General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    ^ you make joke? ofc u do 4Head


      hello, religous! HeyGuys
      Nice to meet u

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        Does anyone here play Clash of Clans?


          All that religious stuff is stupid. That shit should be gone forever and the world would be a better place.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            true moku, i got religious friends as well (which you would not notice w/o knowing him, either), but i still think they're ignorant for lots of facts.

            For me, its just like that: either you're religious, or you are not (either an atheist, or inbetween => doesnt believe that there is a god / doesn'T believe that there is not a god)

            I don't necessarily mean that you're actually stupid if you believe in god, yet i think you are quite ignorant, and yes, maybe you just believe in god because its god for your stress levels, as I've previously said, you don't have to care/think/be afraid of the sad/scary stuff, you can just say, hey, its gods work in the end, god kills you, god gave birth to you, god killed ur family/rewards them with heaven etc blabla

            but lets stop this discussion, cba to keep this shit up especially because my english is fucking dogshit


              and yes i play clash of clans, lvl 91 iirc, didnt play in some time, gimme ur clan name


                I'm level 27 though :) and I'm in a russian clan.


                  4Head i can give u lvl 6 troops and u gonna rape in ur lvls, gimme the name anyway its alright


                    And about religion, I'm sure that it's not black and white as you're putting it:
                    Religious - f*cking peasant who use religion to rationalize everything that's happening to them and around them.
                    Atheists - curious scholar who accept nothing but empirical evidence and acts logicly.


                      I need 100 points to get 1250 trophies so I can get a third builder.

                      My name is: rnt
                      id: #8G2R2PLGR
                      clan: R E B E L S

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      the realm's delight

                        what if im not religious or an atheist?
                        ijdgaf 4Head


                          then u r gay


                            clan id is:


                              Spunki, give me your name/id so I can invite you


                                Every Dota 2 player is a religious person cause everyone believes in Gaben and MMR system.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                Tralalelo Tralala

                                  Moku stopped playing video games but play mobile games instead EleGiggle

                                  Tralalelo Tralala

                                    Watched The Raid 2 some minutes ago, best fighting movie for sure can recommend it but if you guys want to watch it you probably need to see the first one first (The Raid: Redemption)

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      triple, that image you posted about fucking your sister is a comedic reference to a movie btw


                                        I used to be brought to churches, and my family used to ask priests to perform the custom ceremonies at our home (bless the house, etc. its part of the orthodox system) when I was a kid.

                                        Now that I grew up, I questioned myself about all that stuff, I questioned if a god exist and what proofs we have.
                                        After much thinking I came to the conclusion (and this is ONLY IN MY OPINION) that religion is pretty pointless, especially churches which are made from men who are as well ppl who make mistakes and can diverge from what the bible (or any other book) tells them to do, such as priests who molest kids etc.

                                        I respect and can somewhat understand people who want to believe in someone or in some form of entity and call him god, because sometimes that's what they need to carry on and its basically what keeps them going in hard times.

                                        As for me, I don't believe and I find it a bit pointless, I prefer to believe in my own capabilities and my own persona, especially to overcome obstacles, I may not always succeed but at least I know that its my on doing that brings me to point A or point B.

                                        I hope you guys understood what I meant, I tend to be unclear when explaining :)

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                                        D the Superior
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                                          D the Superior
                                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                            D the Superior
                                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.



                                                  DO NOT BUY ANY CHESTSfrom the battlepass. I have bought 30 chests to try to obtain at least 1 rare, or ultra rare.
                                                  I paid 100 dollars and I see them going for 160 dollars on the community market. How is this fair? What is the point of buying chests
                                                  when most people buy it individually in the market to save money. I really want that DP set and why is it worth more than 1 arcana? Why do I have to pay
                                                  100+ dollars. Gambling shouldn't exist in dota. It's a scam to earn more money and very greedy.

                                                  I really l hope TI prize pool goes down this year. I won't be paying for any grind compendium again or treause as it's a waste of time, money
                                                  and you got nothing from it. To those who try to make money on this game get a job. Thank you

                                                  Tralalelo Tralala

                                                    Ye I read you shit already for the 3rd time, stop it, you know how steam market works, right? I guess not

                                                    Tralalelo Tralala

                                                      @EU memers,
                                                      Why the heck are you awake or are you guys also working (= dotabuff and chill)?


                                                        i m going to play dotes now 4Head

                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          i am awake because its 11 am

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            and friday

                                                            the realm's delight

                                                              and im playing dotes too

                                                              Tralalelo Tralala

                                                                Nooo keep me entertained FeelsBadMan

                                                                Tralalelo Tralala

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                    what is this PogChamp

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      this is so cool

                                                                      plz do

                                                                        does anyone play the division beta this weekend?

                                                                        Tralalelo Tralala

                                                                          No I'm alpha, not beta

                                                                          D the Superior
                                                                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                            Miku Plays

                                                                              this is beta

                                                                              jus chillen

                                                                                always knew this mokujin guys a taliban

                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                  Roshpit Champions is eye candy and well made but very frustrating tbh
                                                                                  Some gameplay by Baumi

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                                                                                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                                      D the Superior
                                                                                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.


                                                                                          I'll be playin, didnt like the closed beta that much tho, add me up on uplay.
                                                                                          I'll be playin with couple friends most likely but we can group up :)


                                                                                            im back


                                                                                              Nice language. lmao xd

                                                                                              D the Superior
                                                                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                                                    yeah i changed it like two years ago so i could read the bios of heroes
                                                                                                    ever since i've been too lazy to switch it back
