ohj right u were talking about analysis and i assumed ure 2nd year because noone has actual analysis at school(at best the very basics of limits, derviating and integrating) and u were talking about sequences derivatives and integrals which u cant learn in the first few weeks if u were 1st year
we have studied analysis in school, sequences and subsequences as well, except only briefly because they werent included in the theory that had to be prepared for the highschool finals or the uni admittance exams, but derivates integrals and limits we have studied pretty thoroughly, as uni started we did a little revise of sequences and then started series, series of functions, power series, and 1 course of taylor and fourier series from which i have understood nothing
weve had our lecture on power series last week, and for the 1st year we studied complex numbers, derivatives and integrals of various functions and differential equations, and only now we have moved to series(im not sure we even covered equences though)
OH WOW THE KEYBOARD WARRIOR AHAHAHA are you that 12 year old slim fucked up boy with glasses who acts tough or some shit? OH MAN I FUCKING LOVE THIS, can't stop laughing.
Rubick is a dogshit hero for winning games
***picks WR***
WR is a dogshit hero for winning games
***picks dazzle***
dazzle is a dogshit hero for winning games
typical mister 3k mmr guy, I bet u call ur teammates mentally ill as well don't you? but the thing u don't get yet is that you're the one who has the issues.
I would beat the shit out of you irl, you're the type of cheap talk f***** to argue about everything(internet can't fix this apparently)
It doesn't, it really doesn't. Show us your MMR(penis) now
Don't think I've ever had so much fun going on a forum, the amount of trolls on here is great.
That's literally the only reason I make these threads, I know if I post a thread like 10 trolls will comment on it, that's why its so great.
I definitely will keep posting, just fun seeing you guys post.
Excuse me? My mmr is 3967 and according to dotabuff I am playing at a high mmr and I have a blue star next to my name, so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and I'm going on factual basis. I don't like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.
I feel like I shouldn't have posted that ID there, RIP me I guess?
im pretty sure uve posted smth recently that made me assume ure defs not first year
nobody will bother to look up the ID anyway
indeed, you guys spam this thread a lot(this isn't spam...apparently)
ohj right u were talking about analysis and i assumed ure 2nd year because noone has actual analysis at school(at best the very basics of limits, derviating and integrating) and u were talking about sequences derivatives and integrals which u cant learn in the first few weeks if u were 1st year
Happy to be finally home, and fail at yet another dota2 game.
so either u had pretty solid analysis course in ur school for whatever reason or ure an enthusiast?
wr is a dogshit hero for winning games
we have studied analysis in school, sequences and subsequences as well, except only briefly because they werent included in the theory that had to be prepared for the highschool finals or the uni admittance exams, but derivates integrals and limits we have studied pretty thoroughly, as uni started we did a little revise of sequences and then started series, series of functions, power series, and 1 course of taylor and fourier series from which i have understood nothing
what the fuck man I can't even read that, pls tldr this shit
but i generally understand nothing from analysis until i see concrete examples
weve had our lecture on power series last week, and for the 1st year we studied complex numbers, derivatives and integrals of various functions and differential equations, and only now we have moved to series(im not sure we even covered equences though)
thats cuz ure going to a uni where a bunch of guys fuck a girl at a party
wowee u sure got me there mr."we study relations before sets and sets before linear algebra"
I'm deeeeeed, send help pl0x
can we agree on stopping this? we are roasting each other too badly
SHOW US YOUR MMR STUPID FUCK(like MMR proves anything anyway)
ure not roasting shit out of me boy
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA I'm fucking laughing
u know what ppl say when they suck at this game and they can't climb any further? exactly this.
OH WOW THE KEYBOARD WARRIOR AHAHAHA are you that 12 year old slim fucked up boy with glasses who acts tough or some shit? OH MAN I FUCKING LOVE THIS, can't stop laughing.
Go back to gulag, I'll just ignore you since you're not capable of understanding shit lol
ok mister 3k mmr
great conflict we have here
Not really it's not a conflict. It's just a common face-to-face between a mentally ill guy and me(I've seen a lot these days).
Rubick is a dogshit hero for winning games
***picks WR***
WR is a dogshit hero for winning games
***picks dazzle***
dazzle is a dogshit hero for winning games
typical mister 3k mmr guy, I bet u call ur teammates mentally ill as well don't you? but the thing u don't get yet is that you're the one who has the issues.
Get Veno and go middle. Get veil and it's an instant gg
Nobody counters that hero, needs a hell of a nerf
i post for fun lol
^exactly this
I would beat the shit out of you irl, you're the type of cheap talk f***** to argue about everything(internet can't fix this apparently)
It doesn't, it really doesn't. Show us your MMR(penis) now
dont wanna get ban
kk deleted(I'm dying lol)
i love that quote, it makes me laugh whenever i read it
kk it's now quoted, rip me
Don't think I've ever had so much fun going on a forum, the amount of trolls on here is great.
That's literally the only reason I make these threads, I know if I post a thread like 10 trolls will comment on it, that's why its so great.
I definitely will keep posting, just fun seeing you guys post.
paparazzi is a some random dude that got 9k on luck and earned some abysmal money from dota like 100k or something
Lmfao you guys got jebaited so hard, was fun trolling u guys for a couple days on this thread.
Can't believe none said that this is a troll.
Excuse me? My mmr is 3967 and according to dotabuff I am playing at a high mmr and I have a blue star next to my name, so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and I'm going on factual basis. I don't like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.
my roommate binge watched rick and morty recently and now hes constantly making references to the show FUCKING BSDIUQW(d7grfwf
sounds like me tbh
Where's Diox and why isn't he posting here?
something went wrong here