General Discussion

General DiscussionElder Titan

Elder Titan in General Discussion

    Trying to get good with this hero. Any ideas?

    King of Low Prio

      plz dont




          1) play a lot of games with the hero
          2) feel like u finally good good with it and are literally best ET player in ur bracket
          3) check your winrate
          4) cry


            I'd like to say I'm good with him.
            It was a struggle to get there. I played several bot games. Then went into online matches. It took me 10 losses in a row to git gud. Now I can comeback pretty hard with him now.


              Eat a tree in the Radiant offlane hardcamp and pull it with your spirit as your creepwave comes. (THIS PULLS BACK THE LANE SO YOU GET EZ EXP AND FARM)


                Desolator AC Moon Shard
                He's a good situational pick against heroes with high armor and depends on your ability to use the spirit to buff yourself well at the right time.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  Desolator AC Moon Shard
                  He's a good situational pick against heroes with high armor and depends on your ability to use the spirit to buff yourself well at the right time.

                  :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse:


                    ^never do this if you are at least 4k+


                      now i am not the best at theory and stuff, but why is he considered NOT GOOD?



                        Maybe due to the fact that stomp is actually kinda shit?


                          only stomp? Q is shit, W is shit, R is shit. The only good thing about this hero is the aura but its still too fucking small.

                          If only his stomp was a stun or his ult wouldnt take 2 days to activate. This hero needed a rework more than PL and BS.

                            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                            Livin' Real Good

                              He needs a rework more than anyone, he's also not pleasing to look at, just a giant boring statue.


                                ^Add boobs, prob solved


                                  I have a mate whos pretty decent with him, albeit in normal skill. He has like 60% wr over 115 games or smth.


                                  lm ao


                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      Man he is good, got some nerf along the road, but he is still good and I love him, would love a buff too. If u say he is shitty is probably beacuse no one really good picked him up against you or with you


                                        I have very different view of the hero.
                                        ET is a support but a garbagely weak laner. So u need strong ranged carry to duallane with. like razor qop etc.
                                        U get 2 points in stomp and ulti only on lvl 6. If u have good game u max Spirit on lvl 7 and aura later. if u play from behind u get 1 valuepoint in spirit and max aura on lvl 8.
                                        Basically support ET is rly good lategame cause of his logn range nature, damage amplification and armor reducement. Itemwise i suggest u go with brown boots and magic wand, consumables liek wards etc have priority. If u have bad game make soulring. if u have goodgame make tranquil euls scepter. Get an early tp scroll and tp when they dive tower (towerhits do NOT wake enemy heros so they take like 200 dmg under tower before they wake up use this to your advantage, back when u could play him as offlaner u were undivable..). Focus on utility items like forcestaff, glimmer cape, vladimirs offering. gameplay wise it is all about staying back and counterinitating with spirt stomp whcih is hugely underrated and can set enemys up for failure rly hard. Make sure u get the timing right. put the spirit onto the hero of your team that gets gone on right after enemy hardcommit and start stomp. so they a) commit and do/dont get the kill then get stomped for teamwipe (potentially) b) they cant burst and get stomped (teamwipe and escape for ally nice) or c) they use an early BKB charge which makes u happy aswell.
                                        Dont pick ET lower then 4k mmr u r better of going for something else. dotn pick ET if enemy has strong early heros like undying etc. Spirit-stomp can be good to stop 5 man push lineups though. Pick ET if u have strong laning Cores and u can get away with weak lanesupport (just like omniknight or supp-abbadon). pick ET when enemy has alot of agility heros (even at 5000+ they dont deviate from their build and get AC on antimage and just meld in 4 autoattacks. its true! saw it multiple times on steam and also at my own garbage 4600 mmr games).

                                        On a sidenote: if u can get some farm it is perfectly legit to go for euls powertreads heavens halbeard vladimir bkb or something along those lines. Make sure u understand when u have to stay back and coutnerengage from range with spistomp and when its the moment to commit into the fight with your autoattacks (usually after the 1st or 2nd spirit cast). if it goes late and u look for luxury assault curiass should be always the choice unless your team already has one. shivas guard and hex also make good choices. dagon eblade for fun.



                                          shit code doesnt work anymore, RIP.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            Buy eul's. It's incredibly good coupled with tranquil boots by boosting move speed that's important for W + gives u combo with Q.
                                            Also I like glimmer and solar crest(very nice with our minus armor).
                                            Play it like support, u don't need a lot of XP. It's enough to have natural order lvl 4. Stack camps from the very beginning than gain XP when someone farms it. Don't take ulti on lvl 11. Outpush the lanes. Dont hurry with sending back your spirit in teamfights: right click damage is not so important from u(until u play against meepo) and u can make a lot of impact from a decent range, so u will not feed.
                                            i wonder that in current meta ET is forgotten, coz he can remove armor of pl, make a huge boots for ember spirit or gyro, have a combo with winter wyvern etc


                                              Et is unpickable cause this patch games almost never go rly late. he also has no hard disables for say a storm spirit. Offlane is not something u sac anymor or leech exp which was perfect role for him. now offlane must pressure enemy carry. he cant do that whatsoever. as a support he has also 0 harras / zoning potential and very littile lvl 1 kill potential. so there is rly no reason he should be in the meta.


                                                et is my favorite offlaner just get a refresher and shivas and start rape some asses


                                                  The best thing about meta players is to believe that only meta wins, consider some playes before testing, the offlane pressure is the important point you need to consider when offlaning with all king of heroes, the first itens will change depending on that.


                                                    this thread was okder than my grandma when u bumped it, and my grandma died several years ago
                                                    why would you bump this smelly corpse, dude?


                                                      how did u even find the thread 4Head

                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                        ET is quite strong this patch :)
                                                        i realized it when i played him recently
                                                        that was fun to have a 5 sec stun and also really annoying if he is on the enemy team


                                                          I think people are going about playing him incorrectly sometimes...
                                                          My build maxes spirit and aura first with only 1 level of stomp early for setups/escapes.
                                                          I've had a lot of success with him before, and this patch I think i'm 6-1 with him. (4400mmr)
                                                          playing a lot of lone druid probably helped, practicing microing the spirit and your hero is key to playing ET but I love him

                                                          Sexo Meister

                                                            ArcA/traq + soulring > dagger > refresher > aura item

                                                            In order to play a good ET u need to be really good with your positions.

                                                            Or just not play the hero cus its underpower.

                                                            ROAD TO HERALD 0




                                                                His win rate stats make me think he is super strong in pubs if you can master him. Very rare for a hero with micro to be >50%

                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                  he is insanely good with teamfights since you can just drop your ult indiscriminately along bkb'd heroes. aghs refresher shivas. spirit - stomp - ult - refresh - pull spirit - ult - spirit - stomp - march in with shivas and you already chipped off 60% hp off most of the enemy heroes. would rather pick him with a tide or enigma or magnus though.