General Discussion

General Discussion33 tp scrolls used against me in 3k Bloodseeker game.

33 tp scrolls used against me in 3k Bloodseeker game. in General Discussion
Look at me, Hector.
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    Look at me, Hector.
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        In the 3 months since you bought this account wave you have 26% winrate and average KDA of 0.85. Is it time to buy a new one?

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        Look at me, Hector.
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            I watched some 6k bloodseeker spammer
            and he went mid got poorman quiling blade phase boots s&y bladmail

            Quick maffs

              What a memer

              Look at me, Hector.
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                Look at me, Hector.
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                  Look at me, Hector.
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                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      @wraithseeker looks like with 6.84 your trending down

                      Look at me, Hector.
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                        Look at me, Hector.
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                          Look at me, Hector.
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                                This comment was deleted 20 minutes ago


                                  God damn, I missed the flame war. Oh well

                                  Welt aus Eis

                                    RIP wave


                                      RIP wave, 20 minutes ago

                                      the realm's delight

                                        fuck 5 pages, got some shit to read

                                        the realm's delight

                                          wave pls

                                          King of Low Prio


                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              RIP for week


                                                is it the new wave thread, so I should flame the author of previous comment?
                                                but then idk what to do cz its hard to flame a guy with 2k party mmr who is alrdy punished by destiny

                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  ^ not cool


                                                    i was never good at flaming tho, sorry

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      ^ go on steam

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        I don't flame relentless I just acknowledge how mfucking dumb he is


                                                          Maybe, just maybe , if this 3k mmr dude think he is the shit with his radiance bs, let his think so , he gonna stay at his mmr and have fun , good for him . I mean he obviously believe he get it, im pretty sure i can win with cm mid with rush radiance at this mmr tho ^^


                                                            ^are you that far from 3k though?


                                                              Its all about dragon eblade seeker

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                idk if its as good as bladmail s&y


                                                                  ^^ dragon seeker is definitely the way.


                                                                    Why so many deleted comments.

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