to spam this hero because in the long run it should be rewarding. But the same goes for Terrorblade or many other heros.

                                If enemy team lacks bkb piercing spells you can easily split push and jsut spin tp out.

                                And eXcel if you have problems with reading dont comment pls. This is what ;; said (immortal player) answering "is jugg good to play in this meta" in one of the previous posts. I believe him more than you.

                                Ofc every hero is good if you're good with it, but if jugg is so bad like you say he would never recommend to play him.


                                  Xdddd unhealable damage

                                  Disturbed Jawker

                                    Non-high mmr players telling high mmr players whats good in high mmr xd


                                      @Lex you are delusional and I must admit I'm surprised. Your name appears on the forums enough to realise that I comment here frequently and almost never troll or make stupid comments unless I'm responding to stupid stuff.

                                      ;; on the other hand is a troll. His entire thread which you are referring to is in itself a trolling thread.

                                      But go ahead, believe him because he has an immortal badge.

                                      Don't look at the stats, which prove that if you filter ONLY to highest mmr bracket juggernaut has a 46% win rate in this current patch and is a hero who if you play with frequency you are more statistically likely to LOSE mmr than you are to win. Proof below;


                                      But go ahead and spam whatever you want, you're clearly so knowledgable with your genius statements like if you're good on a hero it's a good pick.


                                        To further validate my statement, if it needs validating, Juggernaut is my second most played hero which I used to climb mmr a lot when he was actually meta viable. Right now he is meta unviable and you've publicly proved yourself to be mentally challenged when it comes to actual theory crafting in Dota, but that's probably why you're lower mmr now than when medals were released.

                                        GG WP


                                          jugg is garbage, I haven't seen jugg in atleast a 100games straight. Thankfully

                                          @op, terrorblade, pl, drow, ursa

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            Now what Lex? Your safety guard has been undermined. Wukz is a higher mmr than ;;

                                            Story Time

                                              urza is so underappreciated, it is sad


                                                Jug seems viable in 4K I’m sure once you hit 5k he isn’t that good I think question was is jug viable from 4.5k to 5k and above . I’d say this is where he would start falling off in the high 4K so he’s would be decent if your just trying to maintain like 4.7 k or something but overall my answer would be to use a different hero if your above 4.5k then the juggernaut .


                                                  More viable, but still bad. 48% WR in 4k.


                                                  Why are you incapable of doing some research before making claims?

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                                                    Thanks for the suggestions guys! What i am really concerned with is that the meta is played around 2 1 2 that almost all carries are weak early game that staying in the lane can be pretty horrendous.
                                                    What are some heroes that can still cs well against a hard dual lane and yet still do well in the mid-late game, apart from ursa clinkz etc


                                                      MK is an absolute beast against all meta carries and scales like a charm. Ignore my party games as I mess around a bit there but check this for example (solo at 5k+ mmr);



                                                        Ok u won guys. F this, just spam treant protector. Mea Culpa :p

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          Bros... Excel is right. I have ~1500 jug games on 3 accs. One of them has 71% winrate and this one 40% ; the other account is the same MMR give or take.
                                                          One was simply during a time when Jug was decent ; now he's shit and the damn hero is my MAIN hero to spam.

                                                          PRAISE THE SUN!

                                                            People are so cocky right now, they even first pick drow, that's how good she is.

                                                            Even in the lampur major.

                                                            Mode : TOPSON

                                                              Jugg talent is dogahit

                                                              Sanft & Sorgfältig

                                                                Inyourdream plays jugg like every 5th game right now, but what does He know He is only top 1 mmr right now, im pretty Sure Excel is better. Like theres Not enough dogshit 5ks.


                                                                  Pl weaver ursa spec
                                                                  Ppl always throw vs spec pl
                                                                  You have some control of how the game will go since the beginning as ursa or weaver


                                                                    Jug is only good in perfect jug games (most of the time shit)


                                                                      Tb also relies on team holding/enemy throwing
                                                                      Drow relies on team making use of your aura
                                                                      Gets shit rekt in lane almost always


                                                                        Sanft you've already proven yourself to be mentally challenged in different threads where I accurately call you out for your bs claims of being 5.3k mmr. Stop being butthurt and trying to 1-up me.

                                                                        Taking the example of ONE specific player proves absolutely nothing when it comes to bracket level trends.

                                                                        You are an irrelevant footnote, you'd be wise to recognise that and improve as an individual before you seek to undermine me with your legend level knowledge.


                                                                          Ay boiz take a chill pill and play earth shaker


                                                                            I think he is viable at any mmr; just like Ryu is at any SF game.

                                                                            your ability to be wrong at any possible circumstance is quite amazing