dude why tf are we talking about teams i am talking about the matchmaking on faceit dota 2, is it better than normmal dota ? because i keep getting all my games ruined by noobs retards or ruiners feeders shadow amulet afk
know what, why do I even bother, just try faceit. It will be a learning experience for you.
Faceit Dota is pretty dead, it really only came to life every TI season because they would host the open qualifiers. Because of the new system where qualifying happens over the season of upper division, lower division, it doesn’t bring about as much excitement to enter and play
in regular ranked you can tell yourself that you were only pretending to be retarded before you destroy all your items and place all wards in your base
If you don't play in a stack with friends it sucks, you get matched with griefers that are winrate boosting for people
also stop complaining about ruiners, you play pa ursa sven mid, that is ruining too. just pick normal heroes in their real roles. I also dont know how you can play mid literally every game. either you dont play ranked roles (which you should do if you want decent games) or you grief and steal other peoples roles every 5th game (which is why your games are full of ruiners because you are one as well)
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ruiners and feeders and retards ruining every game i play on dota 2 normal ranked is it better on faceit ?