General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you get noticed by pro teams or semi-pro teams?

How do you get noticed by pro teams or semi-pro teams? in General Discussion

    I play dota for some time now and I want to play other level. I'm doing a lot of things to improve my game but I don't find people to play with, and the chances to know some pro players are not good.

    I'm not the best, maybe I'm not ready but I have a lot of potential, with some practice on that level I'll get there too.

    I'm playing on "south america server" because there I can play with low ms, but the skill level is not good. Some times I feel like I play 5vs1, all my teammates are feeders, or first time playing that hero, no strategy, fights for who buy wards, etc. Playing like this I'll never improve my game and I'll never be noticed by pro teams. I suppose playing on SA server is not good, because pro players play on NA, EU, ASIA, etc. I can play on NA servers, but is not the same like playing with no ms in SA.

    Maybe I'm not so good to play pro player level, but at least semi-pro level and with some look improve my game to get noticed. Any tip or something would be nice, thanks for your time!.

    Proud Boi

      What's your MMR?


        i lol'd


          Coperino pasterino cappuccino pistachio


            raise ur win rate to 50% first.


              more like he's getting paired up against anonymous 5-player team pubs

              10/10 thread


                i literally fucking laughed... it all started when u pointed out SA server OMFG
                potential? are u fucking trolling us??? u stack most of your fucking anonymous stupid bullshit full of noob motherfucking games and you cant even maintain 50% win... Who gives a fuck about your delay? u think most people play at lan conditions on US east? fucking MORON!

                i rly dont know what the fuck i can tell u... BUT consider SUICIDE fucktard


                  and notice im not even gonna start on your bullshit mmr!

                  Ples Mercy

                    Semi pro with 3k mmr?

                    u gotta be shitting me.

                    Proud Boi

                      This thread sure made Benao mad. Lulz :)

                      Quick maffs

                        SA is pretty low compared to EU


                          I love this joke. :D


                            *QUOTE ;BENAO;

                            i literally fucking laughed... it all started when u pointed out SA server OMFG
                            potential? are u fucking trolling us??? u stack most of your fucking anonymous stupid bullshit full of noob motherfucking games and you cant even maintain 50% win... Who gives a fuck about your delay? u think most people play at lan conditions on US east? fucking MORON!

                            i rly dont know what the fuck i can tell u... BUT consider SUICIDE fucktard


                            Look at this? Who writes like this? Ah, yeah... Obviously a retard.


                              retards commenting on fucktards...hmmmm intresting...

                              lol dude you have just as much of a chance to get into semi-pro league as i do.

                              which is FUCKING 0.
                              you get that?comprendo.
                              all of the guys who posted on this thread (besides me) has more of a chance to get into the semi's


                                sorry to be dragged down to earth like this man.

                                but you have to realize that there are many guys who have Dunning Kruger and go on to destroy the game.

                                you have to understand why we have to nip the bud.

                                you have to....


                                  Simple stats - your SF win rate is impressive. KDA is impressive. But your average GPM isn't even 500. That alone is really telling, because even a terrible SF can get that kind of GPM with half your winrate. It shows a lot about your level of play and your ability to find farm efficiently.

                                  On the heroes I am good with I exceed 600+ GPM on average even considering the bad games where I get stomped horribly and end up with no farm the whole game. Good players like Meracle or say Loda can easily average 700+ GPM on the heroes they are good with. It isn't the best metric, but it does give a rough idea of what your play is like on farming cores.


                                    start playing on amateur leagues, small tournaments and so on


                                      wow so much hate from such random | benao.
                                      the only way to get noticed by pro players is to be hs and play in their games ~ i mean its kinda logic


                                        ^dunning kruger is strong in this one


                                          I stand corrected.


                                            u stack too much and u still got low win % .... and yeah Satellizer said the rest


                                              @fuzzy stop act like ur any good, we all know u bought ur acc from wave. i even have the screens where u Beg him to sell it for you in exchange of naked unicorns pics


                                                Dunning Kruger is a bitch for sure. I thought i was a lot higher then i actually am too and you know what i did? I created a smurf, played like 150 games, then ranked matches and i got pretty much same 3.8k mmr. I'm slowly working my way up, but it's not that easy. It looked a lot better in the begining since i played few games with highest skilled players and i did good. But the next one i lost to noobs, cause i didnt know how to outplay them with the team i had.

                                                Finding efficient farm and knowing how to play against different lineups are really important skills and if you want to climb up mmr range thats the first thing, that you have to work on.

                                                Read this topic - good reading:




                                                    I've got only two questions to ask: where are unicorns pics?! Am I missing them again?

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    kalz | 永遠の領主

                                                      The EASIEST way to get noticed by pros is to create a team and play in TECS and SECS every week. It is literally that easy. Win small tournaments like LOD and ECS a couple times and bang, you get sponsors and invited to tier 2 leagues. If you're truly good, you get invited to tier 1 leagues. Obviously, you need to be really good.
                                                      For better illustration, look at Swagenteiger, WWD, Ehug. If this were before RMM, I'd say play IXDL and make your way to the top....but that's a bad idea.


                                                        I came here with respect, but a lot of trolling are here.

                                                        Is hard to rise the win rate, how I said all time my team is the worst. These are some examples, I play well but even so I can't win look this team, feeds, etc.


                                                        Win rate is nothing, some good players has high rate win cause they play all time with friends and that's really easy way. I play a lot of time by my self and some time with some contacts.

                                                        Benao [Norway], you are really dumb, I play better than you even playing on SA server, and I have more potential than you, go troll other place.

                                                        my team = drooling monkeys, first I'm playing ranking for short time, second even if I win mid and get some difference, my team all time is the worst and I can't win vs 5 guys playing well. Teamfight > idiots farming alone.

                                                        Zenoth, thanks a lot for your comments. But is really hard to get 700 GPM in all games, some times I can't go mid because some other guy want to go and pick pudge or some heroe that he don't know shit, he loss mid, he feed, we lost. In game like these, is HARD to get 700 GPM if you can't farm and all your lanes are pushed and your teammates don't do anything.

                                                        All games is the same, the other team see how good I'm farming and they smoke me 10 times in arrow, or even more .... where is my team when that happen? don't know.

                                                        Or even when I'm going mid, some people get furious because I'm not ganking lanes (i'm not ganking lanes lvl 5 with no rune, the other solo mid will get free farm), and they steal my items from the courier, or something like that, that's why I can't get 600-700GPM in all games.

                                                        CAIONAGANDAIA, what do you mean with "you stack too much"

                                                        How I said, I'm not pro, but I have potential I don't want to keep playing by my self with the worst teammates ever seen always on my team, I tried some time ago looking for people to create a team and learn each other, but is hard too. I can't find someone in my level and if I found one he's the worst human being in the world, and I remove him.

                                                        Don't troll, if you want I'm bad why don't you play with me? maybe you learn something and maybe you'll stop trolling because you're bad and you're mad.

                                                        If I win mid -> I win the game.

                                                        If I loss mid -> we loss the game (part of the fault is mine, I know ...... but is really hard to win mid with no courier, with no wards, and the other team ganking mid all time, no runes ....... etc).

                                                        Even Dendi loss games because of that when he play alone with no friends, same thing, no courier no wards, no team, and ganks mid.

                                                        My win rate is bad, I know is not even 50% but is only for that. A lot of time I can't play mid, and my GOOD TEAMMATES pick 4 carry, I don't want to loss so what I do?, pick support and do my best, but for nothing, not even 1 carry is good enough and we loss, simple as that.

                                                        Playing on SA is not big deal, you guys probably play on NA with 30ms, maybe you can win even with 200ms vs players 30ms but only with team, good strategy, etc. If you play 1vs1 mid with 200ms vs 30 ms in the same level skill, the 30ms player will win all games.

                                                        Well how I said, is hard to win all games by my self, and more hard if I'm not going mid because teammates.

                                                        And if you want to look the real stuff, you can see that I play ranking since few days and that's why I'm 3k, but you don't see that and you just talk shit with no idea.


                                                        Time ago, before the update you can see your skill level on the matchmaking, normal skill, high skill, very high skill ...... etc, I always played on high skill and very high skill, so I',m not crazy, if you want to talk trash, go to other place.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          jus tpick axe and man the fuck up dont listen to this guy

                                                          beast player

                                                            even if u get 6k mmr pros wont give a shit bout u u need to make a team with ur mates and win big point battles and shit





                                                                Shit happens. You're not pro. You're not good enough to be pro.


                                                                  Muspel, in that second game you linked you did the least Hero Damage on your team. Why would you blame them?

                                                                  Ples Mercy


                                                                    3k scrub talking to 4,5k guy and says 4,5k guy sucks balls. LOLOLOLOLOL

                                                                    you SA people really are retarded. (sano i feel ya bro)


                                                                      Muspel I play on South America and I think I have never seen you so probably your MMR is not very high
                                                                      If you want to start playing competitive, find 4 friends and try playing the SDL (Shigueo Dota League), it's a brazilian amateur tournament. It's full of new teams and players like you who want to improve. And of course some good players which tend to end up winning the tournament.

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        Guiri, I said I'm not pro but I have potential to improve playing with better player.

                                                                        Discodude, I blame them because some dude go mid and he loss, I tried to support them with my pick (i said mid), tornado, eul scepter, ice wall, cold snap, emp, that's why I have the lowest damage, they "carry" the game.

                                                                        trashteam is trash, you only talk here. You sound like a kid man, grow up. Besides i'm not 4k only for time, I started playing ranking some weeks ago, you should play 1vs1 with me, then you can talk all you want. Talking here is bullshit, trolling and inmature, talk on the lane with a hero.

                                                                        My "SA people", ok you are a kid after all.


                                                                          ^ Ugh, you just HAD to say 1v1 didn't you?

                                                                          Nothing against you (don't particuarly care either), but the moment you say that, you inmediately lose all credibility inside DB. Winning 1v1 normally only proves that you are better at mid lane than someone else and asking for it makes you look like an asshat with an ego bigger than Vroksnak's E-peen.


                                                                            Before considering to become pro dota player, read this:

                                                                            Good luck!

                                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                                              Muspel mad bcause he sucks balls.

                                                                              I think you are acually the first guy who has legit dunning kruger, congratz!


                                                                                trashteam is trash, you only talk here. You sound like a kid man, grow up. Besides i'm not 4k only for time, I started playing ranking some weeks ago, you should play 1vs1 with me, then you can talk all you want. Talking here is bullshit, trolling and inmature, talk on the lane with a hero.

                                                                                "you should play 1v1 with me"

                                                                                i bet 50 key for blunt


                                                                                  [Lk].Zano, I don't care. If someone thinkg that he's good and I'm noob, lets play. All people can talk crap here, but in game is the real talk. Doesn't matter if is it a solo gameplay, even pro supports when play mid you can know for sure that he is really good.

                                                                                  trashteam is trash, keep trolling is the only thing you know kid.

                                                                                  6_din_49, thanks for the link. Is not new for me but is good to read it again.

                                                                                  sano, thanks for the info, I'll check it right away sounds great!


                                                                                    So much hate, why even insult people for nothing?
                                                                                    cut the guy some slack, he was just asking for an advice or some friends to tag along.

                                                                                    good luck to you Muspel


                                                                                      Honestly Muspel, Yoshi is right and you deserve all the luck you need. But sadly the others have a valid point too. You are not alone in thinking you deserve to play at a higher level, probably 90% of the people on this forum think higher of themselves than they really deserve. I've been guilty of it in the past too. The sad reality of it is that you're probably not good enough, but for me my recommendations would be learn all the heroes to a higher standard first. You only have 1500 games which isn't enough for a pro and some of your stats aren't fantastic (I'm looking at you, Invoker)

                                                                                      From my own personal experience though, actually getting a team of 5 people who can all play at the same time and have similar abilities/attitudes is nearly impossible. The most I ever had was 3.

                                                                                      As a matter of interest, what is your MMR?


                                                                                        Saying you don't win enough because your team is bad is so ridiculous, because by statistics alone, if you have retards on your team, the other team is bound to have retards too. So in the end, if you are as good as you say, you should be the difference that wins games.

                                                                                        For instance, i play as SF all the time. And i can say, that 100% of the games that i lost, i could have won them if i had not made a single mistake. Even though the supports didn't ward and some of the lanes fed, i could have won if i had not made a single mistake. Like overextending, underestimating their diving potential, playing too greedily.

                                                                                        You say you want to improve. Well, the first step is recognizing that the fault you lose is you, and no one elses.

                                                                                        Edit: Yesterday i played the worst game of SF of my life so far, and while i can blame my team saying stuff such as:
                                                                                        No wards, no upgraded courier at 20 minute mark, no one TPing to help me being dived by a retard nightstalker in the T3, team not using spells when being attack, just clicking to return to base and nothing else, it was ultimately my fault for not farming enough early game to finish a fast blink to not be food for nightstalker and for letting invoker grab mid, assuming the lane supports would let me get last hits.

                                                                                        Also, map awareness could have saved me from several of the nightstalker/weaver dives, but it's a lot easier to just blame the supports and take no responsibility. Not only that, we still won some teamfights, and if i had coordinated my team better to make them push after the won teamfight, we could have actually won the game.

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                                                                                          Have you tried ixdl SA?

                                                                                          They have an Open division (and Invite if you're good enough).


                                                                                            guys don't be so offensive



                                                                                              Normally i'd agree with you, but OP is also being offensive, and making excuses for himself.
                                                                                              It is challenging enough defending players with legitimate questions from hyper-aggressive trolls. I rather people like blunt and benao, who feel it necessary to trash talk players, to do it with posts like this, rather than posts that are asking for realistic help in raising MMR.

                                                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                                                @Muspel trashcan player:
                                                                                                Im dead serious. you are so bad compared to the most users here who are active and you talk about potential to be a pro and shit. Seriously how fucking retarded are you?

                                                                                                You cannot blame ur 3k rating on ur tardmates.


                                                                                                  If you are remotely good you never end up being 3k. One of my friends started playing on an alt account where he has like 48% winrate and was mostly trolling, still he got 4k after calibrations. Hes a 4.5k player usually. If you end up being 3k, you are definetly far from being semi-pro.

                                                                                                  Also I dont like flaming, but OP definetly deserves it, after the style of hes responses. And noone can blame it on others who started to flame, you can just ignore it..


                                                                                                    - Yoshi, yes I started this thread looking for some tips/help but trolls are everywhere.

                                                                                                    - Guiri, thanks for share your opinion. I'm not on "pro level" I'm too far, but I know that with practice and playing with better players I'll improve a lot, and maybe with luck .... you know.

                                                                                                    - Shadow Friend, I understand what you said, but most of game the low level players on my team are worst than the other, it's a rule. But that's no excuse, I loss games for my fault too, but even playing solo queue I get a party on the other team, 3 even 4 ..... isn't "solo queue", and me with 4 guys trying to learn new heroes, fighting since min 1, reporting, etc.

                                                                                                    I know when is my fault, but most of my games isn't my fault. Some games people from Peru or Brazil for example just don't help me because I'm from Argentina, just for that. How can I win a game like this?, and is my faul?, you're wrong. In all my games I try to help my team, what to build, what should help the team, where we need wards, when we need to push, everyrhing ..... but its boring doing this all games, why I can't play with people in my level?, they don't think because they are casual players, they just pick what they want and do what they want, when the other team is playing very well and going together. 3 o 4 ganks on mid with smoke and I'm done, my team can't help, can't kill, and I can't kill 5 at the same time, only if I'm feeded.

                                                                                                    Even Dendi when he play alone get the same team as me and he is ranked too high, so there is no excuse and a lot of time is the team fault, not mine. When is my fault I just admit it.

                                                                                                    Sometimes even if you farm a lot, win mid, your creepblock is awesome, your lane control is fucking great, your team feeds more than you farm and you can't do anything, you can't help them ether.

                                                                                                    -Satellizer, No I havn't but I'll check it for sure. For now I'm looking people to play with, doing a team and win some amateur tournaments, with luck we'll be growing but isn't easy to find the right people, but I appreciate your help! thanks again.

                                                                                                    - trashteam is trash, There is not point to keep talkint with you, keep trolling if you want.

                                                                                                    - Vaeldiithia, I'm 3k for now but only because I'm not playing ranking a lot, just watch my dotabuff profile I started playing some weeks ago, but I can't play mid in all of these games, because some else want to go mid to "practice with X hero", ranking isn't for practice new heroes ...... much worst if you go mid.


                                                                                                    Today with 2 friends we "started" a casual team, and then we found some friends/friends to play with too, but the team has only 3 official members for now. We'll playing same heros and same strategy for a while, when I feel confortable and we found other 2 members we'll starting playing ranking cm and with some luck participate in some torunaments, leagues, etc. Amateur for now, is the only thinkg we ca do but this isn't easy, it takes time to reach the real target.

                                                                                                    Setting practice time should help a lot, for now on our first game we won, we don't finish on mid game (that was a mistake and almost we loss) but I get 2 ultra kills, so I'm happy and the other guys played well for our first game, we need to improve a lot of things. The lanes wasn't what I spected, but mid was easy enough.

                                                                                                    If someone want to add me to play some cm or "closed" with friends would be nice!


                                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                      Just because your teammates didn't have a good laning phase does not mean that you cannot help them.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!