General Discussion

General DiscussionSeriously, what is up with Spectre?

Seriously, what is up with Spectre? in General Discussion

    She's in almost all my games in the 4k bracket and the hero is utterly ridiculous. You'll have to win early and snowball hard if you want a chance at beating her. Even then it's really easy for her to comeback with her amazing ultimate.

    Build cheap items (Aquila, Urn, Drums) -> Press R -> Prey on weak enemy supports and get kills. Rince and repeat. Almost a 60% win rate and 30% pick rate.

    Pair her with Zeus and it's a 100% win for your team. She's way worse than Invoker. I really despise this braindead hero.


      That is what usually happens, yes.

      Not in my case tho!

      Spectre and OD need a change asap

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        You could try to pull of a Badman, spam her and get to 8k ez

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            9k's where it gets a bit hard but still doable, note my sarcasm lol

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              Riguma Borusu

                I really kinda wanna spam this hero but I don't wanna play DotA atm. And I'm afraid she might be nerfed to the ground.

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                  < blank >

                    1 month until storm is back nice

                    Riguma Borusu

                      Actually, my ranked is currently lower than my actual skill, just because I've played too much unranked compared to ranked, so I can pick stupid shit and win majority of ranked games and rise either way, so it's not really necessary to spam spectre for that purpose, I just like the hero because I find you can fuck people with it. I mean, the whole "get into the middle of the fight, take damage and kill everyone by it" mechanic is just fucking golden (disregarding huge mobility, desolate and other shit), even though most games are over before you can just outright do that. But I feel like every time I've had a spectre in my team I'd just get people low enough all over the place by running at them with abaddon or something, then spectre haunts and gets 1k gold, when I pick spectre I can get 0-11 IO and 2-15 tusk who relocate into 5 people and feed and the enemy pushes high ground at 18 minutes, so I still prefer to pick something that can do more in the early game in ranked.

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                      Dire Wolf

                        I don't know if they can nerf her much though, it's the meta, it's not her so much. She hasn't received any real buffs, a slight buff to how dispersion works and desolate working on creeps but it shouldn't be enough to matter. Idk how you nerf her without wrecking her early game which is already weak.

                        yung griphook

                          I would much rather go against a spec than an OD.


                            He/She/It is too good, especially in my potato bracket. Free MMR i must say.
                            Early game all you need to do is to pull off good haunts and kill 1-2 squishy supps.
                            Mid game you've already snowballing hard, every teamfight is a bad fight for the enemy side, and more gold for you.
                            Late game its a +25 pts guarantee for you.
                            So what is the best counter against Spectre? I heard AM, Meeps and LS is good against him/her/it. But why? I've encountered them myself with spec, non change.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Ganking mids, zeus, just go blow her the fuck up before she facerolls you.

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                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  More members for the Anti-Spectre Pact I see.

                                  the realm's delight

                                    p sure sven is worse to play aginst

                                    Pale Mannie

                                      I'd play a 2 hour Techies game and lose than playing against Spectre

                                      Travis Doodles

                                        Counter her with a solo Necropos. Max heart stopper aura. Goodluck spectre spammers.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          How the hell is sven worse to play against?


                                            SPECTRE IS BALANCED COMPARED TO OD

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                                                spectre get shit on by batrider, venomancer, or any hero that deal tons of dps while slowing her

                                                but no one play those heroes so thats why shes popular


                                                  1 month till storm back? PogChamp
                                                  @Kendrick Midar thx for giving me hope

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                                                  bum farto

                                                    Spec mid is a thing keepo, level six and just fight everyone.



                                                      Invoker is the best counter for her -,-

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        ^Spectre has 58% winrate against Invoker, lategame he gets rekt anyway, like almost anyone else.

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                                                            depends on team and invoker itself

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                                                                basically a free win hero


                                                                  Kitrak : come on -,- the only 1 hero that have more than 5 skill ?, Badman's six slots spectre still lost his lategame againts him


                                                           spec doesnt have any counters. spec is love


                                                                      i see XD

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                                                                          I WON WITH THAT ACC BUEYR L;SDMF;SAFDASDK;OK ITS A MIRACLE


                                                                            holy fuick i handt realzied he was on my team until it was too late i considered giving up but i didnt GOD BLESS AMERICA

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              happy sano is best sano

                                                                              Anyway Kitrak, I once watched a 6.7k average game with some guy playing spectre, he went with a stupidly tanky build vs invoker but naturally this guy had like 26 last hits in the laning stage, he was pressed down really hard, and invoker was snowballing really hard too. However his team managed to turtle the game for about 40 minutes, and at that point he had both heart and skadi, and in one fight a lvl 25 invoker throws his combo down, then refreshes, than throws his combo again... Spectre still going strong with 1/2 of hp, proceeds to kill invoker who literally does nothing with his right clicks, invoker types GG in public chat and abandons. It was one of the most hilarious spec vs invoker fights I've seen.


                                                                                god bless SEA XD

                                                                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                    spammed spectre in normal skill before it was cool
                                                                                    getting angry any time when teammate pick spec and cannot play it properly
                                                                                    >solo Necropos
                                                                                    stout, then ring of health gg necro aura

                                                                                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                        vanguard have better winrate than urn/drums/aquila

                                                                                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                            Vanguard is the best item in the game.

                                                                                            House Cat

                                                                                              Spectre on my team: insta bet of coins cuz sure win

                                                                                              U are all dogshit

                                                                                                Underpowered hero men dunno what excitement is about really.


                                                                                                  I havent been playing much ranked, but ive found that playing offlane ursa+(tusk,omni, stunners, lich) seems to destroy her. This is versus 4-5k ppl tho.

                                                                                                  I personally think ursa might be legit counter, at least in laning and early mid game, even with dagger you cant escape lvl 2-3 slow with oov.

                                                                                                  If anyone has experience in who to offlane vs her i'd like to know, i hate it when ppl instalock her in friggin' unranked cuz they're dicks.


                                                                                                    vouch lol! hero is op a shit and makes comebacks so easy its not even funny iv just started spamming her and ture


                                                                                                      lycan is the spectre counter

                                                                                                      she cant fight you, she cant defend her towers

                                                                                                      think about it, what does her skillset do vs lycan's ult/push

                                                                                                      she doesnt have that strong of a creepclear AoE to kill off your necro units

                                                                                                      plus, lycan can jungle if needed, so you free a lane for another carry