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General DiscussionTinker Item Build Questions

Tinker Item Build Questions in General Discussion
Rusty Ken

    Hey guys!
    Recently I've been practicing quite a lot of tinker. Before I really knew how to play him, I always go for Dagon right after BoTs, bottle, soul ring and blink dagger. Then I'll upgrade it all the way to 5, then pick up an etheral blade. After lots of reasearching and watching pros play, I now do sheepstick after the cores (as mentioned above). Then I'll probably pick up a shiva's for more pushing power.
    I just wanted to ask you guys, do you guys go for Dagon after the cores or sheepstick? Just so you know, I'm at 3.2k MMR, so for those tinker pros out there, is Dagon first more suitable for my level? Or sheepstick? Some people say that having Dagon level 1 is enough for the moment , and we should get a sheepstick next, maybe an e blade too.


      at ur level its enough to spam upgrade dagon to 5k at least


        Depends on game. But at 3.2k if you know what you're doing you can go Dagon every game

        Sup m8

          I'd say that if you are snowballing very hard and it looks like you are gona win the game easily, go for Dagon first. Upgrade it as fast as you can. If it is a normal game, then get sheep stick, as it is so good in helping your team win fights and shutting down their carry. However, if you are losing by quite a lot, I'd say get a force staff after blink dagger or ghost scepter. The force staff is very good for extra mobility and can help save your teammate, which might just turn the tides. Ghost scepter can help you survive a lot better against carries that rape you with right click (damn you riki) After that get sheep stick.

          Rusty Ken

            Thanks guys!

            .  .

              Sometimes you go dagon first even in highest mmr games. I mean when there's no way you can get hex until the game is out of control and 2.7k investment MIGHT save you. Just as rapier sometimes is worth a try. On stomp games you also go dagon. On really hard games you should consider going hex where you need to focus a single hero as early as possible to stop him from doing something(like phoenix ulti, weaver ulti, etc). I myself build into dagon first most of the time but that's just because I like it, not because it's the best or something. It's more like a personal preference where you can go phase on ta or treads on ta, but dagon vs hex is just a later one.
              Btw the guy who plays for fnatic as a standin atm goes dagon1 then gets ethereal then gets hex then proceeds to level up dagon. It's just how you prefer stuff yourself :)))


                  Euls is kinda awesome on him ( ofc after few dagon upgrades and bot ).


                    BoT > dagger > bloodstone > hex/dagon


                      please stop picking this broken hero


                        Tinker OP and IMBA

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                          when i play at 3.5k with my firends and i dont go dagon and go bloodstone i lose, since i need to snowball with dagon