General Discussion

General DiscussionFarming..

Farming.. in General Discussion

    Hi there..
    People say that 50+ LH in 10 mins is good for starting...I saw players with even 70 LH in 10 mins...I mean how do they get that far?
    Can someone help me i usually get 45-50 LH in 10 mins i wanna get like 55-60 how to improve on that :)

    Miku Plays

      farm neuts fast then go back to lane creeps


        Push like the world is ending, farm neutrals, rinse repeat. You'll actually need heroes (or items) which can farm neutrals, though.


          I got like 230 LH in 35 is it bad? with AM and my team was getting fked see my last game.

          DUCT TAPE

            Try farming with spectre or juggernaut

            Синячий патруль

              350-400 on am avg on 35-th. Dotonerds can do 450-500 at 35

              Pale Mannie

                While i get harassed to death and get only 20 LH in 10 mins

                Pale Mannie

                  Never freefarm for me

                  the realm's delight

                    350-400 on am avg on 35-th. Dotonerds can do 450-500 at 35


                      If you getting 45-50 lh at 10 min under pressure you're good.


                        I average around 55-60 when I have semi-contested lane with Slark, for example.

                        Free lane - 70+

                        With SF - semi contested 65-70, freelane - 80+


                          pushing out waves and farming jungle in between
                          how to get high early game cs should be the least of your concerns though, focus on learning how to win your lane first, which would provide you the space to do such things in the first place


                            well jacky mao did almost 800 in 40
                            as tb

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              will my tips it when i was farming a creep the creep waves die i go in the jungle and take the near by jungle camp.

                              Dire Wolf

                                50 is kind of like a benchmark for a contested lane, it's not actually that good for free farm. Something like 74 is the max at 10 mins if you get every cs off every creep wave and don't do any neutrals.


                                  Thanks guys!


                                    i think the only way to get ~70 last hits in free farm lane like pros do you need to keep creep equilibrium going , if you fuck that up you gonna miss some under your tower or under enemies tower

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      And how to do that? @phantom :p


                                        Oh I get you now :)


                                          you need to deny creeps and also know when you should stop denying, idk its pretty hard to do imo


                                            ^yeh thats why ure normal skill


                                              Hahahhah @sorcery savage


                                                its really easy to do man, this is the first thing u should learn if you want to get mmr playing a carry pos


                                                  and if its only one offlaner and u have support(s) you should aim form like 60+ cs and some kills maybe


                                                    @ sorcery

                                                    7688 hours invested into dota yet you just another random 5k pub player that no one cares about

                                                    it not hard to deny but keeping it stable always near your side of a tower whole 10 min is not that easy,

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      It kinda depends on the lane & match up. It's easier to get farm in safe lane, most of the time. If you play SF it's even possible to get around 100lh in 10. Flash farming is not always the way to go - sometimes it's better to pressure the enemy than farming as fast as possible. 70lh in 10min is rarely from mid, but kinda standard for safe lane. For mid most of the time you want to have around 60 if semi-contested. Around 50 if contested & ganked. Tbh last hits are not as important as few patches ago. It doesn't matter much if u miss some last hits in lane as long as ur decision making is good.


                                                        You got to farm neutrals after you clear your lane's creepwave so you get 3-5 additional last hits every minute. It doesnt sound much, but it makes a BIG difference. If you're really good you can actually get around 100 last hits at 10 min.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          The difference between 50 and 100 last hits is actually 2000 gold which is almost a whole blink, midas, sange or yasha, or whatever you build, it's really huge. If you don't die in the first ten minutes, you'll get 10*100 = 1000 gold from simply surviving and if you get 100 last hits that's 100*40(that's how much gold an average creep gives, lane and jungle taken into an account) = 4000 which adds up to 5000. If you're sitting at 5k net worth 10 minutes into the game and their safelane carry has only half that, that's freaking huge, whether you're a type of carry that buys a few core items and goes and kills everyone (like CK, LS, etc) or someone who mostly gets accelerated farm from the good laning stage (AM).

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                            In the first 10 mins there are 80 potential lane creeps to lasthit, so if u get total freefarm youll get like 70+ if youre good at csing, 60+ is ok if ur supports keep pulling under the fuckign tower

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              You can actually farm the jungle while freefarming the lane, it's technically feasible to farm either small camp or big camp, or in some cases both, while still getting all he lane creeps, practice this in a lobby or against passive bots.


                                                                @Phantom Lannister gg wp u rektED him bruh


                                                                  Can u pls explain how you pull that stunt off ? How do u farm at the 6th minute big creep camp, while not loosing any of lane creeps ? With what items ffs?

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    yeah it is over 80, you get every 30 seconds, starting at 0, so not include the wave that spawns at 10 mins cus it won't have ran to you by then, that's 20 waves, they have 4 creeps at that time so that's 80 creeps, but you should have gotten two sieges in there as well so 82 is max I believe. Sieges should be at 3 mins and 6:30. Guess I counted wrong before.

                                                                    And some heroes cs just fine under tower but they are mostly melee with qb and high base dmg like sven, ck, wk. Jug does ok sometimes. Gl trying to cs under your tower on sniper or medusa jesus. Rush phase asap.