General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone else thinks Arc Warden just looks messy and stupid?

Anyone else thinks Arc Warden just looks messy and stupid? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    I mean, the guy's supposed to be above gods in terms of power/hierarchy or some fucking shit, he has that monotone deep voice and is supposed to be badass but:
    1) Looks like he has some back problems
    2) His right arm in particular is tingling, probably neurological issues, look at 1)
    3) His head is a fucking fishbowl or some shit, seriously that looks retarded
    4) His cape in combination with his fishbowl head and proportions actually makes him look funny and wonky, kinda like Lion

    I mean, what happened to this guy:

    Look at him, he's kinda v shaped, sharp and powerful looking conjurer of sorts, and then we end up with this fishbowl guy with a Microsoft Sam voice and several herniations down his spine. God damn it.

    Also, I think the picture of Arc Warden's head has become a meme of sorts.

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      he looks pretty good
      you are the one looking retarded rather than arc

      Riguma Borusu

        I don't look retarded, I just don't take care of myself so I look worse than I could. But this guy looks kinda underwhelming, the same way slardar's supposed to look like a strong and tough slithereen guard, but turns out looking like a slug that has chewed his lower mandible.


          He looks more like league of lesbians heroes (PogChampions lel) rather than dota heroes design. They probably should do a remodeling


            This is the Pitlord we want


              This is the Pitlord we get

              Pale Mannie

                I was kinda disappointed to see AW this way but we will get used to it. And this Pitlord is just the alpha model so be patient (be impatient) with him.

                Pale Mannie

                  Still less messed up than many League of lesbian PogChamps like Heimerdonger


                    He looks kinda like Mysterio. Enough so that I think they were aiming for that look.

                    Not sure why though.



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                        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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                        Livin' Real Good

                          Mysteryio is actually cooler looking than him, I hate Arc Warden, he looks pretty dumb, and all of his voice lines are pretty lame. I can't think of a single memorable thing he says, even when he spawns his lines are just weak. That's just me though, if people like him, that's cool.

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                          Pale Mannie

                            He has no rare responses and many unused...


                              Do only complain about this hero. the old version looks shit to me! seen you complain about midas granting xp from the tempest double now this.

                              waku waku

                                i think he looks fine, pudge is one of the most charismatic heroes in the game anyway


                                  i dont like it are right.....i want mean old school warcraft looks...


                                    I don't think it would have hurt to make him look closer to a Gnoll. And I do prefer the artwork version. But on the other hand it is no skin off my back.


                                      Anything is better than an undersized gnoll. lol

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        ^true that


                                          arc warden looks very similar to SD in original dota

                                          Sexo Meister

                                            Cus they want to make an alien looking hero, or they just had a riot champ designer do it :/


                                              Definitely anlien-looking hero is cooler than lizard man xD

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                Plz don't fucking pick this hero ever

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  If riot would've done AW he would be ugly and unproportional as hell

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Arc Warden was a fucking Gnoll in WC3 Dota. His model is fine, but it doesn't look "electric" like Razor does. It looks more shadowy.

                                                    waku waku

                                                      actually almost all the heroes after bristleback have had weird, simliar looks and voiceovers. abaddon, winter wyvern, terrorblade, arc warden...techies is like the only exception

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!