General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom Russian to EU community

From Russian to EU community in General Discussion

    Why you hate Russians so much?! I mean-few days ago,me and 3 randomed Russian in team + 1 EU player. We got nice pick with sf mid etc. last pick eu player- bone fletcher with already picked 2 carrys in team. Ofc Bone say me mid (remember with sf in pick),ofc mid lost bone have 0 5 0 or smth on 10min. After one's death he type "tard russian in team" and leave. Guys it's wrong opinion that all Russians low skilled players,who can only flame.Isn't True. Try up your skill in game and in teamplay. ty

    CEO of good ideas

      This is true, I've met some great RU players. It's just that the ones who are not good like to piss everyone off.


        Ye. May be some Russians somtimes spam chat in Rus language.You should not be angry at them, they really do not know English. Idiots among Russian no more and no less than that of all other countries)


          that's just what a typical noob does, feed, troll and leave.. and they can do it all day..

          Most Noob EU.

            Well, in the fact that some russians can't handle a basic level of english you can recognize if nobody understand russian they probably gonna rage like "WHY THE HELL THIS GUYS DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH?" btw also there are a bunch of good players in RU that's true. And more will come from any side!


              So what is the point of you and your team of RUS players to play on EU? I'm really curious to know why you're not playing on the RUS server?


                I hate lamers and flamers


                  The real point is, russians who can't speak english spamming the chat with russian characters, not understanding a single word of english, and still playing on EU servers.


                    In fact - on EU server ping better then Rus,same about delay. Guys you know Pupey from Na'Vi doesn't know Russian,while his team without exception speaks pure Russian. However, he doesn't write in chat that "I have a Russian tards team >< speak in English" =)


                      I agree, today i lose two games with eu players, but win one game with russians.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        it's not about lose or win, it's about frustration caused by not being able to communicate.


                          Russians get large hate cause they are in large amounts and anyone can easily distinguish a russian from any other nationality( like flaming in russian ).

                          Where did you hear that puppey doesnt know russian? whole baltic region is full of russians in baltics, like 10% of people doesnt know russian in that whole region.


                            Because Puppey said he speaks english better than russian.


                              I personally asked XBOCT in his stream about Pupey and his knowledge of the Russian lang.


                                Why do russians queue on EU servers all the time? People from EU dont queue on RUS servers. Its mostly a combination of inability to speak English, arrogance and ignorance: for example you and a friend queue, you pick your heroes first and call your lane. The russian either doesnt understand or ignores this, picks a bad hero and takes your lane. This happens more than 50% of the time when a russian is in your match. They then start trying to talk to you in russian, expecting you to understand what they say. Part of the problem is that it doesnt tell you if youve connected to a russian or EU server. Obviously you know if you only queue for one type, but for most russians who queue for both, theres no way of knowing. A lot just assume its russian and carry on speaking russian, feeding, flaming and generally being annoying.

                                This could be the end !

                                  why hate Russians so much, i got alot of russians friends , really good people.. but for some reason when there are 3 russian in my team, game is lost.. explain ? i don't know why thei are so noobs, thei don't gang, thei don't know how to farm , thei go mid when there is not the case, thei don't understand what support is, and thei flame you mother, father, sister bla, bla, i was really happy when i saw a Ru server ..tough the age of russians is done, but nop


                                    Yeah but puppey speak estonian language and she is from estonia. Speek inglish and russia so good palyer eva! I from estonia and we are fans. :)


                                      "The russian either doesnt understand or ignores this, picks a bad hero and takes your lane. This happens more than 50% of the time when a russian is in your match."
                                      It happens to me all the time, when I play all pick, with a very few exceptions, with Russians, or not. 3-4 carries situation is so common. I find myself wining much more often when I leave the last pick to myself. The solution here is - captains mode (unless you got the dumb captain, but it's still less common). And about Russians - some people are just dumb and play on different servers not knowing English, they didn't take enough effort to study English in school, they can't understand that Dota without communications is nothing. Not the least role plays the Soviet school heritage, which didn't imply good English knowledge due to lack of international contacts. 20 years ago only diplomats and some of the English teachers knew the language. Nevertheless, I fill so ashamed when I play on US server, got 2 Russians in a team and they start speak Russian and I have to speak Russian too, because they ignore what I'm telling them in English. But going through Dota games, I met people of different nationalities, who didn't give a fuck in speaking English. Brazilians, Italians, Bulgarians, Czech, French... The reason people tend to hate just Russians - there are more Russians in Dota, because this game is very popular here. And people need somebody to hate. Yesterday I got a game in which my team had no carries and I had last pick. So I picked Spectre, as a very hard carry. After 4 min I understood that I'm not getting any farm in this lane. So I asked the other guy, playing Axe to switch, 4 times. He ignored me. Then I just came to his lane. And after that the whole team (including Axe) started blaming me! Why? I was absolutely right, but people tend to not notice their own mistakes and blame someone else. They just need someone who they could say has ruined the game. And here come the Russians - they speak this obscure language, so they are the reason the game is lost

                                      The solution to this could be a setting in which a player could set the languages he speaks by default set to only the system language. If Valve introduces something like that - it will solve the language barrier problem completely.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        We never know who's russian until he's annoying. Be normal and nobody will hate you. And by normal, I mean EU English normal not RU.

                                        If you play on Eu server and you are a RU then you should have the common sense to talk only English. If not then get the fuck out and go on your RU server.

                                        Simple as that.

                                        Rolka Papieru

                                          did almost 1k games, saw maybe 10 normal russians

                                          Hans die Taube

                                            "Ye. May be some Russians somtimes spam chat in Rus language.You should not be angry at them, they really do not know English. Idiots among Russian no more and no less than that of all other countries)"

                                            THATS why Valve made a russian Server...

                                              이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                                              King Argazdan

                                                I don't hate Russians in general. I hate when i want to play, and then some guy shows up and spams some random Russian songs.
                                                Or, whatever you do, you'll get called - cyka. I believe its most used word in dota.

                                                There are some good players, but most of the time its: noob cyka idi naxui....


                                                  suka = bitch
                                                  idi nahui = f*** you


                                                    Sometimes I don't know what server play. Because finding put a tick in the European and Russian server. Therefore, I can begin to communicate in Russian at the beginning, because hear the Russian lang in the chat.Never pick carry if it's already in the team. Can ofc, but if I see that his skill our maincarry near zero

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    Hans die Taube

                                                      I think i had like 10 russians in the team who started talking english after they get told it is european server, I mean my english obviously sucks too :) but if you cant even figure out the letters they use, teamcommunication is impossibruuu


                                                        I hate russians when russians come to european server and flame in cyrillic.

                                                        Lord of the Waffle House

                                                          Because you can't work with Russians even if they aren't trolling since they type in Slavic letters. They come play on US and EU servers claiming that these servers that are further away than their own have "better quality" and they always have a 200+ ping. And that is exceedingly rare, at least 95% of all Russians anyone has seen just screams into their mics, feeds, dies, then mocks US and EU players about it. Know what this means? 95% of all Russians CAN speak and write in English, they just choose not to. They would rather feed, throw games, and then make everyone think they have no concept of understanding and sit there laughing when people inevitably get frustrated.


                                                            Ill tell you whats wrong. They dont communicate back in English, honestly there should be a red dot over russia (a server that is) so they can just go there and play amongst themselves. Skill-wise they are good, but communication is terrible. And when things go bad, they start swearing in a retarded english which honestly doesnt help their image either.

                                                            Pls Give Good Cores

                                                              The huge factor into winning games in dota is communication.

                                                              If you cannot comunicate with your idiot Russian speaking team you auto lose.

                                                              The thing is some of them can speak english but they are too arrogant to actually speak it.


                                                                While I've met good players among Russians, still I would prefer to not play with them. And it's not a matter of communication (since I understand the language), but more like: they have a damn high percentage of inadequate people.

                                                                Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                  The average Russian behaves just like the average European.
                                                                  Making a distinction here makes no sense imo.
                                                                  And @PaQit, I win most of my recent games with completely muted allies. The "communication" you are talking about is saying stupid stuff (i.e. flaming) about your allies. I think every serious player can do without it.
                                                                  @MaxQuest, Europeans and US players also have a damn high percentage of inadequate people. And let's not forget about the people on my region (SEA). Saying that it's mostly russians is pure bullshit and makes absolutely no sense. You just want to blame other people.


                                                                    @Typhox, Nope, I don't get any pleasure from blaming other people. And if something is messed up, I'd rather start from myself. I.e. even if a mate started to feed, it's more productive to think how to overcompensate, instead of wasting time on flaming in chat. Giving tips helps as well, not to mention that it may go a long way. The problem is that some people are allergic to any feedback. I believe it's partially related to the post C.I.S. (commonwealth of independent states) mentality, which my tiny state from eastern EU used to share. Useful critique/advises often are percepted as a try to look superior, and you are sent to *uck the *ick. While it's easy to swear back, thanks to a wider obscene vocabulary, you are still in a loss situation, since we play the game for other objectives.

                                                                    Short version: not racist, just tracking own statistics :)


                                                                      Ap and other modes made for fun. Want to play dota - play Captain Mode with your mates.

                                                                      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                        @MaxQuest, then show us your stastics.
                                                                        But yes, I also react allergic if someone wants to force me to get a certain item build on a hero that I clearly played more often and more successful than the guy giving me that "advice". You give me advice although I don't ask for that, then it is just rude. It expresses what you already said: You think you are superior to me, although you are most likely the opposite.


                                                                          @Typhox - Yes, if you use some situational/non-standard (but more succesful for you) item build - I can understand your unpleasure from advices that tell you to build-up other way. The thing is you won't receive such an advice. At least from me. Since you are succesful with it, and I suppose it is seen.
                                                                          But I am pretty much sure that some people, like:
                                                                          - people ignoring minimap and falling to ganks even if enemy was seen due to our wards
                                                                          - lich rushing veil as first art, (inb4 boots), and staying mid for 20 min auto-attacking
                                                                          - ck maxing crit first, and so on
                                                                          need some guidance tips. And it doesn't matter if I am a better, or a worse player (thanks to your grateful assumption), imo it only matters if advice/tip/notification makes sense or not. While meeting a good intent with allergy reaction is just stupid. Period.
                                                                          Adviced player can simply reply 'don't worry guys, I know what I am doing'. In this situation he makes an impression of a nice and experienced player. While in the first scenario - of a immature person with buthurted ego, whom you can hardly count on.


                                                                            Ok i know my english sucks, but i will try answer .ech0

                                                                            why i hate russian guys? i hate all retarded players. but 95% of russian that i met ruined my games. sure, i saw some rly good russian players, thats true. but most of the russians got failpicks, bad brain, no support with heros like cm, venge etc. and ruin the game. and then i'm pissed off about them, cause u got ur own server, so i see there no reason to ruin the games on a eu server.



                                                                              95% of other who ruined your game just dont talk, or talk english.


                                                                                Only complaint i have about russians is that they usually have overly aggressive playstyle, even when it's not needed for your lineup, or the lane won't work played aggressively. I've met a great deal of skilled russian players too, and i'm not idiot enough to think every bad player is Russian however. The Russian blaming has basically become the same for Dota community as "women in traffic", just something you say even if you might not necessarily mean it.


                                                                                  My only complaint against Russian players is not the fact that they are bad, people are bad from everywhere, its the fact that if they cant speak English why search on EU when there is a perfectly good RU server. I don't speak Russian, Mandarin or Any other languages used not used in South Africa, and you don't find me searching for game in servers where They don't speak English.

                                                                                  weekly smurfer

                                                                                    its not that you are low skilled , you just dont want to cooparate.. most of you dont speak english.. and you have your own idea of how to play this game ... also vodka doesnt help you that much in being adorable... :P

                                                                                    Cloak & Swagger

                                                                                      Russians are baddies... awful players who ruined most of my games!i would like a Russian version of dota2 for these people..


                                                                                        I'm a Russian. I left 6 games becouse of internet from 500 + games. For all the games I've heard about a 2 times something like "I have a team of Russian tards". Exactly the same I could say about you, but rather just keep quiet. Need to be a little more tolerant

                                                                                        Dota 3  starověký Hráč

                                                                                          in all of my dota 2 games, i met only 2 russians which them was fun to play, i dont care if someone is using his mother language in chat, but if he never respond to my question, there's something bad.


                                                                                            *russian* server - 160 ms
                                                                                            europe - 120 ms
                                                                                            from syberia with ... love?

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                            Max Pace - BLACK LIVES MA...

                                                                                              Main question is about communication.

                                                                                              I'm Italian, but I will never type in Italian while playing with non-italian Players.


                                                                                                Maybe one of you ruskies can teach us some basic dota russian, so we can at least recognize if they're raging or if they are actually talking strategies.


                                                                                                  Its based of long periods of bad experiences.

                                                                                                  1. If you are on an EU server, respect that most of the players will be "EN" only.
                                                                                                  2. I have some great russian friends online but they are by nature hot tempered and rage easily.
                                                                                                  3. They can be malicious e.g. 2 russian players together will sort of "gang" up on their own team-mates force staffing them into bad positions and other such noobery.
                                                                                                  4. Russians aren't inherently bad people I just personally feel that, they were given their own servers why are they on EU servers causing friction?

                                                                                                  This is just an opinion and while I am sure (and I know) there are great russian fella's out there, the majority who I run into are just bad news so preferably they should just stick to their countries server.


                                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                    cuz 99% of them are retarded feeders , nuff said


                                                                                                      The reason I hate playing with Russians is simple. Communication. If I can't talk to a player or understand what they are saying, then the game is probably going to go bad. Most Russians I have played with know 0 english. The universal language.

                                                                                                      Anyways. I won't judge a whole country as feeders or noobs, but talking in a game like this is essential. Also. THERE IS A RUSSIAN SERVER FOR @#$%& SAKES.


                                                                                                        By my own statistics all who say Russians can't communicate etc. have winrate less then 50%))

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!