General Discussion

General DiscussionSexybamboe most likely killed himself over crypto

Sexybamboe most likely killed himself over crypto in General Discussion
BSJ. LGD "made it big in crypto" "missing for a week" he probably got liquidated last week

    You have to pay funding rate everyday so your collateral decreases+based on historical data it is likely you will experience a >50% drawdown. So its very likely you get liquidated. Instead make your own projects where youre guaranteed to win.

    '96 Neve Campbell

      Imagine killing yourself over a fake abstract concept


        ^money is not abstract you larping r-tard


          tfw i bought 700 euro worth of clothes with some abstract concept last week

          '96 Neve Campbell

            Money has no value beyond that which is given to it by inflation, its literally a fake concept, especially cryptocurrency which you have to be actually fucking retarded to invest in


              ^stop living in your parents basement you tankie

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
              '96 Neve Campbell

                I live in my own place actually but pls do go on. Tankie? Are you some kinda tory rat or dare i say, a liberal?!


                  parma ure a scrawny faqqot kid pretending to be a girl online please dont talk about mentale problemen

                  Nah, I'd win

                    parma ure a scrawny faqqot kid pretending to be a girl online please dont talk about mentale problemen



                      ywn wants all the smoke damn

                      '96 Neve Campbell

                        parma ure a scrawny faqqot kid pretending to be a girl online please dont talk about mentale problemen

                        Yes this perception of me is almost as abstract as the crypto portfolio which allegedly led to bamboe’s suicide

                        Also pic above literally looks like ur average bitcoin ‘investor’

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          reality is abstract to you I guess


                            why tf are u random morons making random speculations kinda omega weirdchamp, but i shouldnt expect better from this frothing shithole

                            Nah, I'd win

                              parmaviolets being a dude pretending to be female on the internet is no speculation. he goes by the name "domdudedagreat" or "persistent abyss" or recently by the name "97weeds"

                              check his name history:

                              Nah, I'd win

                                he said he would stop doing that. looks like he can't stop pretending to be female. he transgendered in his mind :axe_laugh:

                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                  Perfectly braided asshair is a favourite of mine

                                  I already talked at length about what I did in the past openly on this forum, admitted who I was to most of my steam friends who I am still close to to this day, made peace with people who were upset that I lied to them and cleansed others from my account. I felt guilty about it but I am going through the process of getting help and understanding why I act that way. If you cant let something that happened over a year ago rest then who is the one with isuses? Maybe its time to stop being obsessive with something that has no bearing on your own life. Also since when do we make fun of trans people or people with gender dysphoria i didnt realise this was a J.K Rowling fan club.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  Nah, I'd win

                                    obsessive? i even forgot that you cockroach existed before i saw this thread linked on discord.

                                    also nobody asked about your medical situation

                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                      Good then stop beating a dead horse


                                        Good then stop beating a dead horse

                                        aged like milk


                                          Is a person transgender or not NOT allowed to give a valid opinion?
                                          This personal attack is tantamount to bullying and please stop bullying Parma.
                                          Mods please lock this thread if the thugs have nothing useful to say.



                                            Hes not transgender. Hes a guy pretending to be a different person online.

                                            anyway very cringe to do that and then still be so shameless to come here and talk shit about someone that died.


                                              not that i expected this person to have any empathy but they really should be silenced

                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                Hes not transgender. Hes a guy pretending to be a different person online.
                                                anyway very cringe to do that and then still be so shameless to come here and talk shit about someone that died.

                                                Stop pretending you know anything about my life or personality beyond the most superficial tripe that an outsider would observe. Also OP literally framed this thread as crypto advice not one about showing respect to bamboe whose untimely death is obviously shocking.


                                                  Maybe it was the straw that broke the camel’s back but I was seeing some threads and stream clips about Bamboe already having depression before. Nonetheless shouldn’t speculate reasons, just RIP and condolences to his friends and family


                                                    whatever the reason, felt fucking terrible seeing the news; bamboe along with purge and some others were my first introduction to dota and really sucks that he's gone, he was a great guy