General Discussion

General DiscussionRank inflation

Rank inflation in General Discussion
low prio master

    Season 1 - legend 1
    Season 2 - archon 4
    Season 3 - archon 1 (climb to 3)

    I think i playing now with better players than first season as legend.
    Also it really feels lately there is not so many smurfs, i think valve did really great job with massive smurf banning, what do you think?

    One more thing, would you agree even while these never ending complaining by mostly low priority masters, that Dota 2 have actually the best matchmaking system all around?

    I mean i really feel these calibration always put me on the right place, or very close to, my games are balanced and players are on similar skill level like me.

    Im not sure if i ever felt this before season 1.

    '96 Neve Campbell

      Well ranks are inflating because people are putting more time in and naturally progress in rank.

      I have always played up to ancient 1 since the first season began and if you are good enough you should also be able to retain your rank from before. Inflation only increases the mmr needed for medals by about 300 so if you are losing medals then it means you have overcalibratedz


        massive smurf banning, what do you think?

        lul, ya good job gaben , giving everybody ancient medal with party mmr , great solution :))
        also they banned new accounts not smurfs so i dont know why would u sense that :/
        Dota 2 have actually the best matchmaking system all around?

        Yes, the best ever, on my smurf i have 2 jungler teammate against 2 support ganking mid "both" all the time :))) only cause i have good winrate? best system ever :))


          shut up weebs


            only a bad player would ever complain about having bad teammates as a smurf


              Rank has inflated a lot, especially at the top end. I remember when leaderboards came out 4.9k was barely scraping bottom of the leaderboards in SEA. Now im 7.1k and I wouldn't even be on the old leaderboards (top 200 only). The new season think seems to have kept it under control somewhat but still immortal at the end of the season <<< immortal at the beginning.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                only a bad player would ever complain about having bad teammates as a smurf

                u got my point sir :)


                  s1 archon1
                  s2 legend2
                  s3 ancient 1
                  i'm loving this inflation tbh
                  nothing wrong here


                    Im the same MMR ~3300 and this season people literally started just straight up picking carries in the offlane every game, stuff you normally see in 2k.


                      rank inflation?

                      what you are describing is deflation my friend. your ranked has dropped because they moved the medals around. but mmr should be the same. unless you were unable to adapt to the meta and lost a lot of skill, brain cells, etc . like that military guy i forgot his name.

                      but in general, inflation happens at the higher end only. as mr. cnp has described

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        i didnt notice anything

                        oh wait

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          what you are describing is deflation my friend.
                          The amount of mmr required to gain medals is increasing. That is inflation.


                            nobody ever banned smurfs lol

                            69 god

                              Idk what happens in caliberation. But apparently this time, both your solo and party mmr matter. Caliberating party made my medal increase. Both have different percentage gains. But overall I don't think the system is affected much.
                              I don't take all of it too seriously, you ultimately know your rank+dota is love <3

                              CAESAR KING OF APES

                                Here I climbed from 1k to 3k. I don't see how people are good at 3k lol. 80% of players are bad here.


                                  people only start being good at around 5.5k mmr apparently


                                    @aoki - how do you know? You have 52% winrate on normal skill :)


                                      i gave this acc to a guy when it was very high, apparently he can't hold up :P



                                        Just Look at this game, immortal leshrac plays t5 bc and gets ROFL stomped in 20 min by 2 Shit heroes, dont tell me all smurfs are banned lmao.

                                        mute all

                                          s1 legend climb up to ancient 3
                                          s2 ancient 1 climb up to divine 3
                                          s3 ancient 3 omegalul..trying to climb up again..

                                          its ok..

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!