General Discussion

General DiscussionStarting a 2k mmr team for ranked game play!

Starting a 2k mmr team for ranked game play! in General Discussion

    Need a mid, support, jungler/support, offlaner. Play in US east want active people that can work together and must have a MIC! Trying to get out of the trench. Road to 4k

    Steam profile:

    Party mmr:

    Solo mmr:

    Top 3 heroes:

    Anything else you think I should know:


      Meepo Tinker and Shadow Shaman

      Dont judge my trashy party mmr i only just finished the 10 dertermination games, i have about 700 hours in the game and i am a very flexible person willing to play almost any hero. would love 2 play with a 5 man squad and i am a social person. im online a lot on the weekends. during the weekdays im on five to 9 pm. excuse my grammer

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Hot Damn, Clarice

        2120 solo 2075 party

        Dazzle, AA, Sand King are probably my best.

        I am interested in playing with a full stack. I will be able to play most evenings. Also I have a very nice courier that is a bear so you don't have to worry about having a bad courier.

        Bad Intentions

          ^lol damnn mann, dats a gud one :D u guise cant be having ugly couriers, its bad luck :D



            solo: 2400

            party: 1700

            Mid: QoP, SF, OD




              Support: earth sprit, earth spirit, earth spirit


                party:2100* sorry typo

                PAPI MARCO

                  solo: 2199
                  party: 2337
                  support: chen, visage, enchantress


                    Steam profile:
                    Party mmr: 3220
                    Solo mmr: 4011
                    Top 3 heroes: Invoker, Templar Assasin,Magnus
                    I can play any hero, any role .... anything

                    Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                      Steam profile:
                      Party mmr: TBD (3 games remaining)
                      Solo mmr: 2092
                      Top 3 heroes: Omniknight, Dazzle and Naga Siren.
                      I am hard support. I have Genuine Shagbark the Plush (courier) xd

                      plz do

                        u all gonna drop and then be salty and never play again w each other.
                        thank me in advance anyways

                        Optimus Drip

                          i wonder if you accept techies mains


                            Steam profile:

                            Party mmr: 2784

                            Solo mmr: 1987

                            Top 3 heroes: invoker sf TA

                            Anything else you think I should know: im gay


                              Steam Profile:

                              Solo mmr: 2097

                              Party mmr: not calibrated

                              Top 3 heroes: Faceless void, Vengeful Spirit, Luna

                              Although only one of those is a support, i prefer playing support in a coordinated setting so id play more Vengeful spirit, dazzle, bounty, cm, etc in a team setting.


                                I sent friend requests to most of you so far lets get a couple games going and see how we do!!


                                  Steam Profile:
                                  Solo MMR : 3687
                                  Party MMR: 3125
                                  Top 3 Heroes: Windranger, Pudge, Pugna
                                  Anything else you should know: I'm on cancer(SEA) server


                                    op is searching for 2ks and like the cancerious SEA player you are ur posting 3.6k mmr either ur dyslexic or the people in SEA are really this retarded


                                      stream pl0x