General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Lester, Moe

    I meant that to flak.

    Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

      ^ I don't think he is D:

      Mr Casual

        >Sir Jensen

        G: Great Riki W/R in VHS where detections are more common. probably a ninja king at work...
        B: Dire matchup W/R

          이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.
          Lester, Moe

            G: Plays earth spirit a lot
            B: Played antimage but won so its excusable

            Lester, Moe

              For triplesteal

              G: Plays a lot of timbersaw
              B: Too many games as timbersaw


                [skip me]

                i accidently deleted my comment, but Sir Jensen commented on Muted instead of me anyways, xd


                  G: Feels like there is some interal kappa between us
                  B: Not very good at dota, gifts me tier 100000000000000 items, fuck you + j to sound cool like arteezy do lol thanks for gifts btw FUCK YOUJ

                  Mean Machine

                    G: nice winrates with most heroes
                    B: spamming bloodsuka :D


                      Good: Very versatile in very high skilled matches
                      Bad: Average deaths are a bit high

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        G: Versatile and can find a hero to fit most roles
                        B: Win rate - 8/10 most played heroes are sub 50%

                        Lester, Moe

                          G: A opportunistic player willing to try new heroes.
                          B: 53 minute game as leshrac with no items


                            G: Great KD, able to find farm easily in general
                            B 28min game as leshrac with lower GPM and no items


                              G: Good stats, balanced in several roles.
                              B: Normal skill.

                              I'm not mocking normal skill but if anyone puts in a teeny bit of effort, its ridiculously easy to break out of it.

                              Ahmed Jaffar Al-Nasser

                                G: 1000+ Games, must be experienced. Meepo most played microskillz, SS& Zeus winrate.
                                B: Normal games, Kunkka& ES winrate.


                                  [color=#239edd]G: Clearly you know what you're doing with your most played heroes. All good winrates and KDA's (except, OD. but that's understandable)

                                  B: Techies man :/ Also you seem to have a lot of heroes not played. Seems like you may be a smurf account as well, no one likes those :P And keep a consistent name so you're easier to identify [/color]


                                    wut you clearly didn't even look past 1 page of my match history


                                    Big Dick Player

                                      G: Meepo player ,nice storm winrate and KDA, likes to experiment with item builds every now and then
                                      B: Seams to only play rubick as a core role and neglects playing supports roles.


                                        G: 56% overall winrate
                                        B: Meepo and ebola in VHS


                                          Road to 3k too hard
                                          Road to 2.6k is ezier

                                          Lester, Moe

                                            G: 100 percent winrate with friends
                                            B: 47 percent winrate on radiant


                                              G: Alche winrate
                                              B: Riki picker

                                              Lester, Moe

                                                G: Good pudge winrate
                                                B: Too many games as invoker

                                                Polish Hussar

                                                  ^ Good: Wooooooooo

                                                  Bad: Booooooooooooo


                                                    good: 2nd most played is CK plus good winrate on that hero:)
                                                    bad: record for most denies: 27...


                                                      Good: Very high variety in hero picks, all roles are played; Very high skill
                                                      Bad: kinda low winrate with friends; mediocore sand king stats


                                                        g: nice varied heroes
                                                        b: hs/vhs boarder

                                                        OpenAI (Human)

                                                          g: very high skill, nice winrate

                                                          b: smurf

                                                          Bob Ross

                                                            G: Gotta respect the Ancient Apparation skills, also good recent win rate, moving up in skill I see.

                                                            B: Brood spam will forever taint this profile


                                                              G: good support player, good overall winrate

                                                              B: plays lot of bot games?

                                                              Wet Old Soggy Vegetable

                                                                G: Decent enough winrate

                                                                B: Cant seem to play support roles, still in high skill after 1000 games

                                                                Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                  G : A fucking good ES

                                                                  B: Why are you in my team you fuck

                                                                  Atila El Husky~

                                                                    G: Many friends and good WR with them

                                                                    B: only 51% WR in ranked



                                                                      G:64% Win Rate is something.

                                                                      B:Fucking Techies picker go to hell u scrub.


                                                                        [color=#239edd]G: Techies
                                                                        B: Techies/Smurf[/color]


                                                                          G: Nice winrates, teach me to timbersaw plx
                                                                          B: blue text all around; not hot anymore


                                                                            G: nice timbersaw, prolly an offlane player with the mindset, im best when im alone
                                                                            B: hero spammer

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                              G: Holy cow leshrac gamez!
                                                                              B: Staph lesh plz!

                                                                              Π Δ T Σ

                                                                                G: Good with a lot of heroes.
                                                                                B: Good with a lot of cancerous heroes.


                                                                                  Good: Winrates on cores.

                                                                                  Bad: That current loss streak looks very tear-inducing.


                                                                                    G: Very good/consistent support winrate
                                                                                    B: Low game impact on most carries

                                                                                    YutaxTV on TTV

                                                                                      G: nice winrate
                                                                                      B: spammer

                                                                                      Lester, Moe

                                                                                        G: Doesn't play anti-mage
                                                                                        B: Keeps making deso and mom on jugg

                                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                                          G: 69th best riki in the world as of today.
                                                                                          B: Pugna wr! why man! :O

                                                                                          KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                            G: That veno wr and you have been playing him recently too!!
                                                                                            B: Blyetcyka p;ayer

                                                                                            Protato BBnoZAR

                                                                                              G: Winrates,kda ect.
                                                                                              B:Weaver winrate


                                                                                                G: Winrates overall
                                                                                                B: doesnt play ranked


                                                                                                  I just wanted to snipe the 13,000 post

                                                                                                  G: most played heroes with solid winrates
                                                                                                  B: meepo