General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to have vhs matches

How to have vhs matches in General Discussion
low rank hater

    I have 70% winrate and nearly 5 kda 500 and 600 gpm xpm, but all my matches are normal. If I continue this kind of performance willl I move to vhs bracket?

      이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

        How do you see if your match is normal, VHS, etc. I thought everything was just MMR based?

        Slim Shady

          Retard pretending like he will gain any benefit from being VHS bracket seeks confirmation on obscure forum

          Small 15 cm micro penis confirmed l


            ^ And how are u different when u seeking attention on obscure forum

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Drink my dog's Poop and you shall be extremely very high skilled baby


                Yo bro pass that cigarette i need a hit im on the sloeps baby