General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Nice damage, would probably help if someone bought a Pipe or a team sustain item, but you're VHS so what do I know.


      Carry pickers can't play carry. About your skill build, it is ideal to max sacrifice first.


        Cannot say much about that naix match... Got lucky i think coz of the abondoned... Hahaha... For viper match, u do a very good job... congratulation... claps3... very high gpm n xpm value... u doing so well as a carry in the team... Vs n Venom however a bit under farming/level... about opponent team, their void totally suck... lol... anyway... good match...

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          Absolute owning according to graph.


            pretty even game, nice support morphling. I was wondering where all your kills were then i saw your assissts. SOOOOO much death and action, must've been insanely tense


              Carried well, tho diffusal/skadi/abyssal blade would've been better compared to MKB tbh.

              doc joferlyn simp

                your team just outright outplayed the enemy

                that treant was on fire but you carried the game with about 50k hd, wp

                Dr. Banana

                  Wow first of all I'm pretty sure you had a braindead pa. All of your teammates HD are subpar and seriously, 0 TD? I mean even I did more hero damage than you in my last match and I didn't even fight (in my match bb was doing the fighting). I'm just amazed how that ogre did so much (but then again, I'm a scrub and I know very little about ogre). I still admire the fact that you at least tried to kill that Medusa with a diffusal blade & and a manta (looks like you couldn't finish the manta though).


                    Typical bristle game, and you did great as ls too, great tower damage .


                      lol, 120k hd? holy shit. I've never gotten that much even in games where I have 5k mmr on enemy team smurfing.

                      good try, but it is pretty embarrassing to be a 3k losing in 2k, and with OP warden of all heroes!


                        your kunkka feels so underwhelming
                        *ps i played two games with you yesterday lmao


                          yeah I fucking sucked rofl. I wanted to play with my new set feelsbadman

                          ROFL, ok the jugg match was bullshit.. 3 wards in stock for like 5 mins, map was so black I was TILTED. I knew LC was top, told my team "come top, LC is goign to duel me when I show. bait me" bam, you and LC kill me. SO TILTED LOL. But yeah I did suck still my fault :(

                          As for my centaur match, fuck, that naix mid WTF. Total tard. Bane too, it's like bane didn't want to win. Your euls purchase was kinda shit, I even asked u y not diffusal :D I feel like I played pretty well that game.. idk maybe we shoulda smoke ganked meepo more?


                            ^yeah dude that mid ls is fucking horrible and that euls purchase is good for mirana imo especially because of the orchid purchase of aw and for removing track plus i can arrow combo with it since bane always dies. it was kinda selfish but still good


                              @No feelings attached, the OD game

                              How the fuck do you get a 5-core line up in a VHS ranked match? Could've changed your skill build to one with lvl 3 essence aura by lvl 6


                                That shit just happens way less the higher you go lol

                                Look at my brew match, carry venge wk jungle :D


                                  Nice played with es man , you make space for your drow and tinker


                                    IM not sure you could have one that game without snowballing hardcore and even then I think it would be hard. You dont have any one that's really going to rightclick against a huskar and an am and you have very little push potential without them all being dead. You got heavily out drafted.


                                      Ursa should've gotten a scepter rather than a blademail. As a troll you don't seem to be doing a lot of TD tho.

                                      NOT GOOD ENOUGH

                                        Good stomp game burh get divine :P


                                          That's undying game is quite unfortunate, one abandon, on rage quit. Feelsbadman

                                          PAVEL LARIONOV PRIME

                                            Sick game, luna has got like 100 000 hero damage, you have died quite a lot and i don't like this od skill build.


                                              Plays with a friend much better than himself, otherwise stuck in mediocre games


                                                Plays cancer, wins with cancer, ez kappa, seriously good performance, the all knowing one would be proud


                                                  were abadone will not sure to win


                                                    your team is drag your down


                                                      you got carried by pudge u did not farm well

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        nice farm especially hero damage tower too nice team ez game

                                                        ?.Stock @zzo

                                                          seems like ur mid fed pretty hard early on and u couldn't recover from snowballing bs. I don't get the od relic tho.


                                                            Enemy ursa and clinkz didn't farm at all which concluded in you and your team winning fights while tb pushed the towers


                                                              Nice stomp. Although i dont really see the need for the oct core if you weren't going radiance on the lifestealer. maybe #yolo.


                                                                47 assists?? Gj dude :D.


                                                                  Feeding lina and treant might gave something to do with it tho

                                                                  Don Corlethrone

                                                                    Abused the fact that the other teams safelane got dumpstered and had a jungler, and destroyed silencer in the mid matchup. Had space to farm all game (1.5k gpm) and carried in a textbook alch game. Mighta been playing vs lower skilled opponents tho idk

                                                                    Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                                      Could work on GPM. 617GPM for a winning game is kinda below average. With the line up, Radiant had a higher chance of winning so I'm not suprised.

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        not a fan of the hotd + deso

                                                                        I also usually go basher before vanguard if I have sustain (hotd)

                                                                        mkb was a high value pickup against agh tinker + kotl

                                                                        if I had to guess I would attribute most of ur deaths to the insane nuke damage of tiny centaur + tinker, so a late bkb can mean serious pain for you

                                                                        still you managed to carry ur team to victory so gj


                                                                          A come back match against storm & morp. Despite huskar is feeding the opponent, you still manage to win the match. I would go for manta first instead of silver edge.


                                                                            Absolute ownage. Nice sd pick, a glorious stomp overall. It hurts me to see a alchemist with that kind of gpm tho. Keep supportin mate!


                                                                              hello, you can say me that I can do to stay in the higth skill ... as you can see my games won whith a lot kills ... my KDA 2.97 and my win rate is 60%
                                                                              and you can calculate how much MMR I have
                                                                              How much kda I need ?


                                                                                Dude you just wrecked my potential comment. Anyway, to stay in high skill or vhs Group, you dont just need kda or gpm. You gotta commit yourself, buy some wards, push lanes, those count too. Otherwise supports could not leave 2k bracket

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                  looks like a back and forth game, they had really decent heroes against an am but seems like you and your team managed well(alright that treant mustve been retarded and i am pretty sure that hex wouldve done so much more on veno instead of dagon but in the end it has worked out)
                                                                                  i dont understand how could your gpm be so low, you didnt even die a lot, your cs is simply like 200 lower than it should be ..on the other hand it seems like you participated in fights a lot but well, worked out :)

                                                                                  Massive Dynamic

                                                                                    Interesting skill build at the beginning of the game. Great hero damage and good items. Good job.


                                                                                      uh silver edge skadi butterfly on viper lol
                                                                                      prob a stomp but ur build dictates this is prob normal skill game


                                                                                        Quick stomp. Good mix of CC and damage from your draft. i wonder how top was played though, esp techies


                                                                                          you win vs a slark without bkb , also that mirana cant carry this match vs pa and tinker

                                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                                            im pretty sure drums on cm is absolute garbage, but sd built equally game-losing items so who cares

                                                                                            looks like alch and jugg were way less bad at farming than this trash cantimage, although you have very good heroes against him

                                                                                            idk what cm's damage numbers usually look like but i think urs are a little low? i guess it can be hard playing support against zeus


                                                                                              Their heroes are pretty dogshit tbh, they need to take down 1 core + 1 support in 1 go if they wish to win a teamfight.


                                                                                                U must have a quite intense battle between slark. A decent rightclicking battle that can steal some attributes. Dat kunkka support is quite legit as fk. i guess he wanna combo with tinker XD


                                                                                                  Seriously, your team line up make them cried at laning phase. I think your team has locked victory at drafting phase. Omni are kinda useless at this situation i say

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