General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiant is awful now?

Radiant is awful now? in General Discussion

    So many nerfs. There's a new ramp to get to their jungle. Their jungle is now more spread out and hard to farm efficiently. Dire safelane got buffed again even though it was god tier before. You can pull Radiant camp without eating a tree. There's ANOTHER fucking juke spot on Radiant safelane, it's not like it was possible to kill offlaners there before, now they even got a hard camp they can farm whenever they damn well please. And they even lost their mid advantage — the only good lane Radiant had before. I'm pretty sure Radiant is unplayable now.


      And no more triple pulls.

      Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

        👌😭 ahshah he posted ìt again h0ly shit OP the💃AbIaZoLUTE💃MadMaN💃 IT JUSTKEeps geeting FuNniER EVERy 🍆fucking🍑⏳TIme⌛ he POSTs it haHAzhAHa 👌😭 📞 OPErATOR give mE The p👮Lice thEre's a💃 MADmaN💃maKIN 🐸MEmES🐸 in oUr MIDsT and I CAN'T bREATHe 👌😨

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Huh, so even better for people like me who have overall better winrate on dire.

          Huh I just noticed that my Radient winrate has jumped quite a lot lately, 6.85b seems to be the only patch in which I have better Radiant winrate...

          Well that's gonna change soon I guess


          Dire Wolf

            idk I have a pretty big fucking advantage on radiant so seeing it nerfed a bit might not be such a bad thing. Just this patch I'm like 68% radiant only 47% dire.

            Pale Mannie

              I love it to be on Dire. I feel so comfortable on their side

              Pale Mannie

                But im always Radiant feelsbadman