General Discussion

General DiscussionOkay, this is weird.

Okay, this is weird. in General Discussion

    I played supports for so much time who i can't remember rightly when i start.
    And it's a massacre eveytime to support stupid people.

    But i start to win with meepo with a little of training in a lobby, and in ranked (okay i'm 2800 so whatever) was the most EASY GAME EVER HAD IN MY LIFE, except the one with enemy Lich.

    What's wrong with me ? Enemy n00b or what.

    Quick maffs

      Based winrate never lies, if you spammed omni in ranked you would go up really fast


        I played omni only with friends. I'm not such a loser who need op heroes for climb.

        But anyway it's a good idea.


          The thing with playing supports in lower brackets is that you can only do so much for your team. Unless you stomp really hard in the early game and get a shitload of money, you will have to rely on your carry's ability to end the game at some point. And if your carry is retarded and the enemy's isn't, you're gonna lose no matter what.


            that's not true... if you give me rubick and a 2k acc I'll have a 12 min blink and will kill everybody around the map eventually
            you just need to adapt to the game level. if your team is made of scrubs, buy less wards and get some core items to kill heroes.


              it was the easiest game of your life and you didnt have even 5 kda

              really easy


                @sano i can give you my 3k account if you want to show the guys you can go up in the ladder supporting


                  @lol: You sure will, but that's because you're MUCH better than them (us?). When the skill level is even you can only do so much as a support. You can stack the camps for your carry, give him first blood, gank mid, keep him alive when needed and he can still throw the game making just one mistake or because of his item choices.


                    Well, you can try picking a support that can carry the game by himself even while supporting. Pretty much what I did with Warlock to catch up with some friends who had begun playing almost a year before me and stopped picking him frequently once I noticed my opponents were getting better and my impact was lesser.


                      Oleksandr, that depends on the kind of support you are picking. If you go for supps with snowballing potential which really benefits from levels (Skywrath comes to mind) you will start snowballing as hard as a mid player would, if you do shit right. It's close to impossible to have a comeback in 3k games (unless with you are with a super greedy lineup like 5 carries and the game goes 50 min) because people do not know how to farm efficiently.

                      If you have an advantage, you have to push it the hard you can as a support.
                      You'll probably have 2 possible situations at 3k:

                      A) The opposite team is 5 cores lineup
                      B) The opposite team is moderatedly all rounded, with atleast 1 support

                      If you are ahead early game, in the A situation what you should do is kill anyone you want (focus on the most late games cores or the ones that can be the biggest threat, like Void, Doom, etc). Their strength relies late game, usually they have poor laning capability and won't be able to manfight you.

                      If you are ahead early game, in the B you should be looking for their support(s) that are underleveled if compared to you. You can kill them ez. In both cases you don't want to let the guys have some comeback possibility, right? Then you ward their jungle, you wanna keep track of where they are, what they are doing. If they start farming jungle, contest it, go there, annoy or even kill them. Most ppl at 3k think that because they are playing cores they are Super Man, they will man fight you, underfarmed, underleveled and with possibly no real nukes or shit like that so its again an easy kill.

                      What most people do and thats what makes a comeback possible is just go around looking for kills, getting cocky (not paying attention) and not getting towers. Getting towers will not only give like 1k gold advantage for your team but will also deny the other team possibility to farm safely, which means there are less sources for them to find farm and comeback.

                      If you are behind, you should ward your jungle to see if they are interested in contest (at 3k its not very usual as people will be seeking for kills left and right so jungle is usually a safe place to be). But the thing is, if you know how to play a good support effectively, you shouldn't be behind at 3k's. Go gank mid if your lane is hard/tanky unkillable shit. And try to find atleast 1 guy on your team who is core and is not a complete retard, try to let that guy snowball. That's pretty much it in 3ks.

                      Pulling, stacking and shit doesn't really mean anything there because people don't know how to farm efficiently and if you keep pulling soon your tower will fall and your carry will get harrassed in the process.

                      I know all I said is easier to be said than its to be done but there are no real good supports in 3ks so I think you can be more useful to your team being a good support than being a good mid, because from time to time doesn't matter how good you are at a mid hero, you'll possibly get countered/ganked and your game is fucked. As support you will be the one ganking and letting your mid guy win.

                      But probably you know everything I said but thats how I suppose a good support would be playing on the potato bracket.


                        @Oleksander I'm just trying to break this mentality of "if I'm support then I have to rely on my carry" which is not true in pubs. You have to always play independently and adapt to the situation. If you verify you carry is doing good, then help him. Else, let him farming in the safe lane and go win the game by yourself.


                          >Ask your mid storm spirit to let the enemy sniper push the lane so you can gank safely.
                          >Smoke and head up to mid.
                          >Stay there a whole minute because Storm was pretty much hitting the enemy tower.
                          >Throw a nuke to sniper while pinging the shit out of him.
                          >Go back to base because you almost died trying to gank while Storm didn't even noticed that you were there.
                          >End up underleveled and underfarmed.
                          This happens most of the times in potato bracket. Another funny one:
                          >Your carry insists on a dangerous move for no reason at all (e.g. going into rosh being radiant with no vision on the map with all the enemies missing instead of farming safely while they don't put any pressure on us with the lategame in our favor).
                          >You refuse to follow him.
                          >He clearly dies because he was out of position and you told him so.
                          >gg noob support afk no defense ff pls.
                          Even funnier:
                          >Win a teamfight near their t2, you wiped them and they have 1+ minutes of respawn time.
                          >Only you (support) and one carry survived, both with 1/3 hp.
                          >Ask your teammate to push while it's safe, or at least force a buyback.
                          >End up going back to base because your pushing power is shit and your carry told you that he had to heal(?!?!?!).
                          >Lose the game because no one in your team -besides you- wanted to push.

                          Supporting in the potato bracket is shit because, as I said, unless you have an AMAZING early game you still need to be carried by the carry if the game goes past 30 mins. That's why I don't support anymore, because I was sick of people losing me games. At least when I carry I know that 90% of the times I lose is my fault (either I didn't farm enough or my desition making was horrible or my itemization was bad).

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                          Quick maffs

                            How can people play without money ?


                              Oleksandr, don't ask anything. Ping sniper, if the guy dont let the lane push, fucking dive and kill, sniper is squishy as fuck and no one skills shrapnel so he can't really disable

                              from time to time you will find a blind guy who will not see you ganking but guess what at 5k people will overextend because you are about to gank and the other guy will realize that perhaps something is up and will retreat

                              things like that will never change


                                @Oleksander stick to your safelane if you think your mid won't help in the ganks, make double pulls and farm them, kill the offlaner if you have the chance (they are usually suicidal). Low level players tend to HEAVILY underestimate how much gold you can get out of the jungle as a support. I've had 10 min Blinks on Rubick in games where my team was losing (obviously I wasn't buying lots of wards)


                                  hey guys whatever w33 is playing meepo right now lets watch the beauty at its best


                                    holy fuck 140 cs by 15 min HOW U DO DIS VOLVO


                                      Sorry sleave, i think who win the game sooner it's better then wait out the fountain the people go out to be killed. You know it's pretty better and more funny. But i understand, call of duty was a cult at the times and the KILLS means ALL. Like in the game i had "Omg u n00b u have no kills" beacouse i preffer push with nature and not teleport for steal. It's just an example, i do kills if they are necessary. I don't have to compensate nothing with kills :3

                                      Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

                                        I support with earthshaker at 3k bracket, it's ez. The way to go is, don't pick useless hard supports like cm, wisp, lion. Pick some support that have a solid gank potential and be useful late game. Like earthshaker, smoke and gank all the way, brown boots and level 5 at 12 minutes doesn't matter, you have to find kills for ur team. One of the reason earthshaker is good too is because most of the time the enemy gets cocky and pushes high ground early. It's shaker's chance to shine! Blink in echo slam boom, if no blink yet just tp to the tower while they are attacking it. Most of the time they won't give a shit cuz it's "potato bracket". Boom echo slam ez push is stopped. Then they come back to push again despite knowing they can't, repeat blink echo slam boom ez. By the time they realize it, your team is in the lead already. Ez comeback ez life.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          you are a 2-3k support you will NOT get a 6k carry, once you realize this you might start improving.

                                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                            Quick maffs

                                              I just want my offlaner to not feed so i might start to win games again

                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                  ^^ Dat omnidude pick.

                                                  Edit: ninjas

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                  Quick maffs


                                                    The omni was the same guy playing mirana in my second lost game


                                                      I'm omni picker and my eyes hurts.

                                                      2pipes new meta

                                                      have more than soulring and mana boots

                                                      Why high level bracket seems like normal ?


                                                        Because there's no much difference between the high end of the normal bracket and the actual high bracket.

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          The guy was one of the worst and more toxic players i have ever seen, i played pretty badly in both games but holy shit the guy was awful.


                                                            oleksandr, and there is close to no difference between 3.1k and 3.7k player, seriously, mechanically atleast they are pretty much the same