General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist items for specific situations

Alchemist items for specific situations in General Discussion

    The camp placements pretty much favor alchemist in this patch especially since the easy camp is the closest camp in the mid lane so easy stacking and more gold because quanitity of jungle creeps. But then even tho i got my items fast i still lose the game. Maybe because i go for the same items each game. Can someone help me with alch itemization? Check my last 3 games as alch as reference. Also is the 2nd skill build still viable after the lvl 20 talent rework?


      Midas first item followed by solar crest then butterfly.


        boots are core


          sold my boots at lategame @キャプテン KEEL
          @HanYolo why midas over creep clearing items like bf or rad?

          mute all

            where is the rad??


              Alchemist in this patch is auto suicide
              Just pick ursa loool 4head


                You go mid buy rad manta dagger or dagger manta. Go with your supports and kill their supports . Farm the dangerous parts of the map. And after dagger manta you go octarine shiva and run em down. No laid back playing alch create space for your other carry until he can carry or help you out sieging


                  you just want rad + tank item + dagger and you good create space while u farm


                    Coz alch is for me pressing your advantage as soon as you have it abuse the 2nd skill cd reduction + radiance powerspike.

                    no dota in dubai

                      I've been experimenting with a different alch build with quite good results. Check out my last few games.
                      Disclaimer: NORMAL SKILL


                        @Dog (very good)
                        read this carefully!
                        lets use brain, how maelstorm works? how it helps ur farm? +24 dmg and 25% chance to release bolt with 160 magic dmg. is that about +24 dmg? NO ! its about bolt! 25% chance! it means u have + 40 magic dmg, and also u must hit to do that dmg, thats the problem!
                        u cant hit fast with alch he is strength hero not agile!

                        alch lvl 10 with treads attack speed rate -> 1 hit per sec (1.04) so u will get +24 physic dmg and +40 magic dmg for 2700 gold
                        but with radiance u will get +65 physic dmg and +60 magic dmg for 5150

                        lets ignore the magical dmg, if u calculate gold per dmg, radiance is cheaper!!!!!!!

                        and also that magic dmg maelstorm gives u, u must hit for it!!! but u dont need to hit when u have radiance, u can just run in jungle and farm faster!

                        u need to buy manta to dodge ur stun if u fucked it up, u have +35 magic dmg on that 2 illusions too, and u can even farm and push faster, but do u have bolt on illusions? NO!!!!

                        there is no reason to not buy radiance as first item unless u refuse to use ur brain :)


                          I personally enjoy the “tanky yet can’t hit me build” with Radiance, Solar Crest, Heart, Butterfly, Mjollnir, Skadi... but I’m screwed w Spirit Vessel and MKB


                            Assault cuirass every game, keep in mind this hero falls off hard the later the game goes