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Josh Allen


    ¿Question Mark?

      Why PL hasn't been buffed in the last few patches puzzles me, he has had a pretty horrendous win rate since the sniper/troll/lina/storm meta ended



        dig bick
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              Good article, thanks for the break down. One nit -- in the omnibus small changes section you conclude: "These are all small, but negligent buffs." Think you want "negligible".

              ETA, I always wonder why the pros prefer Overwhelming Odds v Press the Attack -- I'm shit tier but find Press the Attach to be way more valuable whilst laning.


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              Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                @Praise the Sun , He is a niche pick and I believe that he has a good winrate in the pro escene.


                  while pl is still strong and viable, he falls off relative fast towards late game where there are stronger and tankier carries around. as tanky cores is the meta now, PL dps proved to be too little to get the tanky cores down.

                  Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                    By the way, how are the LC stats when played as support and core in The Summit 5? xd


                      what nerf did OD receive in 6.87? :/

                      Nero Scarlet

                        Those "small, negligible buffs" don't really make a difference, so why implement them at all?


                          PL has not been picked much coz TB does a better job at

                          1) pushing
                          2) fighting
                          3) farming


                            I hope we will see more than 100 heroes on TI6 including TECHIES!

                            OLD Penguin

                              Lifestealer needs a debuff imo.



                                Timber's passive is too OP. Should be nerfed at leats in half. Others skills are pretty balanced.


                                  What do you guys think of Morph? I personally think that a buff would be good and something like buffing the Movement-Speed to 300 would be a step in the right direction.
                                  Maybe we will see some more Morphling games soon, since the heros ultimate is very unique and very good, especially against illusion based heroes.
                                  Also OD should be buffed again, he kind of is the Stormspirit of 6.88 ^^. Beeing OP, getting nerved into beeing unplayable and then getting buffs which buff everything that doesn't make him a good hero. They should rather try to balance his abilitys rather than destroying one ability and making another one very good, but the hero himself not effective.


                                    @Landish, Odds is a huge nuke when farming and harassing is why. rarely do you see a pos 1 lc, and in the offlane that nuke can be most of your farm and provides decent harass.


                                      Timber doesn't really need a nerf on his reactive armor because we can still hurt him with magic damage and i think 6.88b patch is good enough


                                        @Dad as a fellow offlaner I agreed with you


                                          Can someone explain to me about safe lane exp? I don't get it


                                            Timber is still horrid to play against



                                              The safelane isn't really the issue. The neutral creeps however are. Before 6.88b, you could pull creeps and if your lane creeps got killed by neutral creeps, the enemies wouldn't get any exp from that. Now however, they get 20% of the exp a normal creepkill would give you.

                                              So simple math: If a creepwave normally gives you 100 exp, they would give 0 before when pulled to neutral camps. Now they give you at least 20 exp. It's not huge by any means, but it can make a difference.


                                                Perhaps one of the reason for ogre magi low pickrate is that the Hero skills are incosistent (RNG based ulti)


                                                  Naix still need some nerf specially with his ult cd, at late game he always run away into creeps with that cd so annoying


                                                    is this the last update until Ti or there's another one??

                                                    StEfFkE Srb

                                                      Timber? needs that passive nerf, its like when PL was OP (just buy vision and counter him with AOE stuns! But what if WE DONT HAVE AOE STUNS?) Counter Timber with magic? But what if i dont want to pick magic int heroes every game? So Timber force you to pick int heroes 90% of your games. We are not professionals. We want fun and different picks in dota. And Timber is really op now, dont lie guys. My favorite, Brewmaster, is now the biggest shit in game. Late game, Wisp wins him in physical duel. First magic is shit late game, why its not 350 on lvl 4?? And why his critical is only 2x on every lvls WHEN WILL BE FUCKING BUFFED? Timber is mid and offlaner for 60 min, Brewmaster is midlaner for 25 min and offlaner for 15 min. And after that he is useless, only ult is escape thing, no more killing thing. And those 2 heroes were the same fucking thing... 6.82c destroyed panda...


                                                        His ability to now create illusions for 14 seconds with a 2 second cooldown allows for reliable sieging power. While it is a buff from 6.88, the popularity of heroes like Terroblade, Luna or Medusa now has given the hero more time to shine.

                                                        Typo Terrorblade, not Terroblade

                                                        Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                          Magic damage heroes underrated Kappa


                                                            @dat boi sometimes the smallest buffs/nerfs have caused noticeable winrate changes, ie luna ministun and ms increase

                                                            SAMADHI i use  2 know

                                                              Why nerf earth spirt over 6 times heros that needs nering is jugger spec slark sven way to over powered and unbalanced late game

                                                              OEMAR BAKRIE

                                                                why wraith king ultimate dont get nerfed?
                                                                in late game he cant die