General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    i know him cos he posts on reddit and i follow high mmr people who post on reddit


      classic party with 6ks-7ks LUL


        this is the best day ever
        except the fact that it's 3 am and im supposed to get up at 6 between sunday-monday

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              offlane techies = legit

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                Hatsune Miku

                  Hatsune Miku


                      is that a legit news article that tree fucker girl looks qt3.14

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                          hows that pedo i dont get

                          D the Superior
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                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                              jesus tomorrow i will go to London but i don't want to DansGame


                                is that a legit news article that tree fucker girl looks qt3.14

                                u fukn wot


                                  ? she looks cute

                                  D the Superior
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                                      ? she looks cute

                                      not to be mean to her or anything
                                      but i'd rather go on date with sergal than her


                                        although not even her would go out with me :horse:


                                          welp i dont think she looks ugly at all


                                            playing quick play till ranked in ow is so fucking triggering getting level 25 takes forever

                                            the realm's delight

                                              whos sergal

                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                sergal is an animal i think

                                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                                  D the Superior
                                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                    Vaccinate Your Kids pls

                                                      ayy lmao


                                                        wikifur ROFL

                                                        the realm's delight

                                                          am i getting trolled

                                                          bring back my yesterday

                                                            yo beaches anyone up for a fyyqing normal game?

                                                            Typical Javad

                                                              I know a fuckin piece of shit who bought a 7001 mmr acc and plays like a 2k fuckin trash skffjvjvia

                                                              Arin how did u get to know the guy lul and how does he play party mm?
                                                              I got some 7k friends and they just solo q never seen em in a party

                                                              bum farto

                                                                Spunki where in London you going you ape. I can take you to a 6k MMR bar or smth

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  Actually it's London there ain't no 6ks here.

                                                                  D the Superior
                                                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      I dunno I struggle to reach it despite following ywns advice and building dragon lance loads.

                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                        Rest Up Hostel, Driscoll House, 172 New Kent Road, London SE1 4YT

                                                                        idk i think we'll go around all day long as a class and visit some shit DansGame

                                                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                          will u rape rape us now? LUL

                                                                          Typical Javad

                                                                            @havoc u study computer science?
                                                                            Im going to college next year and figured to go for computer science but ppl say it sucks and it needs less percentage on college entrance exam than computer engineering im so confused which one i should choose :(

                                                                            D the Superior
                                                                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                              D the Superior
                                                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                  I studied. Doing my masters now.

                                                                                  Spunki you're a walk from my work

                                                                                  Typical Javad

                                                                                    lol make sure to get pix and send here :))))
                                                                                    Rly wanna see what a spunki can be like irl

                                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                                      ANELE on its way guys have fun


                                                                                        I dunno I struggle to reach it despite following ywns advice and building dragon lance loads.

                                                                                        ive met dragon lance slarks like 3 times last week
                                                                                        is this your doing


                                                                                          Spunki where in London you going you ape. I can take you to a 6k MMR bar or smth

                                                                                          with underage

                                                                                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                            isnt alcohol for like 21+ anyway


                                                                                              D R A G O N L A N C E

                                                                                              bum farto

                                                                                                London it's 16.

                                                                                                D the Superior
                                                                                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                                                  bring back my yesterday

                                                                                                    make spunki a man sam pls