General Discussion

General DiscussionHeart is getting ridiculous

Heart is getting ridiculous in General Discussion
Pale Mannie

    4.75% regen wtf Icefrog why so drunk? 4% were enough already


      yet still no one buys it...

      waku waku

        i love this item on pudge and centauru pub stomper

        Pom Pom 🍕

          The regen is still disabled for 5/7 seconds when hit though. It's only good on a few heroes who can get out of fights to regen up or have a massive amount of health to regen inbetween fights.

          Pale Mannie

            i know :D but still were 4% enough to heal up after a teamfight


              Heart is crap even with 10%
              Get over it


                it makes very little difference i guess - is something like 30hp/sec extra in regen after the 5/7sec disable - there's not that many more situations where you are going to be able reengage are there?

                Pale Mannie

                  It feels so satifying when you heal up that fast with a Heart


                    pointless change

                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                        Yeah unless you are super in need of raw strength and HP (which means only a select few number of heroes) there is no real reason to ever get this over Skadi or Satanic, or even Assault Cuirass for that matter.

                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                            Would it be OP to just have a constant 50-100 HP per second regardless of hero damage, on top of the % when not taking hero damage?

                            7Mad About You

                              heart slightly get a little buff just like your crush friendzone you

                              Pale Mannie

                                Weeb is just talking weeb things dont worry