General Discussion

General DiscussionClimbing from Legend 3 to Divine 1

Climbing from Legend 3 to Divine 1 in General Discussion

    *Note: This is going to be a long post.

    I'm just a divine 1 player in SEA server so I don't know if i really have the right or authority to be talking about ways to gaining a higher rank but here it is.

    I've seen lots of posts of people who probably keeps on making new accounts to try and calibrate to a higher mmr. This is not to criticize you, I did the same.

    Before this, I had a main account where I peaked at 4.5k(before the medal system was introduced) and at some point, I just stopped playing. When I played again, I lost a lot and went back to 3k so I decided to ditch that account and focus on this one. This account was created in december of 2018 and just played occasionally. Towards the end of december 2019, i started playing lots of games and calibrated at Legend 3 (3.5-3.6k I think). 2 months after calibrating in Legend, I am now in the Divine bracket.

    Some are the key points I learned while climbing the MMR.

    1. Communication
    - Communication in every game is important if you really want to win. I suggest you buy a mic and start talking in-game. Almost no one listens to a keyboard warrior anyway so just speak. There will be games where you are the only one speaking but there will also be games where some if not all of your teammates will speak too and give out their thoughts on the game and how you should proceed as a team. And no matter what happens, play until the end and don't start blaming 10 minutes into the game if someone just dies 3 times in a row. Remember: it is not your team who you want to tilt. There are only two outcomes of blaming anyway, tilting your teammate who you are blaming, and tilting yourself by focusing too much on their misplays and neglecting your own.

    2. Versatility
    - I never spammed heroes. This is just my own opinion but it just doesn't help if you're only decent in a single hero among more than a hundred available. I mean, it is good to have a comfort hero who you can always run to when you don't know what to pick but what if it gets banned? Or what if it's not the best hero to fit into your team's composition? When I was still in Legend until Ancient 3, I only queued ranked roles and played position 1 and 2. But the queue time gets longer the higher I get so I switched to classic ranked where versatility is the key. If you're so insistent on really playing a specific role, I suggest you stick to playing ranked roles. Remember: you cannot always play core on ranked classic unless your team is considerate enough to respect your ping. (if youre a support player you can keep playing support on classic you just have to first pick rofl.) BUT if you first pick a squishy mid hero or a carry then gets useless in the game because of counters, you are an absolute dumbshit. A subhuman, if I may quote Kowareta. If you're a legend player or ancient that can only play mid or carry, then I can guess you're probably st*p1d as f*ck. Even most pros change roles when playing pubgames depending on their team picks.

    3. Understanding your responsibilities
    Mid - If you're a mid player, you might be thinking that your primary priority is to not fail the lane or your team will blame you. Somewhat right, somewhat wrong. Midlanes in legend to early divine should always try to dominate the lane (not just avoiding failure). If your lane is impossible to win, there's always the jungle and the option to rotate and farm through team kills. OR just playing it safe and make sure you outfarm your opposing midlane through denies and jungle. There are a lot of ways actually around an unwinnable mid lane. If your supports are good enough, they will surely come to you and help you out to stage a comeback in the laning phase. BUT if you think that their help won't help you either, remember to tell them. You don't want enemy midlane hero to get double or triple kill when your supports try to gank and help you. Communication is the key. Make sure you tell your team what is going on in your lane and how badly you lost it (if you lose your lane). If you think that the enemy mid hero is too strong at that point of the game, don't ask your supports to come. And don't blame them for not coming earlier too, remember you could've given up on that lane and do the other options mentioned above but you decided to stay and play on the lane so you're a dumbshit if you blame your supports when you fail your lane. Midlane is supposed to be 1v1 early game anyway.

    Offlane - Whenever I played offlane, my main priority is denying and not dying in the lane early game. Your position 4 will leave you at some point of the early game so you have to do it alone. The main priority is not giving the enemy carry as much farm as you can in the early game and levels too. Yes, my focus is not on the lasthits but on the denies. If you manage to successfully deny let's say, all of the creeps, then you can say that their carry is just as farmed as you. But we all know it's impossible so make sure to sneak in some last hits to keep it even. Remember to not die, you do not want the enemy carry to have a few seconds or even minutes of free laning. Well, if you do manage to get a higher level you can probably win the lane but just in case you don't, just don't die and make sure you make full use of your hero's abilities and the jungle to get the essentials.

    Support - If you're a position 4, your main responsibility is to make sure everyone on your team is having a good game. If you think they're already having a good game and does not need any further assistance, then go to your offlane. He's probably the one having the hardest time among your team. And whenever you decide to go on a gank, make sure your team gets at least 1 kill (just don't end up giving away 3 kills rofl). Early game, you have to be the one to call when it's time to pull out or if it's okay to chase. Your abilities, map awareness and decision making is what matters as a position 4 in the early game. Let's say you go to gank enemy offlane while their midlane and position 5 is missing and you don't have any vision on them and you still told your team to chase the enemy offlane hero, you pretty much f*cked up already. When you chase and you see the first TP coming in for the enemy team, you should be able to decide instantly if you have to tell your team to pull out or if you can still fight and win the engagement.

    As a position 5, the main goal is to make sure that your carry is having a good time. Harass but don't die. Harass but don't pull enemy creep wave. F*cking, please stop right clicking heroes while you're near their creeps and then start blaming your carry because he couldn't control the waves. IT WAS BECAUSE OF YOU M***ERFU**ER! You also need to have the discernment whether the lane is okay or impossible to win. If it is impossible to win, you will have to leave your carry because you don't want to end up sharing exp with your carry or at worse, feed in the lane. But wherever else you go, make sure you win that lane for your core. And when you're leaving the lane, make sure that it's a good exit. Not like this: "I'm done with this st*p1d carry. I'm not helping you anymore" it was your own fault anyway that he wasn't able to get a good time. Some reasons are: 1. You didn't pick a very suitable hero for your position. Imagine first picking a pudge position 5 and you have 0% hook accuracy early game or you choose to level your hook instead of rot at level 3? st*p1d. 2. You're just not good enough to give your carry a good time. 3. Your decision making sucks.(i.e. you don't know when to pull the creeps and when not to, you don't know where to position yourself for efficient harassment, you're too aggressive your carry can't follow up or you fail to follow up on your carry's aggressiveness.)

    Carry - Your role is not to fight but to carry the game. Make sure you get your farm so when the team needs you most, you can help them. Let your team fight for you. Your top priority is getting those items that you think you need to shove out creeps and push lanes faster and also gives you enough damage when you need to join the team fights. If you end up blaming your team for using the jungle too much, then it's because you weren't using it in the first f*cking place. Your team doesn't want your jungle to go to waste so they'll use it if you're st*p1d enough to stick to your unwinnable lane and not use the jungle.

    4. Attitude
    - I have 10k behavior score so yea. Yep, it matters. Before I started climbing the rank, I first climbed 8-9k behavior score. First, there are less people flaming others when you reach 9k behavior (of course there are still some but not as much as in 4k-5k behavior).
    - Positive mental attitude. If you think you're tilted after losing a game you could've won or you just lost so bad it tilted you, don't play the next game right away. Eat, get some fresh air or take a bathe OR watch anime yea. Make sure you're in the right mindset going into a game.
    - At some point in our lives, we all probably have said GG after the st*p1d first blood your teammate gave away. Don't say it. Don't say it. Keep your cool and play. As I mentioned earlier, it is not your team who you want to tilt. So keep playing. I also had some games where I just lose my cool and start blaming everybody, it's fine. We all have those kinds of games but make sure it doesn't happen to you every game.
    - Accept and apologize for your st*p1d plays. Don't always go blaming on them for not following up on you, it was a st*p1d idea in the first place.

    5. Play for fun
    - Yes, play for fun. Make sure to have some games where you don't care whether you win or lose. That's the essence of playing anyway, for fun. You're not a pro yet to always be playing for results and improvement, dude you prolly dont even have a team.

    6. Reset
    - In these brackets, we can't do anything about a faceless void that chronos a solo position 5, or a storm spirit that zips into the tankiest hero or a tinker that doesn't blink to march then gets caught. Reset every after game.

    7. Watch, review and analyze your own games
    - If you can get an online coach(I think i saw someone post a free coaching), then it's good. But as for me, I do it myself. If you want to criticize yourself and find your own misplays, you can watch any game(there prolly are st*p1d plays in any game you had anyway). But if you're about to play and you want to get into the right mindset, watch the game where you think you played godlike. As for me, I watch documentaries, true sights and sometimes, my own games before I play.

    PS: If you think I had my friends carry me to this bracket, no. I only played solo everytime. I think I only have 4 or 5 games while on party with other people.

    That's it for this post. Keep grinding. Thanks for reading!


      If you notice, I only mentioned early game in almost every role because for me early game pretty much decides the outcome of the game itself. Or at least, that's what happens in my games.


        Every advice more stupid then the next




            Nice analysis buddy. Good job.



              His advice is actually very good and fairly well written -- it lacks a couple important points but the basics are there.
              Don't diss... Read and learn ; the rest of us are tired and titled as fuck by your stupid daily "MUHMMRBAHDTYEM"

              AT&T Samsung Galaxy

                omg u are pro

                1st class tourist

                  you werent kidding about the long post part


                    Isnt divine 1 not even 5 k ?

                    With all respect to OP you wont find any indepth strategies for specific positions here. I would recommend Speed from Gameleap. He has free guides on youtube for every position.

                    Especially how to win impossible lanes on the offlane.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Very cute post, must have taken a lot of time to write it and the effort was appreciated

                      pos5 only

                        Funny how i muted all chat and first pick tb and got to 5k and theres this guy talking how communication is important. Hilarious really