General Discussion

General Discussionare u mentally ill?

are u mentally ill? in General Discussion

    I think at least 70% of ppl who played this game much are f-ed up mentally in some way.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다

      Probably because it forces similarly behaving people onto the same teams instead of mixing them up, and oh yeah, it's the only online multiplayer with players that actually lose on purpose LOL.

      Imagine trying to lose in a 30-60 minute forced eyes glued to screen or else lose 10 years of your life to our system game LOL welcome to the addiction .

      It's basically because the punishment system is designed like a correctional facility. It definitely attracts a lot of weird and potentially mentally ill people, and when they try and play a game this complicated and suck, get forced into a bag to play with each other forever LOL

      Man wasup bro ya wanna play some some DOter?

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        Probably because it forces similarly behaving people onto the same teams instead of mixing them up
        From your logic, do you want to LIVE with lunatics instead of locking them up in asylums?


          Vote between the world without Dota and the world with Dota. I bet @16 yo in jail 12 times vote for the world with Dota :laugh:


            Funny using 70%to exclude yourself.


              According to professionals in psychology. We all are haha.