General Discussion

General DiscussionDota and fun :)

Dota and fun :) in General Discussion
Mid&Feed.mid (muted)

    Did anybody from here star from low mmr and now is at respectable mmr ? Can you share your experience ? And what is significantally better/worse in your initial vs current dota days ?


      Started 1.3k, reached max of 4.4k, stopped grinding and now settled at around 3k.

      Games get harder, you can't fuck around. From 1.3k to 2.5k, I could easily win games with Ambulance spectre build, 6 bf bounty(old patch).
      After 3k you have to itemize little better, else you'd probably lose the game. After 4k, i had to fix a lot of my my map movements, to win games, but then got a job and had to stop the grind. If you want to enjoy casual dota, 2k to 5k, is a good range. Below that you get braindead games(win/lose most games are plain boring), and above 5k, you will have to try hard every game.

      Orb of Frost start every ...

        I fucking wishhhh I was still 2k, having fun in dota seems impossible now


          i started from guardian 16wins7loss, from 0 to 14%rank confidence the hidden mmr now is archon sometimes legend. i think i can climb to ancient after 30% rank confidence
          sorry for bad english


            Ive been everywhere from Archon to Divine 5 and the more you grind the more it becomes your part time job. Games become more and more exhausting.

            When it comes to this patch I feel like its much easier to grind now.

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              You dont need to grind to get higher in rank once you master the art of picking the same hero every game while still having fun with it