General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do I need to get good at this game?

What do I need to get good at this game? in General Discussion

    I mean, my friend who is rank 100+ immortal (he's mmr is 7.5k) is good at carrying us when we party. He can really 1 v 9. He just makes divine players look like bots. He can literally destroy everything and end the game within 20 to 30 mins only. Theres a game that we are against 3 divine players and he just have 40 kills in that game using only huskar mid.

    * He uses his smurf when he's partying with us.

    I mean why does immortal players easily destroy and snowball in 4k and 5k brackets? What is their mindset? How do they think about the game? What do they do that an average player don't do?

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      hes used to playing that way. when u win the difficulty slowly increases and u get better and better gradually

      when u drop 2000 mmr because of party queue its completely different. when i was good id get super fucked up after 10+ games of low mmr because it builds braindead habits


        take a look at replay and figure it out urself


          How many more hours has he played than you? How many more pro replays has he watched than you? How many more games has he played than you against other high skill players? There is no shortcut to getting good at Dota, some people can fake being high MMR with hero spamming but whenever there is a new patch those players get weeded out very quickly.


            he needs you for cannon fodder so he can dish out the damage. basically he uses you as meat shields and does the dmg while they are attacking/killing you noobs


              He has 14k hours playing dota. Lol

              Λce - Diablo

                I believe there are two main areas of improvement as you go up in ranks.

                1. Understanding
                2. Habits

                Mechanical skill is almost the same in 5k and onward brackets. A 7k player isn't necessarily better at last hitting than a 5k player. It's their superior understanding / decision making in more critical and complex situations and knowing what weaknesses to exploit that put them above average 5k's. The second part is developing good habits. Making things like "noting down times of key ultimates" and "not getting baited to kill one last creep before getting back" into hardwired habits and developing overall smarter and more optimal habits is what sets them apart.


                  A 7k mid player is better at last hitting than a 5k mid player.

                  A 5k mid player might be better than a 7k sup player


                    but the 5k mid player wont be better at supporting on the 7k sup player tho,i ever got dumpstered by a rank 80~ sp player in turbo like 3-5 times(we meet alot because carvern thingy at that time and my party was kinda 4-5-6k ish)
                    which this guy wins 3 lanes by rotating and abusing some stuff(like i tp to mid after i got killed and tp again and i got stunned and ded again)

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Mechanics and general game understanding. The things I noticed lower mmr players don't do is you make sure enemy can't farm by applying pressure. That's why you can go jungle alch in 3k, 4k games and still win. Killing someone who's out of position, for example ck and shaman being easy kills out of position which can allow you to get an objective and there's like 0 threat for you to die in a process, if you look where enemy is. You can watch minimap and see their movements and know where they actually are and for example if someone just died, lets say a carry or a mid or w/e hero with a big ultimate, respawned and tped in some lane and you see that his team is grouped in other part of the map, it's like a no brainer to take that fight with your number advantage if your items and spells are off cd:

                      And you just push the towers, invade their jungle, according to your teams hero strenghts push your advantage and end the game when you have the items and levels for it. This is like the biggest thing imo when it comes to stomping lower mmr games, ignoring other 100 little things that you can list here too like positioning in fights, item choices...


                        I mean why does immortal players easily destroy and snowball in 4k and 5k brackets? What is their mindset?

                        using only huskar mid.