General Discussion

General DiscussionI want to buy a VHS 10 games only account with 10 wins

I want to buy a VHS 10 games only account with 10 wins in General Discussion

    Where can i buy that?
    i dont want to buy a 6k mmr i just want to buy an account with 10 VHS first games wins.
    If someone can tell me it would be great.

    ontik is not good.period

      get better at the game and shut the fuck up

      Kabir singh's bo0ster

        I can sell u Divine acc but its in LP 3 games, 6k behavior score so it will be cheap, 15 euro and its yours.


          I’m playing better then new players that get vhs but stuck at normal.
          And what do you mean LP 3 games ?

          Kabir singh's bo0ster

            Acc is Divine 1, and has 3 Low priority games u will have to play, thats why i made price lower. Add me here, i'll show u acc, and if u want u can buy it. I have some VHS unranked acc too, 8 win 2 loss in 10 game.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Kabir singh's bo0ster how do i add you my friend?

              Kabir singh's bo0ster

                I added you.


                  How can i see a way to contact you in chat?

                  Kabir singh's bo0ster

                    You have to accept my invite first.


                      cute, may i have some too?

                      Kabir singh's bo0ster

                        No I don't condone smurfing.


                          Kabir where can i see your invite?
                          Kowareta do you have an offer too?

                          Kabir singh's bo0ster

                            In your steam, open your steam and u will see invite.


                              I see, get online so we can chat.


                                i have only one special offer, Kiss Your Sister.
                                i have extra rope if u needed too

                                Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                  ^ mods pls. Ignore all dis acc buying stuff, and ban kowareta ty.


                                    im ok with getting banned, if they give me my share. this is unfair, i do all the work and someone else getting the money.

                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                      Your gpm is not good and you aren't even winning in normal skill, what business do you have with a vhs account?

                                      anal enjoyer

                                        @cavaliere pls stop buying acc. you will fuckin go on ur allies' nerve when ur skills is not same level with them

                                        and after some time playin some toxic games (you get insult from everyone) automatically u will reduce to lower bracket

                                        there is nothing fun or interesting in playin with divines when u are not in same level and if u just enjoy watching them playin, go watch some replays. thanks for keeping dota with better balance sys

                                        Where is my Hu Tao


                                          U want this? Use to be my betting account back when there was dota lounge bets

                                          anal enjoyer

                                            @nineo is it free?


                                              This conversation breaks our code of conduct. I'm locking the thread.