id love to learn french but im sure i wont have enough determination + its gonna be a useless skill 99% of the time
also the way i learned english above the basic level was mostly putting myself into english speaking environment on the internet and theres way less interesting french websites
This is a process writing course during which students will:
a) Study effective organisation of written academic English incorporating discourse markers, topic sentences, and good paragraphing
b) Study effective use of rhetorical structures appropriate to academic English: e.g. theme and rheme, nominalisation, use of passive, as well as register and style appropriate to target audience
c) Choose a topic commensurate with their interests/area of study and produce an abstract, a presentation and an academic research paper with the support of peers and tutor
or i could do something like this but it doesnt really seem appealing
arabic is usless, in 20 years they're out of oil on no one will care about them
russia will have gas for the next 200 years as well as water and minerals, if you learn a language its either english, chinese or russian and maybe spanish
french is useless, only used in france and in african countries
russian is spoken in almost all countries bordering russia.
im having a real hrad time trying to picture how ill even pass 1st year
i understand nothing from courses, only seminars and those are like once every 2 weeks
labs are not that hard but u really have to work while ure there
analysis and algebra obv have no labs, the final grade is 50% final exam 30% partial 10% 100 problems solved for homework (cant copy them since the prof will ask u how u did them) and 10% activity at the seminar. KILKL m e
if it makes it easier for u i never understood shit from physcis/analysis lectures either(which is why i skipped them) and passed the 1st year no problem
(except that i almost failed the physics exam because i got problems i had 0 idea how to solve but managed to cheat when profs were busy and managed to bullshit them into believing i actually knew something)
also theres a truckload of analysis/physics books/sources so as long as ure tryhard enough u can learn stuff even if ure a total imbecile jjust by virtue of reading 48234 sources and solving 6666 problems
my gorgeous smile? OwO
youtube comments = expanding brain meme
to be honest fans of both utubers areacting like total morons except ajps target audience is 12 yr olds while edups' ta is 15-25yo people
>watching youtubers in 2017
>using memearrows in 2017
memearrows = power user
eidolons dealing 1300 dmg to tower in 30 seconds interesting!
man that kitten is so Cute OMfg *-* *_* :O <3 *-* ♥♥
probably clockwerkula's best post ever
Lol, TB just running away from Eidolons with his illusions and Jakiro just running out of base.
is math in uni always like this? where are the numbers??
all analysis theorems and definitions are as abstract as humanly possible becaue fuck you
unis in 3rd world shitholes don't have them
is that a post for ants
and answer for your question would be "mostly yes"
should i learn russian, arabic, hebrew, or keep studying french guys
hit me up with some SUGGESTOINS
id love to learn french but im sure i wont have enough determination + its gonna be a useless skill 99% of the time
also the way i learned english above the basic level was mostly putting myself into english speaking environment on the internet and theres way less interesting french websites
arabic pro: talk like terrorist con: ppl think ure terrorist
hebrew pro: u get lots of money con: u never use this language
russian pro: talk to alenari and triplesteal в русский con: never use this language outside of the internet
french pro: - con: -
how about u learn math language
yeah exactly, idk what u would use any language for except if u'd like to/will work in one of those countries, that kinda makes it hard to decide
my brain is mush after 2 weeks of trying to read mathematic expressions
when u pick am mid against tinker
This is a process writing course during which students will:
a) Study effective organisation of written academic English incorporating discourse markers, topic sentences, and good paragraphing
b) Study effective use of rhetorical structures appropriate to academic English: e.g. theme and rheme, nominalisation, use of passive, as well as register and style appropriate to target audience
c) Choose a topic commensurate with their interests/area of study and produce an abstract, a presentation and an academic research paper with the support of peers and tutor
or i could do something like this but it doesnt really seem appealing
learn russian dude
hebrew for wat
arabic is usless, in 20 years they're out of oil on no one will care about them
russia will have gas for the next 200 years as well as water and minerals, if you learn a language its either english, chinese or russian and maybe spanish
french is useless, only used in france and in african countries
russian is spoken in almost all countries bordering russia.
looks like mr jdf is fixing to be the next cookie
dude i already hit 6 0 0 0 mmr like a year ago
before cuki actually too
im not talking about ur mmr
ya i like arc warden a lot
my micro sucks though
what now ball cucks

ya see thats impossible, which is why we know the earth is flat
absolutely not hyped after watching this, but i'm gonna watch it anyway
learn spanish. its spoken in europe, america and even asia (variations of it of course). chinese and russian are fine too. or learn turkish SoBayed
spanish si gay tho
but it is very easy to learn = easy grades
arabic is very demanded but also insanely complicated
russian wont get u anywhere
id stick to french
why learn a language for ur career wen u can learn a language for ur soul
or to nurture ur deep-seated elitism for example
im having a real hrad time trying to picture how ill even pass 1st year
i understand nothing from courses, only seminars and those are like once every 2 weeks
labs are not that hard but u really have to work while ure there
analysis and algebra obv have no labs, the final grade is 50% final exam 30% partial 10% 100 problems solved for homework (cant copy them since the prof will ask u how u did them) and 10% activity at the seminar. KILKL m e
if it makes it easier for u i never understood shit from physcis/analysis lectures either(which is why i skipped them) and passed the 1st year no problem
(except that i almost failed the physics exam because i got problems i had 0 idea how to solve but managed to cheat when profs were busy and managed to bullshit them into believing i actually knew something)
also theres a truckload of analysis/physics books/sources so as long as ure tryhard enough u can learn stuff even if ure a total imbecile jjust by virtue of reading 48234 sources and solving 6666 problems
Chances are if you legit dont understand anything, 80% of other people are on the same boat.
i mean 2nd/3rd year students i talked to said they also felt like this when they were 1st year but i dunno it just feels weird
yes that is the case, but hows that make it better