General Discussion

General Discussionwth, TB all over Kuala Lumpur major

wth, TB all over Kuala Lumpur major in General Discussion
going crazy about Hayley

    80+ games. almost 60% winrate. TB pick everywhere. gaben already nerf him: 3.0 to 1.5 hp base regen, reflection can be dispel, conjure mana cost, sunder 50 mana cost at lvl 3. the only left untouch is his 3rd. but still, he's the most pick hard carry this major lol. can someone explain this, i mean pros logic behind it. additionally, if valve wld release patch 7.20 after major, what kind of TB nerf do you expect from gaben.


      It's just broken. Strong laner in a patch where people dual lane almost always. Even if you get a completely aids unplayable lane you can jungle at a reasonable pace at level 3 with some wraith bands and conjure image. Later on almost guaranteed to get farm safely with conjure image, compare to AM which needs to farm bfury before he can effectively split-push and jungle tb does that with treads aquila. Ofc he's a lategame monster as well on top of being one of the best early game carries. Finally he can join early fights/skirmishes with meta and take towers which pros always love doing.

      If you look at the other cores that are commonly played he matches up well fine vs them. PL and morph are soft counters but with reflection you have a tool to deal with them (no surprise they are the other two best carries). Arc smashes tb, apart from that every other carry hero is just garbage vs tb, with his high armour and sunder pretty much nothing can manfight him and with skadi he just makes melee cores nearly unplayable.

      Inflation Agent

        Arc warden, Morph, PL, TB. Carries that can farm fast and safely, these guys are gonna get nerfs so hard after the KL major. Its a shame, TB is my favourite carry to use as well.


          Will arc falls out of meta if tb is nerfed till death? Imo theres a lot of counter to arc that isnt playable this patch



            Sunder mana cost from 200/100/0 to 200/125/50

            Agility gain increased from 3.2 to 4.2



              This meta is agility meta, his agility gain is 4.3 that is huuuge. Also i expect some spectre buffs (maybe for hers agility gain) in new meta.


                It's just all about who is broken as fuck (morph) or who can recover (tb/arc). tb ain't broken (not even close to io/phoenix), but he is indeed strong. On top of it, tb is very well suited to face draft that just jump on you like a wagon full of moron; which is exactly the kind of draft we have nowaday, with that gold formula on kill which transform everygame in a clown fiesta.

                Not to mention, since everybody and their family are rich as fuck, and full of xp, then defending highground becomes super easy, which also help so much lategame carry. And tb is the king of lategame carry, literally loosing only to the ace of death (arc) in lategame

                If some other carry were viable(actually just playable) then some carry like medusa/pa/slark would delete the dominance of tb

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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  tb is strong his numbers are high but his concept is fine. arc warden and morphling on the other hand are just stupid and the only reason they are not autowin is because not even pros play them properly enough

                  Anonymous mode- No chat

                    What other carry has 4 abilities, 15 armor at level 4 with armor items (finishing at 50 with no armor items lol) and absolutely no need to build anything else besides stats to win games.

                    Not that other heroes like morph and PL aren't broken too, but he's just too easy to win with. He's not even that weak early game.


                      wait wat is the problem with morphling? i didnt see any or hear about him


                        Morph is too stronK. Even at 1k mmr.



                          And I’m an institution now. Congrats to myself.


                            Please make medusa viable again haha


                              wait no