General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom Russian to EU community

From Russian to EU community in General Discussion

    America destroyed our beautiful USSR, so we will be an annoyance to you in Dota. Fair trade if you ask me.

    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

      "America destroyed our beautiful USSR, so we will be an annoyance to you in Dota. Fair trade if you ask me."
      This exactly demonstrate a typical russian's ignorance.
      (and honestly think ussr was good!?)
      Россия сука


        As long as you can either speak English or play well (preferably both), I don't care if you're Russian or Chinese or whatever. Played a match recently with a Russian teammate, and thought he would suck. Only spoke Russian over the mic, and the two of us stomped the other team. He went 15/2/19 as Slark, and I was the only other person who broke 6 kills. Damn good Russian.


          Didnt read all that .... but russians play solo most of the games.


            Can you ban russians from EU servers? They dont speak English at 90+ %. They feed whole game at 90+ %. They have their own server. So why should they play at EU?


              i think the main problem is the communication, and to reinforce @ #damn.Powder comment, he is right russian's most of the time play solo ive had a few games were our team had 2 hard carries and a russian picked another hard carry > no problem but the lack of communication in the game lost it. To be fair russians have their own server they should be using it not going to others specially when they cant speak english.


                The lingua franca of the Internet is English. The lingua franca of Western DOTA is English. If Russians want to participate in Western DOTA they should learn English out of respect for our community's norms. The U.S. has no official language but immigrants generally learn English in order to respect our culture and coexist with their fellow Americans. If Russian players don't want to take the time to respect Western DOTA's norms, they need to restrict themselves to queueing on their own servers. Respectful DOTA players from Western Europe, the Americas, etc. should not have to suffer because lazy Russians fail at English.


                  Perhaps a fifth option should be added to the in-game Report Form: "Refusal to Communicate." If one is reported enough times for refusing to communicate, he will be IP-locked to his home region for a certain period of time. This way, respectful Russians, Brazilians, etc. who queue on EU and American servers, speak English, and play well are not impacted but the Russians, Brazilians, etc. who queue on EU and American servers and disrespect their teammates will be region-locked to their home country.


                    ^The fact that the DotA interface can be set to other languages really does imply that they expect people who don't understand English to play; in fact, it could be argued that they are trying to encourage non-English speakers to play. The idea that the right to play DotA only comes with a knowledge of English is ridiculous, and I doubt something that Valve would ever support. People don't need to learn English for your benefit; grow up.

                    Pinkie Pie

                      to ihaveaname: they don`t need to spread their own mambo-jambo language as well. It is just that - if u cann`t say anything on english - then say nothing.
                      However ban russians from other servers is the most ridiculos thing that i`v heard. It smell like ... what was that?... Nazism?. So far as i can see most of people speak about how russians are bad, but not how to solve this problem in communinty or by valve force.(except of ban/destroy/demolish/force to move/:/ part)

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      Dungeon Master

                        100 европейских задниц пригорело в этом топике
                        100 nice opinions in this topic


                          Too much russians are newbie. In this case russian mentality is so horrible. Good player understand english on dota level at least. By the way, I'm russian and I don't like too play with russian morons, who dont understand why he shouldnt pick 3rd carry and just tell you "gtfo, b**ch". There is a problem of matchmaking, not server locations. Valve must make a 4 priorities: very high, high, low, reported guys. Reports are decision of this problem, but i dont know how to manage with other problem, like when a stuck of 4 players just report their 5th guy. Sorry for not good english, i hope you understand what I want to say. Peace...

                          ama hasla

                            I am ukrainian, but i hate russian players so much, cause russian guys can pick support (like vengeful spirit) and they will no buy corier or ward. And when u recall them to buy that important items they are saying something like "suck fucking bitch" on russian (in many cases). They don't think that they will help to team, they r thinking that they r like carries who deciding the outcome of all match. Yes, there r some good players in Russia, but its only 1% chance that u ill play with them. Sorry for bad english, i thinkk u can understand what i wrote.


                              ChuGun ahhaha))))) nice joke dude


                                TrueMaster2 disagreed. May be they pick Venga not for support. Few years ago it was only carry, fact that all main professional teams make supp from Veng.Spirit does'nt force the other players to do the same. And you can communicate wiith russians on native language - just do it. Check in my profile all games by Venga. Think globally

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  rus - eng dota2 dictionary for communication with russians

                                  privet (привет) = hello
                                  pomogi mne (помоги мне) = help me
                                  uidi/ne meshai (уйди/не мешай) = go away
                                  b/nazad/othodi (назад/отходи) = b/back
                                  hodim vmeste (ходим вместе) = all together
                                  vse (все) = all
                                  idi na niz/verh/centr/les/hui (иди на низ/верх/центр/лес/хуй) = go bot/top/mid/forest(jungle)/fuck u
                                  idi so mnoy (иди со мной) = go with me
                                  kupi wardi/kuru (купи варды/куру) = buy wards/courier

                                  p.s. from Russia with love, gl hf
                                  p.p.s. Imo, veng haven't carry potential. Any other carry can destroy veng.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    thanks _Wintersoul
                                    is that the most common used words, if not can you list a few more. And also it would be nice if you use their alfabet. Hopefully russians will read it too and learn that basic english to use on eu servers.

                                    Maria Alejandra Roa Garcia

                                      first of all, they have to learn english. Thats true :) Then try to respect others. But u know, yesterday i lost game cause of US player.. who where trolling all team by wisp. So what can i say ? Have i say, damn u US ?... noup. Its just showing, that everyone trolling, not only russians


                                        Galois4, all this words are basis that studying at school on english lessons, so those students who visited some of these lessons already knows it. And it isn't necessary to write this words with cyrillic because russians sometimes write russian words using english letters and it's common thing. So they will understand this.

                                        p.s. sorry for my english


                                          I live in a third world country with no russian (who's best server is eu servers, which i average of ping of 200), so i didn't learn russian at school. I only once saw that a russian use latin letters. But i can now at least try to understand them and if playing with only russians which don't understand english, i can at least give some commands or understand some commands.

                                          p.s. there is nothing wrong with your english

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            I might be repetitive, but the general opinion which I also share is that when a Russian joins your team and starts talking russian, you're gonna have a bad time: (This applies to 95% of them)
                                            a) They don't talk English
                                            b) They ignore all recommendations/tips you try to give them and refuse to communicate (see point a)
                                            c) They flame in russian (point b)
                                            I don't get it, nobody likes them on EU servers, but they still join them, even though they have their own server, where they can talk russian as much as they please.


                                              .echo About the vengeful spirit. The problem is we already picked carry heroes, and yet they still want to play carry venge. Is also not just about the communication barrier, they are generally rude. Always flame in game, they cant do shit, and always blame the team mate and then leave game. Worst of all when i win with russian in my team, even though they didnt do shit in the game, they still ask for commendation. Seriously, how thick can your face get?

                                              I know there are good russian player, but so far all my games i have never played with one. In my opinion just go back to your own god dam server. Not everyone have the same privilege as u guys to have your own server. And dont expect us to learn your language!


                                                Restrict russians to RU server

                                                /problem solved

                                                Maria Alejandra Roa Garcia

                                                  what about US trolls and others ?


                                                    There are trolls everywhere is just that the russian trolls are too dam high


                                                      Dear /\/ever may Russian language will be Universal on planet soon. ;)


                                                        Just adding to your conversation as a russian who REALLY hate playing with russians:
                                                        ALT F4 YOUR COMPUTER

                                                        CYKI NAXUI BLAT NEUMEYETI GOVORIT PO ENGLISKIE TAK BLAT NE IGRAYETI VE EU, KK?

                                                        In the other hand, we got Na'Vi which proves that russians are the best dota players.


                                                          Team. They are not best players, they are best team.

                                                          As a best player it's asian dude. some asian dude. any asian dude.
                                                          You got what I meant right?

                                                          Russians should play on Asia servers instead of Eu, asians more likely to farm the game instead of pushing\ganking


                                                            Most of them are bad, but there are really good russians ... as in all countries. The problem is the communication in the team. 95% of Russians don't know english, and 99% of the Europeans don't know russian :P

                                                            Last Mango in Paris

                                                              I have been to Russia, My father was a Russian History teacher in the US and I studied Russian Language in College for two years. I never had anything bad to say about Russians until I played Dota 2. Now I hate to admit it but I really despise these people, which is sad because I am sure there are a lot of nice guys just trying to have a fun game from Russia.

                                                              Obviously there are bad Russian players and good Russian players. A few things definitely stand out and create rage when Russians visit EU and US servers. (Note I played HON for a while and I noticed ALOT of similarities between Russians in Dota 2 and Brazilians in HoN).

                                                              1) The Communication barrier is insane. I don't speak Chinese. I would never go play on an Asian server, I don't speak Portuguese or Spanish well enough to play on the SA server. Why the Russians think its appropriate to use Cyrillic on an EU or US server is completely beyond me. Which brings me to point 2

                                                              2) I think there appears to be something of a massive cultural divide between "western" players and the Russians. It seems most Western European and American players share a lot of the same values and traditions, which allow them to work together better. Western Europe and USA are affluent countries, the populations by and large are 'relatively' comfortable with strong democratic traditions rooted in the western philosophies and canon. This makes things like "playing support", warding, initiating etc. easier on a deep psychological level for these players, democratic process of compromise and debate is instilled via education. I think perhaps in cases of Russia and Brazil these are countries without some of these same traditions. Life is not as easy, so the kinda good nature'd trust isn't there. This leads to the 4 Russians on your team all picking carries, maybe even invisible carries or ones with good escapes because on a deep psychological level they don't trust people as much because their life is a bit harder than the average worker in Frankfurt or London. Which leads me to 3

                                                              3) People just want to have a reasonably fun game where people pick characters and play the expected roles etc. Russians don't seem as interested in that maybe because of what I mentioned in point 2. They will pick CM and refuse to buy wards or courier and then go jungle with her (this happened to me last month in a game). Russians seem to relish the US vs THEM siege mentality. If you ask them to ward they will refuse to do so automatically because of this it seems. I guess after being invaded by the mongols, the germans, the poles, the swedes, the french, the germans again and the germans again, they as a society have developed this "everyone is out to get us" mentality. This makes them particularly poor team mates for a US/EU team that share language and values.

                                                              4) hate breeds more hate. I'll admit its gotten to the point where just seeing a Russian player on my team drives me nuts. I don't even give them a chance anymore which is not good. But the fact is that every time i did so in the past, they disappointed me by living up to the sterotype. At the end of the day their behavior is just generally rude which really hurts in a team-based game.


                                                                I can understand Russians on an eu server because of the low pings but on an aus server WTF.
                                                                you should be able to ban Russians for being on servers other than russian.


                                                                  ^Kidding me right?
                                                                  What if you are Dendi and you wanna play SEA? get banned?:<


                                                                    Dendi is ukrainian


                                                                      not sure why should Dendi play on SEA :D

                                                                      And yes, main problem is communication, not sure what language are Russians learn in the school but I am sure its not english :D (my english sux too, but you know what I mean :D)

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                      ДА ЭТО ЖЕ:

                                                                        "Russian" (Stockholm, Sweden) server ping 140ms
                                                                        EU server ping 90ms
                                                                        any questions?

                                                                        Go on and ask that the valve did Russian server in Moscow.

                                                                        P.s. RU skill > EU skill
                                                                        P.s.s. who shout that Russian demolish games, those not even 50% wr lol

                                                                        patrick ★

                                                                          I had 7 games in a row with Russian teammates, I uninstalled Dota 2 after the 7th game. True Story.


                                                                            I play poker allot and russians and brazilians are the biggest retards there too.

                                                                            Some of the best poker players come from this countries but the general mass of players are extreme retards.Hyper aggressive with no common sense...Luckily this is a good thing in poker as it is an individual game.Too bad most of them play low stakes...

                                                                            Also they are the most "wasteful" with their winnings.Some russian idiot won 150k $ in the sunday million (215$ buy in) with some extreme EXTREME luck, prior to this he was playng 1$ tournaments. After he won he lost it all in 3 days playng 5k $ games and he was back playng 1$ toutnaments....

                                                                            It's in their nature...that or they are always drunk/high...

                                                                            This is the reason why i think ho ever comes on top from Russia/Brasil in any domain is really good...they had to work they're way up trough a pile of shit.


                                                                              NO-PRO RUSSIAN PLAYER LF RUSSIAN OR INTERNATIONAL TEAM TO PLAY AT NO-PRO LEAGUES (steam nick: valeq)

                                                                              PS. Language and religion does not matter.

                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                So much hate with 45% wr. MB problem in u?

                                                                                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                                  #Can't touch this

                                                                                    Main problem is the language. A game where all 5 players communicate in english, give an item advice, tell to push, smoke gank, tell startegies etc. is most of the time a win in my experience. A game with russians who only speak russian is an auto-lose for me. There is no teamplay, no communication, only cyrillic letters on my screen. Worst games.
                                                                                    I experienced russians who can speak english are a lot better than russians who cannot.

                                                                                    Also I am german. Whenever I see people who actually talk german, I tell them to speak english, so that all can understand the things they say. Russians would never do such a thing. If all russians would talk english, there wouldnt be a problem. The most people wouldnt even know that like 70% of the players are russian.


                                                                                      Just because I hear a lot of you slamming other players and saying that "russians are better" and "we have Dendi".....lets do some schoolwork shall we.

                                                                                      Na'Vi are from the Ukraine, Ukraine like Belarus were part of the Soviet Union but are now INDEPENDANT countries.

                                                                                      Na'vi are not russian, you aren't better than the rest of the world at dota even if they were russian that doesn't make you a better player than the EU.

                                                                                      2 Members are originally russian but guess what O.o its not dendi who is Ukraine born and bred and who you are using as the catalyst for all your shit talk about how you are better than most.

                                                                                      I am happy to have you play on EU servers but you are a guest on the EU servers so behave, do what you want in your own house but when you come to ours FFS!!! play nice and by the rules

                                                                                      Last Mango in Paris

                                                                                        @ Typ It was 50% two weeks ago, which is not pro by any means. I am not great. But I am ok, I understand teh strategy etc. its just lately I play a lot in pub games by myself, and I go into game and the team can't communicate, I'll pick a tank/initiator or support and the rest of team which is talking in Cyrillic picks riki, faceless void, spectre and Shadow Fiend. They never pick stuns and the disables needed to win pub games etc always just 4 carries. So yeah I have lost a lot recently because I am on these teams, what can I do? Even in random draft this happens. When I play with others they choose more balanced teams it seems and they can communicate, thats all, just observing a trend.


                                                                                          TnA.Havoc Srsly? it says guy with little hourse on acc.picture?))
                                                                                          And if you know Ukraine is Russia,it closer then America and Canada


                                                                                            As someone who plays a shitload of dota 1 and visit dota forums a lot, I thought there were incredible exaggerations of how annoying/retarded Russians are. But nope, every game with a russian is fucking MADNESS. They do not seem to have the slightest clue as to what they are doing. No items? Check. Following you around the map when you try to clear their lane for them to farm? Check? Follow you to where you are pulling (to bring the creep equilibrium back)? They just come with you and stop the pull. And then of course the constant typing in russian, afking, screaming, spamming and generally being complete fucking retards.

                                                                                            Sure, there are obviously lots of good russians out there, but you need to accept that there are an absolute SHIT LOAD of retard russians out there, and GOD KNOWS what they are doing playing on the fucking AUSTRALIAN SERVER


                                                                                              I think the biggest reason Russians get so much flack, is because all the bad ones only type in Cryllic. If you type in English and play reasonably well, no one is going to realize you're Russian. Even if you don't do so well, typing in English makes them think you're not Russian.


                                                                                                no english = go to rus server
                                                                                                so easy , why do they even dare to use kyrilic on eu server?


                                                                                                  Personally I have no issues with russians except that you (russians, türks, greek, chinese etc) all seem to stick to your own language even when playing with others when playing on international servers such as Europe West!

                                                                                                  If you're not playing on your local area server be prepared to switch to english for team communication!!



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