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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
casual gamer

    carried by BB kinda

    you NEEDED ac that game. they have ta and dp

    you also farmed very slow for ur rock-bottom fight participation , sorry


      I would like to make a toast, to our dear friend who won against pa od
      I the 3k scrub am proud of u sir, may u receive the goals of ur life

      Massive Dynamic

        Axe and Mirana fed too hard, and Lycan went a pusher build which meant you didn't really have a committed carry when the enemy team had several. But, good for you for not trying to go core Abaddon, because it is so bad/gimmicky.

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          oh man u got mjollinr on dusa also 200 cs for 40 min game is bad well i guess team play wins after all


            @pick od = i frown
            Are you sure not commented the wrong person?

            So much wow. Weaver (and......Rubick?) stomped very hard and make the game end before 30 minutes mark. Well played and enjoy that EZ win.



              Wow, you'd think a team would pick that Nightstalker to support that game, but of course, everyone wants to carry. Must have outplayed well to beat that team late game. 4 carries v 4 carries is always interesting to watch.

              casual gamer

                your farm is kinda mediocre but you got a ton of kills and none of them farmed at all so you stayed really far ahead

                basically looks like one slightly higher skilled player putting his ns team on his back lol, good job !

                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                  Stomped. Killed people, killed buildings, enemy stood no chance


                    Io in NS pub? That's an unusual pick there but Io still end up feeding anyways so...


                      shadowblade squad, no one bought force staff for escaping cloud, too many deaths on AM in a short time frame, OK farm but bad execution damage wise, didn't have the right mentality for an AM player...


                        You carried your team without dying. Well done sir!


                          Good job keeping up your teams health, and without a mek even! An advantage of having a solid Phoenix player on the team.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            @snu they did not stomp it was that retarad dp feeding

                            Koh Chok Kin

                              nice meepo player. gj!


                                No bkb invo vs a max farmed am.. No wonder you lost.. Good kda.. A little bit bad teamplay n itemization.. On troll n you


                                  Well played Medusa! They had a surprising good team which could've early pushed, early farmed and won. I'm guessing you were not the initiator. The enemy team had good itemization, I guess you were too good for them. The Necro on your team should've gotten Scepter but I think he was playing pure support (scepter is still a v v good choice on Necro). And a double GG wouldn't hurt. Seems like you stomped! Also you could've done something else with your extra 2k. Maybe Shiva's would've been better than Mjollnir (extra armor always good and more mana means more dmg soaked)


                                    wp mostly drow also u did not need a heart maybe bkb silver edge


                                      Pubstomp with meepo, wp. The dire team got dumpstered back to the focken stoneage

                                      mentally handicapped

                                        i believe your mom was tactical first core item; it allowed you to catch up to qop if ever she was able to blink away after your own call initiation. nice foresight, i would commend you if i could

                                        maelstrom best strom. maelstrom also well thought out; naturally sd illus of drow you need something to take them down from a distance. i believe your smart item progression of a maelstrom in order to deal damage against the dr at long range was game winning

                                        all in all rtz-like game sense and miracle-level mechanical skill allowed you to carry your other teammates who knew nothing but to attack enemies; in the end it was your fast atk speed from maelstrom and mom that finished the final push. wp

                                        Rektdalf the White

                                          Nice game as magina, good HD,TD and cs score. Great KDA.


                                            @NebaG, I loled haha good shit right there
                                            btw skip me (just commented again to praise NebaG's creative criticism xD)


                                              Good build for Underlord. But I guess that Gyro was to much to handle. You did ok!


                                                Huge low cd high impact teamfighting line up crushes enemy.


                                                  i would just like to take a moment and tell everyone that is a feedback session, not write one line about who did what.


                                                    nice stomp but u need to work on your farming lit bit


                                                      Kinda easy game, they abandoned after losing early-mid, there's no way you can fight your way into the late game against your line up.


                                                        A bkb might have helped you break base a lot earlier

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          i dont know how you were able to get 800 gpm, whereas your riki who had double your hd only got a 522 gpm

                                                          maybe you went mid or something

                                                          anyways that stomp wasnt even fun. i guess you got that bfury relatively early seeing as you had have 500 lh in a 42 min game

                                                          how did you even get matched with those kinds of people its not fun tbh

                                                          oh well, a win is a win and if offered i would not deny myself some good wrecking


                                                            u could have won the game I mean sladar TA is nasty combo also it get you fast rosh u just should have pushed more and go rosh more maybe ta should have made bloodthorn instead of bfly or even that stupid ghost scepter

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                            tier 3 items suck

                                                              meepo king


                                                                seems to me like you guys just out farmed them in the first ten minutes despite you feeding pretty hard. eventually you just got too stronk


                                                                  3 cores vs troll is very difficult to win that game (especially if you have 3 support in your team)


                                                                    not much to be said got stomped and probably tilted? well gl next games dude


                                                                      Obviously you rekt mid opposition which probably lead to you stomping the game. Can say much about a stomp


                                                                        nice stomp with arc


                                                                          You lost vs a safelane Lina and a jungle morph.. Are you serious?.... First mistake.. No bkb vs so many disables.. Second mistake.. If there's a morph.. You get diffusal blade on slark if you'rein deficit.. Morph can only run with mana.. Thats what makes him tanky.. Slarks diffusal also works wonders vs void..


                                                                            nice teamplay, they farmed more but still lost. also you stomped because you were completely free farming - well done. nice itemization also!

                                                                            LIL KASALANAN (REAL)

                                                                              Haha AM got destroyed


                                                                                looks like your team played very well as team, so many assists
                                                                                4 1 31.. wow dude your looks like your dagger was the right choice
                                                                                sadly i donnt know void offlane that good, is he still a go to pick, after the nerf?
                                                                                awsome TD and good HD
                                                                                actually i thought you broke the kda recrod of yourself but looks like you had a even better void game in 2014^^


                                                                                  Dang... that is a rough loss for you with Kunkaa. Over 106k damage dealt... 11.3 kda in a 77 minute game? It looks like you were dominating. It looks like the dire side had better supports since your shadow demon was the only player involved in less than half of the kills for their respective team. Also, seeing as your cores were melee heavy I'm guessing Invoker/Skywrath kited you around towards the end of the game.


                                                                                    As per usual. Carry's not up to par. Do watch minimap every 2 seconds. It help loads. Kills doesn't matter. Qop falls off late game. Anyhow, gg.


                                                                                      Wow, you and Slark destroyed the enemy so hard until Morphling sold all his item to buy a bunch of ward.
                                                                                      But then again, Storm + Omni strat is really hard to deal with if the enemy didn't have any counter to it.

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                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        euls is the perfect axe counter, ghost is great this game also. wish you had gone straight into force instead of going back for another pair of arcane boots also, you can get a ton of mana back by dropping all ur items and popping stick

                                                                                        seems like you did pretty well, gj

                                                                                        ur void appears to be the god of normal skill dota, owning people with a build that is several years old lol


                                                                                          Assist much? This game seems like maybe your team focused too much on kills and not enough on objectives. Only way I can explain that after doubling the amount of kills that you still lost full rax top and 1/2 rax mid/bot. That or they started winning some fights and after wiping you maybe they just took all of those. Either way, good Void play. The 37 assists tell me your chronos were probably on point.

                                                                                          fishy boi

                                                                                            gg poodj


                                                                                              4v5, though luck, your team wasn't really that good too.


                                                                                                Welp, random draft ensure the enemy team can't counter your Medusa really hard. Zero death on you is the proof of that


                                                                                                  Get stomped by mid-game peaking line up. Nothing unusual as a spec.


                                                                                                    5 cores vs am , obviously you will lose in the late game , typycal normal skill game


                                                                                                      Errr.. tilted? Try not to give up maybe.