General Discussion

General DiscussionEnemies dominating a creep which Lifestealer gained control of

Enemies dominating a creep which Lifestealer gained control of in General Discussion

    Read this regarding enemies gaining control over a creep which Lifestealer already got into and gained control:

    "Effects when an enemy takes control over the creep ( Enchant, Holy Persuasion, Helm of the Dominator):

    The Consume ability disappears from its hud so Lifestealer can't consume it from its hud anymore.
    The ownership changes from that of Lifestealer's to the enemy which took control over it, so Lifestealer can't control it anymore.
    The unit's health bar color changes from green to red for the enemy, despite being an ally to them now.
    Casting Control again as Lifestealer has no effect. He can't take back the control over the unit."

    Does this mean that Lifestealer cannot get out of that creep until the unit is killed? Never saw this in action and googling did not give me any insights. Just curious to know :)

    Techpriest Enginseer

      gg lifestealer 100% shutdown buy helm of the dominator to win.


        I'm pretty sure I've seen this in one of the latest DC's Fails of the Week episodes.


          nyway his ult sux, it can be good if they dont know there is a naix in it tho, and then u'll be a super spy

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            that would be hilarious as fuck actually


              @amp they already dont know if there is naix in it. The creep is shown as an allied creep always (green hp bar)


                I am bond
                Naix Bond


                  why dont u test this urself...takes 2min

                  anyway tested it for u:
                  1. lifestealer ulti a creep
                  2. lifestealer steals control
                  3. enemy helm the creep
                  4. lifestealer can no longer control the creep, but can still ulti and eat the creep
                  so to ans ur question, lifestealer cant control but can still eat the creep, and u can only cast the ulti from ur hero not from the creep HUD (i.e. press f1 and ulti)