General Discussion

General Discussionweird flex but okay

weird flex but okay in General Discussion

    best CM player in SEA playing mid

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    '96 Neve Campbell

      Your core to support ratio on cm is a sight to behold!

      Potato Marshal

        Wouldn't maxing frostbite on cm mid be better? Since you're disarming the enemy mid for much longer meaning you can out last hit and deny even with your crap damage.


          @parmaviolets I can play at divine rnak using a CMl (only support)
          @potatomarshal nope, you can harass and get cs using crystal nova while a level 2 frosbite isn't that different from 1 also i'm laning against a invoker harassing him makes him use quas more without exort we'd have almost the same damage

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          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Best Troll in the world goes support