General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Night 夜

    wow you actually won as huskar against that team. Gj

    ^ dispassionate: Rapier was Gyro's and Euls was my first item which I later replaced with glimmer cause Euls just wasn't enough, and then I had to replace glimmer because the physical dmg was too damn high. I guess ethereal could have worked as well, but Heart already just let me run around, and heal from octarine without getting destroyed by rightclicks


      Your team lacked ganker and initiator. Overall the battle seems to be lost at the picking stage more than anything.

      I am ANGRY sikh

        5 cores team vs 5 cores team, it keeps happening
        Absolute garbage Storm Spirit gets destroyed mid, but Sven, what a hero. 1 good double RP and it's over.
        Good thinking with the Halberd, but your team might've lacked a Solar Crest as well.

        Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau

          I like your Necro build (coming from a guy who spams him a lot), but as it seems you were playing support which is quite bad. People should start realizing Necro is shit without farm and stop playing him as a support.

          That being said, you did well enough. I would have liked to see something like an atos or force staff as well maybe or a glimmer cape at the expense of guardian greaves. Your team wasn't exactly a deathball so more utility would be better than aoe aura-whoring.

          Bad Intentions

            Nice, really aggressive in that game. Good BM pickup! i think its really core! overall, your team will definitely not win without your efforts, good job man.

            黑鬼 [我不好]

              nice job. your team seemed to flip everything around around the 18 min mark and from there it was a complete stomp.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Great job killing the dire, u actually farm, but y u no deny? anyway impressive tower damage and LH.


                  Good job not tilting and keeping your cool despite the deaths you suffered and managed to farm up quite a bit.


                    Looks like you completely stomped them....... Not sure what else to say honestly xD


                      Bad luck man.. LC feeding intentionally? Did you flame? :D

                      It's hard to comment on your performance due to the feed.


                        BS build with no disables guess they were too dumb to buy tps.


                          Standard AM game where everything goes in your favor. Too little lockdown in the other team and yours was in favor of pushing. That feeding Huskar though.


                            OOH NICE SUPPORTING! that assist i guess ur in every fight? carry shaker to stronk


                              lmao, Respect that you got that much farm despite everybody contesting for lasthits, unwinnable, literally


                                That's a bretty bad mid WR (if you went mid). How many of those 8 deaths came from Hookshot initiations?

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  ^ i was offlane lmao died at least 3 times from juggers ult, and 3 times to blackhole, nuff said

                                  treant literally fed, bara had no clue probably just went in all the time without backup

                                  your offlane did a very good job, ez freefarm ez game. doesn't matter that you were tb

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Feel like aghs rush wasn't the best option that game, you were clearly not gonna get it farmed in time so something like blink/maelstrom or full on support with euls glimmer might have been better, otherwise seems like your pudge really tryharded but oh wells ;D


                                      Other than the pa (who went mask of madness for some reason) you and your team did really well.

                                      LB Dash

                                        Your skill build was great, I'm not really on board with the helm of the dominator on pl though: you could have had your yasha > manta 5 minutes earlier - probably personal preference. You racked up good tower damage, so did your job from the looks.

                                        It was good of you to man up and fork out for the flying courier. Your bounty and ss look like they did work.

                                        The other team was trash: they didn't upgrade their courier till 30 minutes in against a bh - surprised he only got 2 kills on it.

                                        Your team probably would have won by more if you had any wards - luckily the pudge looked really average.


                                          That pudge was WAY below average, the whole time he flamed his team when he was like 4-15


                                            Are u using helm to stack ancient? That will up your farm by so much.

                                            Otherwise typical pl play.


                                              you and your team managed to carry a 2-14 Ember Spirit. Good Job lol

                                              you seem to be a smurf


                                                calling out that other guy for being a smurf, *looks at profile* AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA

                                                nevertheless good job, highest tower dmg and hero dmg by far, though your last hits could be much higher.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  Nice farming. You probably lost the game tho because of no linkens and you were carrying a rapier? :D


                                                    yeah I was the one to buy the rapier, I tottaly threw that game away.

                                                    Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                                                      This one is for carl: Seems like you won mid, created a lot of space for your carry and you also had good farm. But Bloodcyka is a bad lategame hero and got outcarried by specc and Rikki

                                                      Welt aus Eis

                                                        seems like you did very well but I dont see how satanic was effective as a 4th item there. heart or butterfly would be better imo

                                                        Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                                                          You are so right, i never activated it ^^


                                                            As sano said usually i don't get satanic until 5th or 6th slot (if i get that far). But other than that you did pretty well

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              blood cyka in the wilds hunting for virgins ^
                                                              Impressive ,you even got higher Team damage than zeus, thats unusual!~!~

                                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                  ^what s4 zeus bulid you recommend , tell me more.



                                                                    Sweet support style Sven, me likes, even though I've never tried it. Value clarity potion too, me approves. Kind of risky though, it looks like your team put all their faith on Windranger, but it worked so good job!

                                                                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                        @Zano. your 17-10 weaver game.

                                                                        It looks like you basically elected to skip swarm for way to long, the skill as it is is probably one of the best 1 point wonder spells in the game, and is definately better then a second point in geminate attack is, especially in the early game and it has some solid synergy with DP's physical damage output and your teams Somewhat aoe damage theme

                                                                        It seems you did die quite a lot, against a void these things tend to happen, and it did hinder your item progression quite a bit ending a 60+ minute game with 2 slots that still need to be upgraded kinda sucks on a carry like weaver who is fairly item dependent.

                                                                        thats about all that jumps out at me, but im retarded so w,e

                                                                        Sidenote, your wisp is shit, he literally maxed tether before overcharge and didnt get spirits until like level 10, holy fucking shit

                                                                        Pale Mannie


                                                                          You did a great job in ganking and created farm space for SS and BS
                                                                          Your Teammate slark bought refresher to stunlock PL or QoP for lulz

                                                                          Another notice:
                                                                          y u no buy dagon as nyx?



                                                                            You did fine, item build wasnt too bad, although going full magic burst vs their tanky cores is kinda "meh". Works well vs seeker tho.
                                                                            Greeves is nice.

                                                                            Fuck it


                                                                              Bro, good job!
                                                                              You did very well on Bloodseeker. Great pick. Great item build. Bought Black King Bar vs magical heroes and Butterfly vs Anti-Mage.
                                                                              Wow, also that winstreak is amazing! Good luck!

                                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                                pff, magic BH best BH
                                                                                they had no bkb
                                                                                and rightclick BH is the worst thing you will ever make


                                                                                  You had Ultimate Orb instead of Veil of Discord. smh

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                    I feel bad for the Spectre ^^

                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                      Oh boy you're on a tilt man, not sure what happened there, but those deaths are a killer, good thing you got necro tho

                                                                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                                        Ez bounty game, why no eblade ez nukes.


                                                                                          Good job split pushing, which I guess was the main source of your income. Your teamfight contribution is good though, as typical AM only goes into fight after like 20-30 minutes of farming.

                                                                                          But I guess that will have to be credited to your teammates for keeping the enemies busy, rather than dealing with your split pushing, or to hunt you.


                                                                                            Nice farm, itemisation. But having Huskar and Dazzle as an enemy can be harsh. Whole game domination from your team as I see, but opponent seems to have better skill combination. Replace brood with a mid/late carry and that could be an easy one.

                                                                                            Also nice HD and TD but I guess you are the only one trying that game. I feel you.


                                                                                              u did un role as five I think, clean game, u could had less deaths


                                                                                                Ez mid ez snowball

                                                                                                Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                                                                                                  Ez enemy noob team, ez crush

                                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                    antimagus can't ourcarry medusa shame

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