General Discussion

General Discussion6.85 patch of imba offlaners

6.85 patch of imba offlaners in General Discussion

    Literally nearly every offlaner right now is broken. I think current offlaners make most heroes unviable. They're way too strong & icefrog needs to nerf them ASAP or we will see only 30-40 heroes picked/banned in Majors. Undying, Brood, Doom, Tusk, NS, Dark Seer, Clockwerk are way too strong.

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      How is Tusk an "imbalanced" offlaner?


        Tusk doom are, else the rest of your list aren't broken.

        And why for tusk? great initiation, great counter initiation, good burst, can scale, and fucking sigil.

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        Pale Mannie

          nothing is imbalanced in dota...
          only stupid or quite broken :)

          and its the metas fault that the offlaners seems to be broken this patch


            tusk is just a stupid hero, he has a terrain block with his q that can change fights, has immunity for liek 300 seconds and can save teammats with it....., has sigil thats impossible to kill and gives -30000 atck speed and has a crit that also happens to slow.

            saving private RTZ

              Imo tusk does everything what ES does but better.

              i wouldn't pick ES over tusk unless they have some shit which relies heavy AoE to deal with


                Offlaners have more impact than mid, carries, supports in current patch. Offlane gets powercreeped in every patch & the result is that we have very small pool of viable carries, mids, because of it.

                Matrice - do u think Brood is not imba ? You can argue about the rest of heroes I've mentioned if they're imba or not, but it's hard to do it with Brood. For me Brood is even more imba than Doom. Undying is also a retarded hero. He was even buffed...That tombstone is stronger in late game & aghs upgrade is just ridiculous if u get it early on.

                I hope we will see new patch before Majors to nerf offlane, because MLG was boring as fuck in terms of drafting & strategy. I expect huge nerfs to Doom, Undying, Brood, Tusk & minor to DS, Clock, NS.


                  brood is an offlane version of meepo
                  weird playstyle, extremely situational, might work surprisingly well if enemies do not know how this hero works or failed picks


                    ^Such a situational hero that she is first phase ban vs any team in competitive who play brood a lot. She is super hard to counter, just like Doom.


                      Guys pls tell me how you win as brood I have 0% winrate in like 8 games


                        i saw several first stage bans for brood, but not that many, and i watched quite a lot of competitive dota recently. and those were mostly respect bans, id say.
                        although i admit that atm brood is picked way more often that let's say half a year ago.

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                        Riguma Borusu

                          Drafting solo LC into safelane to counter enemy brood is very very satisfying. You have a mini echo slam every 18 seconds and you actually want the brood to stack up spiders and try to attack you or the tower, if she comes close with the spiders, just nuke everything. Of course smart and good brood players play around this a lot with clever positioning and spacing out but it makes their lives a hell.


                            I think we will be seeing a lot of Slardar to counter the brood. It worked pretty well in MLG. I think a few of these heroes are only good because of the meta and will disappear when 6.86 comes around.

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Brood is like Night Stalker, one of those heroes that are just easy to climb with, even Tusk, cause many people just can't deal with them due to shitty positioning. (they get too close, or farm too far away in dangerous areas) They punish people with bad positioning who stray off too far alone all the time. You also don't see Brood a lot, so many people can't deal with her.

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                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                Riguma Borusu

                                  With his e? What do you mean? MoC is good against Doom in lane? Normally when I go in lane I max my OO and don't get MoC until like level 8 though it might be a mistake.

                                  Miku Plays

                                    ^ lmao getting e lvl 1 against melees means u won the lane already

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Well, naturally, I am mostly solo offlane against dual/trilane so I don't do it, but in that scenario, yeah, that's good.

                                      Miku Plays

                                        dont skill anythin yet, just observe what theyre going to do. sometimes its better to skill ur press lvl1 rather than the odds

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Well, obviously. I skill shit when I need it, it's good practice in every scenario. If you're having a rough lane sometimes maxing OO is not ideal, if you want to just leech the exp but sustain the lane with soul ring you should maybe max PTA instead in order not to feed. But on the other hand, maxing OO against a strong trilane is more risky but can also reward you with actual farm, and sometimes harass setup for your support/mid to rotate and get some kills. When you get soul ring you become as annoying as dark seer is with it, they can't really kill you easily without some hard lockdown, and even at that point you have nice base strength and a good strength gain and if you play safe at all you shouldn't feed.